Re: Jakarta-Tomcat 4.01 startup problem

2001-12-04 Thread Alec Bickerton


You need to use 

service tomcat4 start | stop

I had the same problem using the rpm.

30/11/2001 03:23:55, Kenneth Fung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To who it may concern,

I have installed jakarta-tomcat 4.01 RPM on My Redhat Linux 7.0.
However, there is no *.sh files as described in Tomcat documentation,
so I download the ZIP version and extract *.sh files and additional
/webapps for startup. I found even I have setup environment variables
such as JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME, they seems to have no effect on when it want to search the path as described in the file. At
the end I add the variables settings manually in the file.
When everything is ok( JDK1.3.1 also been installed), I typed:
and there is only a message of memory allocation error left, then
nothing else...
The only successful way is that:
   $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ debug
I can find the index page in URL: http://localhost:8180
Is there any problem with the file?
How can I use it as a daemon?

Look forward to your message!
Best regards!


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HELP assigning a logger object to a context PLUS WEBAPP WOES

2001-11-28 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi all,

Current Setup

PIII 550- 256 MB

Linux RH 7.2
Sun j2ee JDK 1.3.1_01
Tomcat 4.0.1(From rpm)
Apache 1.3.2(Pre-Installed)
mod_webapp  (compiled from source)

Webapps directory is on a seperate physical device, is mounted and is accessable from 

I can assign a logger object to a contect in server.xml when tomcat is stopped and 
this works OK. 

When I install a new context, if I want to provide a logger for it, where do I put the 
definition. (I don;t want to be restarting tomcat everytime I install a new context, I 
would defeat 
the point of the manager app.) 


I still cannot install web applications from .WAR files, following the instuction in 
the docs. 
either the default (examples.war )  or any that I create using JBuilder 5, I still get 
the error that on of the files is missing.

Question : Has anyone else had this problem ? 

...and if so 

Question : how did you get around it?

Any help with this would be gratly appreciated, (You never know I may write an idiots 
guide to using Tomcat4...)

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RE: mod_webapp/Tomcat4 ready for production level stuff?

2001-11-28 Thread Alec Bickerton


I currently work in an ISP, we are using Tomcat exclusively to handle ALL our JSP / 
Servlet  EJB apps, we have never seen an outage due to tomcat, and the performace 
has never given us reason to be concerned.
TC4 is currently being used to provide B2B services to clients on a fairly small 
scale, however the server loads indicate that scaling would not present any 
significant problems.

(No complaints yet)

The TC4 architecture seems to be more flexible than previous releases.


I have been migrating some of our systems to tomcat4 from tc3 and have come across a 
few teething problems.
I'm sure these will be worked out in few maintenance releases, It's a case of suck it 
and see.

28/11/2001 14:47:26, Carl Boudreau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm involved in developing a large B2B web application.  I'd like to know
what you end up doing, Web logic's price seems to be way to high to ask a
customer to purchase it.  We are looking at open source too.


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2001-11-27 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi all,

Still having the proble where TC4 refuses to install a WAR file, claiming file does 
not exist, 
The manager app reports the file does not exit.
however when I login as Tomcat4 and extract the file using : jar xf myapp.war

the directory gets created and I can install fine.

How can I make TC4 do this itself?

(Do I need the webapps parent dir in the WAR file ? ) 

My apologies if my Tabs don't show up correctly.


Should it be built as I am using below 
|   |
|   lib/
|   web.xml


As above.
I'm having a problem with mod_webapp, I can access the servlet without any problem 
using {server}:8180/logserver/process
{DATA} As a HTTP POST request.

When I try it using mod_webapp I get Internal server error


This doesnt happen using HTTP GET?  is this a bug in mod_webapp or I am simpley using 
it wrong

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HELP NEEDED :Installing JBuilder 5 generated WAR files

2001-11-26 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi all,

I'm having a problem when I try to install a web app on Tomcat 4.0.1, the file was 
produced by Jbuilder 5. 
I can install apps ok when not in a .WAR file.

It's a simple servlet that returns the current time, The war file appears to be OK. 

