R: Tomcat,Apache,Linux,Oracle 8i,JDBC connectivity

2001-02-20 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

Also connection strategy should be considered (db connection persistence and
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Tomcat,Apache,Linux,Oracle 8i,JDBC connectivity

 Using Apache 1.3.12; Tomcat 3.1 ; redhat linux 6.1; oracle 8i
 has anybody tried connecting to the oracle database with jdbc using jsp?

 Is it possible to work on these combinations.
 What are the pros and cons of this combination.
 We are going for the deployment of this configuration for a portal
 handling huge data and the users, so could you please give some valuable
 suggestions on this.
 Prem M
 Infiniti Infotech India Ltd
 Phone work: 91-080-5350805/5350521/5350512-14

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R: mod_jk now working on Mandrake 7.2...

2001-02-19 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

And then it moves!
...wonder why there is a RPM version, a binary distribution...going to look
what is different...
Thank you, Adam!
- Original Message -
From: Adam Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: mod_jk now working on Mandrake 7.2...

 Hi all!

 8o) he he *happy bunny mode*

 I managed to get mod_jk working on Mandrake 7.2.

 All I needed to do was recompile the source for mod_jk! Here's what you
 to do, I will also make this available at http://willow.cc.edu/adminguide

 1) Download tomcat source code bundle from jakarta.apache.org(link on
 2) unzip into a directory of your choice
 3) change directory to
 4) copy the Makefile.linux to makefile
 5) do "make"
 6) copy the generated mod_jk.so file into you httpd/libexec folder(of
 /etc/httpd/modules folder on Mandrake or the dll file to wherever in
 7) shutdown tomcat, then apache
 8) start tomcat THEN apache
 9) goto http://SERVER_NAME/examples or wherever you put it and check out

 That's it.

 NB the directory names will vary according to which versions of
 tomcat/apache(or IIS 8o) you are using.

 I'm not sure how to get it compiled in windows - there is a MS developer
 studio .dsp project file there, try opening it and doing a make or

 So basically thats it! Do note, however, that it wasn't a confiuration
 problem *snigger* but a severe lack of good documentation problem. Just
 kidding, I know developers are busy ppl. 8o)

 I'm gonna put up a basic install/configuration guide on willow. If anyone
 wants to look at it in future do tell them. URL as above.

 Hope this helps!


 Adam Fowler
 Second year Computer Science undergraduate
 University of Wales, Aberystwyth
 Carroll College, WI, USA(2000-2001)
 web: http://gucciboy.dyndns.org/aff9
 "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

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R: WebServer-Tomcat linking problem... was [cannot find file mod_jk.conf-auto]

2001-02-18 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

Sorry for being unclear im my statement about this problem. I am not blaming
the code at all. I am only watching at facts: I can see this problem (as
also other say) mostly on Mandrake and Windoze, so my guess is about
something related to these systems. I'm asking from some developers' help,
'cos as a user I cannot look at what is inside the box (the code); I can
only help telling clearly what I can see just from the outside, as if it was
a blackbox (and it should be, of course), helping my way (the user way!)
improving the quality of the whole process. If I had knowledge and time, I'd
like to fight with such a problem; It sounds more like a system problem, and
the need is having code working in different situations, 'cos in more
standard situations mod_jk seems to work perfectly.
So, one thing is to claim, one other to blame; we are only begging help,
this is not a shame.
Just to know: is anybody experiencing the same problem with Linux distrib
other than RedHat?

- Original Message -
From: Dave Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2026 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: WebServer-Tomcat linking problem... was [cannot find file

 I have successfully built mod_jk.so on both FreeBSD and Redhat 6.2, along
 with Apache with and without dynamic modules, SSL, PHP, etc. It is
 not a developer issue if you got a good compile -- it is almost certainly
 a configuration issue and screw up on your part. Don't blame the code.

 I will say in your defense, though, that the documentation and general
 layout of things totally sucks on tomcat 3.2.1. The learning curve is
 way too high. That shit should just work, period. I recently spent some
 serious time trying to compile mod_jk on a box where there really ARE
 developer issues (Mac OS X Public Beta, aka Darwin 1.2). It was
 not doable, because the tomcat code base is not really portable to all
 unix's. In contrast, I was able to build Caucho Resin's Apache
 connector (which uses the GNU ./configure system) out of the box,
 so Resin is what we'll be using. It's faster, too.

