2004-01-15 Thread Carlos Pereira
 no, I'm not returning anything from the servlet.
It's not returning anything! You must return after using sendRedirect,
otherwise your servlet will continue running. That's probably the problem,
as it redirects you to another page, but continues it's execution. Try

Carlos Pereira

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servlet mappings

2003-12-16 Thread Carlos Pereira
Yes there any way i can programatically find out the servlet mappings
defined in web.xml?
Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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Re: xhtml and Internet Explorer

2003-10-30 Thread Carlos Pereira
 That's because IE ignores the Content-Type header and just looks at the
 first few bytes of the file to decide how to display it. What a POS.
(Christopher Schultz)

IE works like this: in the first call to a web page, it checks the
Content-Type and displays the web page accordingly. Next time you request
the same page, it ignores the Content-Type.

  I know that this issue came up before on this
  list, but the solution suggested previously
  (adding a page directive with the content type)
  does not work.
(Marius Scurtescu)

So, do the following:
1. You have to make sure IE is foing to display the most recent page. You
can do this by either adding a pragma/no-cache header, or go to (in IE):
tools/internet options/temporary internet files/settings and, under check
for newer versions of stored pages, select the every visit to the page
option. When you are developing, this last thing should ALWAYS be done.
Otherwise, you might be getting IE cached versions of the web page and
asking yourself why the changes aren't working.
2. Force IE to read the Content-Type again. Simply shut down the browser,
and request your xhtml page to see if it works.

Hope that helps.
Carlos Pereira

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Re: Factory methods.

2003-10-29 Thread Carlos Pereira
  Factory is a design pattern. Design patterns are ways of designing
objects that are typical and have been used before, and thus can be reused
(note: reuse of the design, not the source code). Have you ever heard about
the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, for instance?
  You'll find design patterns in lots of APIs, so knowing about them helps
you understand things better. Probably, you have come across more design
patterns without even knowing.
  If you want to know more about design patterns, just google for it. Or try and find a book about design patterns there; it
starts with the basics.

Carlos Pereira

- Original Message -
From: anunay ashish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: Factory methods.

 Why are some methods called factory methods?
 e.g. prepareStatement() in java.sql.PreparedStatement

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Re: JDBC Connection question

2003-10-23 Thread Carlos Pereira
 Which server do you use?  Weblogic, Websphere, ...
 support connection pooling.
(Caroline Jen)

 Oracle 9iAS Supports DataSources with pooling as well.
(Wade Chandler)

Thats not the issue. Whatever server i use, i'll have to deploy the
application somewhere. My company does not have any servers, so we have to
use an outside server. Won't the need to configure server.xml (or something
similar) give me any troubles? Why isn't it possible to configure connection
pooling through web.xml?

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Re: JDBC Connection question

2003-10-22 Thread Carlos Pereira
 You can only run one transaction per connection.
 Also, your DBMS may support a limited number of threads per connection.
(Wade Chandler)
Ok. So, using one connection for the whole application is out of question. My other 
alternatives are connection pooling and using one connection per user.

The server is supposed to have between 300/1000 people online at a time. I'm sure my 
question is very basic, but i want to know: what does it mean to have 1000 concurrent 
connections to the database (lets forget the dbms connection limit, just performance)?

 Please use a connection pool.  For Instruction:
(Caroline Jen)
I read it all. Connection pooling looks like the solution for all my problems. But, i 
had to configure server.xml to put it working. What about when i have to deploy the 
application? And if the server is NOT Tomcat, will it support connection pooling? 

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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RE: Request, response and session.

2003-10-22 Thread Carlos Pereira
 JSP is built on top of Servlets. JSP pages are actually transformed into servlets. 
So, if you're serious about starting to program in JSP, i would recommend that you 
learn the basics of servlets before jumping into JSP. is the Java Servlet Documentation page 
and should have everything you need.

Starting out with Servlet Essentials is a good bet; it covers the very basics and 
you will learn very fast. Including the equivalent to Request and Response, and 

Carlos Pereira

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RE: File writing performance

2003-10-22 Thread Carlos Pereira
 The main problem with performance comes from your source code.  You are
 reading 1 byte at a time then writing 1 byte at a time.  Use a buffered
 input stream, and also use a buffered output stream
(Wade Chandler)

 Really efficient values are FS blocksize (linux defaults to 4096b).

 (Have a look at the source of the DefaultServlet)
(Ralph Einfeldt)

 Ok, I'll use a 4096b long buffer. The code i posted was just a test; it worked, now 
i'll go for performance tuning. My doubt was if it would be slower that the processing 
that the default servlet does. After watching it's source i guess it will even be 
quicker, because it doesn't need so many tests.

 There is another problem: Are you shure that flash is using 
 a simple download and won't use things from http 1.1 like 
 byte range requests (and won't do it in the next version).
(Ralph Einfeldt)
 I don't understand what you are talking about. SWF files work just like java applets; 
they are downloaded, the flash player is started and runs the SWF file (much like the 
java plugin). I really don't know anything about byte range requests. According to 
this behaviour, do you think there might be any problem?

 I've searched the SWF file format specification, macromedia's developer center and 
Flash's help files. They don't have any reference to that either.
 I tried an example and it worked fine, with no problems at all. But, i want to make 
sure i don't need to worry about this...

