
We have a number of web applications running under the same domain name, on
different ports. Each application runs under a separate Apache (1.3.14) and
Tomcat (4.0.6) instance. Due to functional requirements, these applications
call each other, opening up new browser windows to move the user from one
application to the other.

Our problem is this: When one of these applications creates a session it
sends the client a cookie called JSESSIONID with the session ID. When this
application redirects the user to a second application, if the second
application also establishes a session, it sends another cookie, also
called JSESSIONID, which invalidates the session established with the first

We know that we can?t change the name of the cookie (its part of the
Servlet specification). We understand that its a problem with how IE
identifies cookies (we do not have the problem with Netscape, which
identifies cookies with hostname:port), and we do not have the problem with
the app server JServ, which identifies the session tracking cookie with the
string JServSessionID+<name of servlet zone>. However, we need to allow
browsing with IE, and we also want to move up to Tomcat, or at least to a
J2EE compliant app server.

Any ideas? (Hopefully its just a trivial config parameter, in Apache or
Tomcat which we are not setting right)

Thanks in advance.

Saludos, Antonio Manuel López Pérez
IBM Global Services España

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