 So I think the tomcat dev team needs to adopt something like GNU's
 automake if they really want to get serious about portability. (Or get
 serious about their code).



 - Original Message -
 From: "Adam Fowler" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 3:54 PM
 Subject: WebServer-Tomcat linking problem... was [cannot find file

  Any Developers out there?
  This makes 5 ppl this week having problems with varying versions of
  and varying platforms/web servers. This is all one problem.
  Everyone is using mod_jk.so on Apache/IIS but it just doesn't wanna let
  tomcat communicate with them. On all of the postings I've seent his
  week(ahem and am experiencing ahem) the general points are:-
  1) Tomcat runs on port 8080 with no problems and serves scripts.
  2) Everyone is using mod_jk.so
  3) When running through the web server it just doesn't want to serve
  I believe this could be one of three problems:-
  1) Tomcat is linked in wrong(I am using Mandrake 7.2 whilst my Professor
  uses Redhat 6.2 and his works)
  2) Tomcat throws a Java run time error when communicating with mod_jk,
  with no standard out available(terminal screen etc.) it doesn't display
  and it isn't logged.
  3) mod_jk is retarded and is not handling the communication correctly.
  Any possibilities anyone?
  Oh, and try doing a complete search of the computer for the file - use
  filename mod_jk.conf* - that should find it if it is being generated, it
  might just be getting put in the wrong direction.
  Adam Fowler
  Second year Computer Science undergraduate
  University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  Carroll College, WI, USA(2000-2001)
  web: http://gucciboy.dyndns.org/aff9
  "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
  -Original Message-
  From: Ratnakar Malla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:14 AM
  Subject: RE: cannot find file "mod_jk.conf-auto"
  Hi Adam,
  Thank you for replying. well i did start the tomcat
  server. i am using the latest build. Catalina (Tomcat
  4.0) . Tomcat displays the following message
  Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
  Apache Tomcat/4.0-dev
  Starting service Tomcat-Apache
  Apache Tomcat/4.0-dev
  And further, Tomcat is working perfectly in standalone
  mode . I can access port 8080. Similarly, tomcat ,
  standalone is working fine.
  Thank You,
  --- Adam Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I take it
  you have ran tomcat to generate the file,
   Adam Fowler
   Second year Computer Science undergraduate
   University of Wales, Aberystwyth


2001-02-18 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

- Original Message -
From: Adam Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:43 PM
Subject: tracking mod_jk's various problems...
I have two installations, both from a mdk 7.2.
The only differences are:
on the 1st I have kernel-2.2.17-21mdk, on the second kernel 2.4.0-12mdk.
on the 1st I have mod_jk, an rpm from  Falsehope. It provides by itself
modifcations in apache and tomcat cfg files); on the 2nd, I downloaded an
already compiled mod_jk.so and made modification "by hand"
Apache is apache-1.3.14-2mdk
Java is Ibm JDK 1.3
Tomcat is tomcat- (from a rpm distributed by Falsehope)
I'm going to repeat the process on a RedHat box...please hold the line!

 Hi all,

 I suggest we try to get as much information as to which
 platforms/configurations aren't working. As users this is all we can do. I
 have downloaded the source for tomcat 3.2 though so I'll have a little

 If people e-mail me directly [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject=mod_jk_tracking
 then I will enter their information on a simple table on my server's site.

 Information required:-
 E-mail(only tomcat users will know of the site - completely optional)
 URL of site (e.g. mine is http://willow.cc.edu/examples)
 OS (Linux Mandrake 7.2/Windows NT 4 service pack 2 etc.)
 Kernel (linux users e.g. kernel-2.4.0-2mdk)
 Tomcat ver. (e.g. 3.2.1)
 Communication protocols(Ajp12 or Ajp13 or both)
 Web server+version (e.g. Apache-1.3.14 / Apache-fp-1.3.14 / IIS5.0)
 Java SDK version (e.g. Java 2 SDK version 1.3)
 Additional notes (e.g. I'm using the rpm versions of... I compiled the
 following extensions into my web server as well as mod_jk... etc. etc.
 Anything you think is useful. Not config files though, please!)

 You can find out the versions of executables by either:-
 LINUX- rpm -q program   where program is kernel/apache etc.