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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RE: File writing performance

2003-10-22 Thread Carlos Pereira
 I don't know how it is with SWF files. But other technologies like 
 PDF work with byte range requests to start the display of the 
 first page before the full dokument is there.
(Ralph Einfeldt)

Oops! Flash does show frames as they come in, before the whole swf file is 

 My remark was just a warning, that something like that can
(Ralph Einfeldt)

Yes, and i don't know anything about that, so i must be careful.
What is the consequence, if flash uses byte range requests and i simply write the file 
to the output stream?

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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JDBC Connection question

2003-10-21 Thread Carlos Pereira
Hi list,
my application currently uses ONE connection object to communicate with the database. 
The connection is set with an initializer servlet (load_on_stratup=0), and all users 
use that connection to retrieve data.

 Is this the best approach, or should i create a connection per user? Why? Where can i 
know more?

 The security system works on top of the database, so that's not a problem. I'm more 
concerned with performance and concurrency.

Regards and thanks,
Carlos Pereira

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File writing performance

2003-10-21 Thread Carlos Pereira
I want to make a servlet which catches all accesses to *.swf files (with a mapping) 
and only retrieves them if the permissions for the user allow it.
That can be done simply with:

// check user permissions and redirect to error page if needed
// else:
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
int b = -1;
while((b = != -1) {

My question: is this approach more expensive than simply retrieving the file? If so, 
is it significative?

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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RE: shared/classes folder

2003-10-15 Thread Carlos Pereira
 In order to share objects between webapps, you need a common
 repository.  This is what shared/classes or shared/lib is for in tomcat,
 and that's why there's only one copy there.  This is correct behavior.
(Yoav Shapira)
Oh. I didn't know about that. Are there any docs about this? I'd like to see more.

 Personally, I'd suggest you put everything under 
 WEB-INF to keep your webapp self-contained and portable
(Yoav Shapira)
Self-containment is absolutely required, because the apps are to be deployed in 
different servers (therefore making the shared/classes folder unusable).

 Anything you need to exchange with
 outside apps can be done in a variety of other ways, e.g. XML documents,
 pinging URLs, JMS messages...
(Yoav Shapira)
I'm using XML. I don't know JMS messages, but i'm glad you mentioned it, i'll see 

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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shared/classes folder

2003-10-14 Thread Carlos Pereira
 I'm developing a set of applications which need to exchange objects and are to be 
deployed in different servers. During development, i use just one server, and put all 
the common packages under the tomcat/shared/classes folder.
 All applications have their own memory space, so if i use an object (like a static 
class) in one application, it is different from the same class in another application. 
But, for classes under tomcat/shared/classes, the objects are the same! That is, 
classes are loaded into the same memory space.
 Is this behavior correct? It doesn't seem logical...
 If so, is there any way i can prevent this?

 Best regards,
 Carlos Pereira

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Re: error-page directive

2003-10-09 Thread Carlos Pereira
 Which versions of IE is that applicable to?
(Graham Reeds)

Sorry for the delay. IE v 6.0.2600
Carlos Pereira

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Re: error-page directive

2003-10-06 Thread Carlos Pereira
 I recall there was an issue with some version of IE: it had
 a feature: if the error page is less then x bytes then IE showes
 its ugly default error page. But if the error page is large
 enough (in terms of bytes) then it showes that.
(Anton Tagunov)

You are right! IE shows its default error page if the messages has 341 chars or less. 
From 342 chars up, it shows the received data.
Thanks! My problem is solved.

 Please let us know if this works. If it does it is worth
 adding to the faq.
I agree. Explaining IE's behaviour should clarify all. By the way, Netscape doesn't do 

Best regards,
Carlos Pereira

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error-page directive

2003-10-03 Thread Carlos Pereira
 I am using Tomcat 4.1.24 in Windows XP and I cannot define an error page. I have 
defined it in web.xml as


and none of them works. The page displayed is Tomcat's default error page. The 
error-page tag seems to be simply ignored, as no errors are found in the application 
 If I use 


and throw an exception, like RuntimeException, IE shows it's default Error 500 - 
Internal Server Error page.

 I tried to put errorpage.html both in the server's root and the application's context 
root. It doesn't work.

 I tried switching the location for a servlet mapping, like /error. It doesn´t work.

 I upgraded Tomcat to 5.0.12. The result is the same.

 So, what's the problem?

 Carlos Pereira

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RE: error-page directive

2003-10-03 Thread Carlos Pereira
 You may also have to disable Show Friendly Error Pages (or something
 similar) in Internet Explorer's Internet Options pages.
(Yoav Shapira)

Thanks. That worked fine, with both error-code and exception-type. It is not the best 
solution, though... users have to change their configuration. Isn't there another 

 If this is a cut'n'paste job from your web.xml page then the problem is you
 have defined a .hmtl and not .html file.
(Graham Reeds)

No, it wasn't cut'n'paste. Sorry about that...
Carlos Pereira

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RE: error-page directive

2003-10-03 Thread Carlos Pereira
 Instead of worrying so much about the appearance of your custom error
 pages, try to code your app not to get as many errors ;)
(Yoav Shapira)

Nice one there :)
I do, but i wanted to make sure no error message with stack traces is sent to the 
user. And I use RuntimeExceptions for those impossible situations, which end up 
Thanks again,
Carlos Pereira

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