I am running Windows XP with Tomcat 5.0.28 JDK 1.4.2_03.

I can tomcat using the JVM debug options just fine when I execute
catalina.bat on the command line (call Catalina.bat jpda start).  I have set
the following environmental variables:


However, I can't get tomcat to run with the JVM debug options when using
Tomcat Monitor.  As a matter of convenience I prefer Tomcat monitor and
would like to get it running using this tool.

When I add the "jpda" argument in the arguments input box on the Startup tab
("jpda start") - tomcat will not start up.  After clicking the start button
the "Apache Service Manager" window opens for a few seconds and then closes.
Tomcat will generate logs for stderr, stdout and Jakarta_service.  However,
they are all empty.

I am sure I am making a silly mistake in how I am feeding the Bootstrap
class the args.  Any suggestions?


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