It contains the following:


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN;
  descriptionUsed to test tomcat installation /description
  distributable /


When I try 


I get the following exception

FAIL - Encountered exception 
/var/tomcat4/webapps/timservlet/WEB-INF/classes/timservlet/GetTime.class (No such file 

Tomcat 4.0.1 is running as user Tomcat4 in group Tomcat4, the War file is also owned 
by tomcat4 and in group tomcat4.

Any suggestions as to how I can get my servlet installed. 

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WAR files (URGENT)

2001-11-26 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi all,

Can someone plz tell me how to install a web app packaged as a WAR file on tomcat 
4.0.1 ?

I've tried following the instructions in tomcat-docs but when I try them I get a file 
not foud exception even though all the file in question is in the 
war file. (With the correct path).

I would appreciate any help as This is starting to drive me nuts.

thanks in advance 


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Re: WAR files (URGENT)

2001-11-26 Thread Alec Bickerton

26/11/2001 16:07:53, keiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you clarify this.

I have just tried the following...

1- remove the war file from the webapp dir 
2- recreate the war file @jar cvf timeservlet.war *
3atry to intall using manager app from current location /var/tomcat4/, 
same error : FAIL - Encountered exception 
(No such file or directory)


3b try to install on /var/tomcat/webapps/ 

Same result.

What am I doing wrong...

common error is the war file is placed in webapps directory but is not
created there.  jar cf myapp.war myapp from webapp dir is wrong,
jar cf myapp.war * from your application directory, then move the war
file up to webapp directory.

Alec Bickerton wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can someone plz tell me how to install a web app packaged as a WAR file on tomcat 
4.0.1 ?
 I've tried following the instructions in tomcat-docs but when I try them I get a 
file not foud exception even though all the file in question is 
in the
 war file. (With the correct path).
 I would appreciate any help as This is starting to drive me nuts.
 thanks in advance
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Keith Simpson
Skillview Technologies

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Tomcat 4.0.1 webapp deplyment problem

2001-11-23 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi, all

I am experiencing two problems ,


I'm trying to deploy a webapp using a WAR file, when I try /manager/install ...  I 
have put the .war file in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
Why doesn't this unpack automatically?

I get a file not found exception, any Ideas, if I create the directory 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ispadmin/  and change the ownership to tomcat4 manager say its 
installed but nothing is actually installed.

Engine name=Standalone debug=0 
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger prefix=catalina_ 
suffix=.log timestamp=true/
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /

  Host debug=0 appBase=webapps 
unpackWARs=true -- Surely this should work.

Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve directory=logs  
prefix=access_ suffix=.log pattern=common/
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger directory=logs  
prefix=localhost_ suffix=log. timestamp=true/
Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=0/
Context path=/manager docBase=manager debug=0 privileged=true/
Context path=/logserver docBase=logserver debug=0 reloadable=true
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
prefix=logserver_ suffix=.log timestamp=true/

The second problem concerns the webapp module.

The webapp works OK if I access its as

However if I try  I get webapp not deployed (404 )

in Http.conf...
WebAppConnection conn warp
WebAppDeploy logserver conn /logserver

What am I doing wrong??

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Re: Tomcat 4.0.1 webapp deplyment problem

2001-11-23 Thread Alec Bickerton

Thanks, the problem was due to me starting httpd before tomcat doh!

Any Ideas about my .war file problem

ie. the fil;e does not unpack, if I ceated the context dir manually TC manager say 
installed but no files unpacked under the context.

23/11/2001 15:02:23, Alessandro Staltari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However if I try  I get webapp not
deployed (404 )

Did you try to restart Apache? If Jakarta were not yet ready when Apache
started, mod_webapp returns this error. This is the reason I'm switching to
proxy connector.

Alessadro Staltari

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Re: Starting Tomcat 4.0.1 on Linux (RH 7.2)

2001-11-22 Thread Alec Bickerton

21/11/2001 20:38:37, John  Valerie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm glad to have been of some help. 
In response to your question:

In order to start any service under linux you must be logged in as root, however, when 
you start tomcat it sudo's itself to whatever user id you set 
upo in /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf.

I run it as user: tomcat4 and group : sys
Although you don't need to set the group to sys I find it helps, best perhaps to leave 
it set to tomcat4.

Hope this helps.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the World to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.


Thanks for your helpful response.  I had not found this in any other

I have gotten Tomcat to run now on my Linux server.  The /var/tomcat4
directory that was created on installation had root as owner and group.  I
had to change the group for the /var/tomcat4/logs directory to get it to
run.  I was surprised that the tomcat4 directory wasn't created with tomcat4
as the group at least.  Should /var/tomcat4 be owned or grouped by tomcat4?

My other question is that I have to start tomcat as root (I log in as myself
and su).  I tried to run it as myself, it asks me for a password, I put in
my root password and then it tells me wrong password.  Do you have to run
tomcat as root?  Is this password some kind of tomcat4 password?

Thanks again for your help,

- Original Message -
From: Alec Bickerton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: Starting Tomcat 4.0.1 on Linux (RH 7.2)

 21/11/2001 14:15:39, John  Valerie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I am running TC 4.01 on RH 7.2, it was installed from rpm, hence no shell
scripts in $CATALINA_HOME/bin, just bootstrap.jar
 Tomcat can be controlled easily enough using service Tomcat4 start | stop
| restart

 Small gripe with the rpm distro tho.
 Where are the webapps ? I had to D/L the binary distro to get these.

 One small question and I know Its been asked many times before but I'm
looking for a quick fix.

 I want to be able to access tomcat without having to put the port number
in, apache 1.3.22 is also running on the soame box and I know I can
 use WARP.

 Question is

 whats the syntax to map the logserver context to an apache context.

 http://{Server}.com:8180/logging/process  (Calling tomcat directly)

 this calls the servlet process in  the logserver context

 What I want to be able to do is this

 I've tried

WebAppConnection conn warp {Server}:8008
WebAppDeploy log conn /logserver/process but this doesn't work

 Thank you Allen.  I'm beginning to think I have a bad distribution - I
 find any files that look like and  I think I will
 remove and download again.  I must have missed something.
 - Original Message -
 From: Allan Kamau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:12 AM
 Subject: Re: Starting Tomcat 4.0.1 on Linux (RH 7.2)
  Hi John and Valerie,
  Tomcat4.0.1 like the Tomcat distributions before it
  comes with and other executable script
  files as standard.
  This files are stored under the $CATALINA_HOME/bin
  Incase you get problems running, you should
  first set the $CATALINA_HOME varible in you linux
  startup scripts (I use the '/etc/profile' file) also
  you will need to set the $JAVA_HOME environmental
  variable which you can do in the same file. If you are
  unsure how to do this open the '/etc/profile' file and
  see how the other environmental variables are been
  declared and assigned values.
  You may then need to logoff and logon just to have the
  '/etc/profile' file executed.Then at the command
  prompt just type #$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
  to stop #$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
  Incase of difficulties refer to the documents included
  in the distribution.
  Allan Kamau.
  1712hrs November 21, 2001
  Nairobi Kenya.
  --- John  Valerie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I've just installed Tomcat on my Linux box.
   Couldn't find a or to start
   it with.  Tried starting it with the tomcat4 script
   but got an error when trying to create
   /var/tomcat4/logs/catalina.out.  Not sure if I'm
   using the right script or the script needs to
   corrected.  I found it strange that I didn't find a or something similar in the distribution.
   Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Starting Tomcat 4.0.1 on Linux (RH 7.2)

2001-11-21 Thread Alec Bickerton

21/11/2001 14:15:39, John  Valerie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am running TC 4.01 on RH 7.2, it was installed from rpm, hence no shell scripts in 
$CATALINA_HOME/bin, just bootstrap.jar
Tomcat can be controlled easily enough using service Tomcat4 start | stop | restart

Small gripe with the rpm distro tho.
Where are the webapps ? I had to D/L the binary distro to get these.

One small question and I know Its been asked many times before but I'm looking for a 
quick fix.

I want to be able to access tomcat without having to put the port number in, apache 
1.3.22 is also running on the soame box and I know I can 
use WARP.

Question is 

whats the syntax to map the logserver context to an apache context.

http://{Server}.com:8180/logging/process  (Calling tomcat directly)

this calls the servlet process in  the logserver context

What I want to be able to do is this

I've tried 

   WebAppConnection conn warp {Server}:8008
   WebAppDeploy log conn /logserver/process but this doesn't work

Thank you Allen.  I'm beginning to think I have a bad distribution - I can't
find any files that look like and  I think I will
remove and download again.  I must have missed something.


- Original Message -
From: Allan Kamau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Starting Tomcat 4.0.1 on Linux (RH 7.2)

 Hi John and Valerie,
 Tomcat4.0.1 like the Tomcat distributions before it
 comes with and other executable script
 files as standard.
 This files are stored under the $CATALINA_HOME/bin
 Incase you get problems running, you should
 first set the $CATALINA_HOME varible in you linux
 startup scripts (I use the '/etc/profile' file) also
 you will need to set the $JAVA_HOME environmental
 variable which you can do in the same file. If you are
 unsure how to do this open the '/etc/profile' file and
 see how the other environmental variables are been
 declared and assigned values.
 You may then need to logoff and logon just to have the
 '/etc/profile' file executed.Then at the command
 prompt just type #$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
 to stop #$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
 Incase of difficulties refer to the documents included
 in the distribution.

 Allan Kamau.
 1712hrs November 21, 2001
 Nairobi Kenya.

 --- John  Valerie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've just installed Tomcat on my Linux box.
  Couldn't find a or to start
  it with.  Tried starting it with the tomcat4 script
  but got an error when trying to create
  /var/tomcat4/logs/catalina.out.  Not sure if I'm
  using the right script or the script needs to
  corrected.  I found it strange that I didn't find a or something similar in the distribution.
  Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

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 Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

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New tomcat user questions

2001-11-19 Thread Alec Bickerton

Hi all,

I'm running Tomcat 4.01 on Redhat 7.2 installed on an intel box. 

What I need to know is this: - I have recently moved a Servlet from another machine 
running tomcat 3.2.3. (Redhat 7.1)

Tomcat 3.2.3 directory structure is as below, the servlet works without any issues. 

$TOMCAT_HOME/lib/   - ...
- com.opal.isp.generic.jar
- poolman.jar
- poolman.xml

$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/server/- build.xml
WEB-INF/- web.xml
- lib/  - 
com.opal.isp.logginserver.jar - jar file containing the servlet 

Under tomcat 4 

The directory is duplicated and the server wide libraries are put into the /lib 
tomcat4 throws the following and causes the tomcat to stop.

at com.codestudio.util.SQLManager.assertLoaded(
at com.codestudio.util.SQLManager.requestConnection(
at com.codestudio.sql.PoolMan.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at com.opal.isp.db.DBManager.connect(
at com.opal.isp.db.DBManager.executeSelectQuery(
at com.opal.isp.logging.Updater.updateCUST(
at com.opal.isp.logging.Updater.refresh(

This indicates that the config file couldn't be found.

QUESTION: Can  anyone suggest a reason as to why this is happening, even tho this 
works under 3.2.3 ?
QUESTION: What would I need  to do to make poolman.xml visible to all webapps ?

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Re: New tomcat user questions

2001-11-19 Thread Alec Bickerton

19/11/2001 10:16:45, Tom Oinn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alec Bickerton wrote:


 This indicates that the config file couldn't be found.
 QUESTION: Can  anyone suggest a reason as to why this is happening, even tho this 
works under 3.2.3 ?
 QUESTION: What would I need  to do to make poolman.xml visible to all webapps ?

The most common reason we've found for this error is that tomcat4 is
much more picky about the ordering of elements within web.xml. This can
mean that it will quietly not set any of your servlet configuration - do
you have a parameter in the web.xml saying where to find your xml file
perhaps? Take a look in the catalina.out logfile, it would tell you
whether this is happening (you'll get complaints about an invalid
web.xml file)

Tomcat appears to be setting the variables in web.xml, I can call the servlet from a 
browser by its mapping in web.xml. There are no other any 
errors in catalina.out apart from the exception below.

Let me clarify
The poolman.xml file is the configuration file for one of my libraries ,(poolman.jar)
poolman.jar is calls poolman.xml (Supposed to be anywhere on the classpath)
As I said before this works on 3.2.3 

To make a file visible to all webapps should just be a question of
telling the other webapps where on the file system the xml file is
located surely? If you're accessing through HTTP you could set up a
dummy context with access restricted to localhost that contains your
configuration files.

Hope this helps,

Tom Oinn

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