 Windows - Right click the executable, click properties, look for

 Hopefully having a repository of information will allow the developers to
 find the problem.

 Don't worry if not all the information can be obtained. The more the

 I hope this effort will help.

 site: http://willow.cc.edu/jakarta/index.html


 Adam Fowler
 Second year Computer Science undergraduate
 University of Wales, Aberystwyth
 Carroll College, WI, USA(2000-2001)
 web: http://gucciboy.dyndns.org/aff9
 "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

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R: Apache/Tomcat/mod_jk configuration problem?

2001-02-17 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

I have the same problem, as I stated in some help 
requests. I have same experience with Linux, Java and Apache too, so I tried 
also to follow dumbly the instructions in the famousmod_jk.howto (how 
don't?...;-) ).It sounds like mod_jk is not even trying to 
contact apache, as I cannot see no communication on port 8007/8009.
I have two options:
- I made a silly, low level mistake (but I'm not 
alone, as I can see on the list: maybe instructions allow 
- There is something about communication that does 
not work under some conditions (just to say, I am also using Mandrake 7.2 and 
kernel 2.4.0)
Since I can see various discussion threads in the 
list related to this problem, should us all join this thread, so we can avoid 
communication garbling?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:47 
  Subject: Apache/Tomcat/mod_jk 
  configuration problem?
  HelloI too am experiencing extreme difficulty in 
  sitting up Apache/Tomcat. Neither the default mod_jserve or the configuration 
  for Mod_jk/ajp12 default or ajp13 configuration works as per the various 
  suggestions presented on the listing. Everything works directly via 
  Tomcat:port 8080 but not via Apache.I have three different types of 
  applications: Servlet, JSP, Applet.1. The servlet applications is just 
  one class and works in Apache and Tomcat with no problems.2. The JSP and 
  Applet application works in Tomcat but not via Apache. 
  The JSP applications is an Oracle Jdeveloper applications with various 
  libraries and relevant tags files etc. The applet 
  application is a fully containe applet with various classes and libraries in 
  its application directory. It loads via Apache but is 
  unable to find its required assocaited files. Apache is somehow 
  not communicating with Tomcat about where the files are or visa versa. I have 
  a feeling it is about mapping of directories or something simple but then 
  again I am a newbie.Judging from this list everyone is having similar 
  problems with apache/mod_jk. Included are my various configurations files. I 
  would appreciate if someone cancan point out what I need to fix.I 
  am using Apache 1.3.14 , Tomcat 3.2.1 and JRE 1.3 and Windows 2000 with 
  service pack 1.I am calling mod_jk.conf.mine from appache 
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R: Help - stuck with mod_jk

2001-02-17 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

Maybe 'twas my opinion I included relevant files...sorry, it was late
- Original Message -
From: Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: R: Help - stuck with mod_jk

 First, thank you for your  help

 Yes, it should have been a "plain vanilla setup" following quick start
 System is a tomcat-3.2.1-1.noarch.rpm from  Falsehope on a linux box
 (mandrake 7.2 - kernel 2.4.0-12mdk)
 It works fine on port 8080.  Apache is
 Linux-Mandrake/2mdk, the one that
 comes with Mandrake.
 Config files and relevant parts of logs are included
  Thanks again
 Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli
 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Braden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:05 PM
 Subject: RE: Help - stuck with mod_jk

  What system are you running this on?
  Is this a "first-time" setup of mod_jk?
  Can you post the config for mod_jk in your apache httpd.conf and the
  startup messages from Tomcat.  Log info may help as well.
  Mike Braden
  -Original Message-----
  From: Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:35 AM
  Subject: Help - stuck with mod_jk
  I am new to the list, and I am sorry for posting the same question
  but I am still stuck with Apache and Tomcat (using mod_jk).
  I used the instructions in mod_jk.howto. I read both manual and
  Tomcat-Apache HOWTO, but all the stuff related to mod_jk is in the howto
  mentioned above.
  Tomcat is up and running as standalone; Apache is up and running.
  Configuration for mod_jk is used,mod_jk is loaded and working as I can
  from the log file, mod_jk tries to find workers in workers.properties,
  each request for virtual directories reserved to Tomcat never comes to
  tomcat engine, as there is no communication on port 8009.
  Any hint would be helpful. Excuse me again and TIA.
  Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli
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?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?

!-- Debug low-level events in XmlMapper startup --
xmlmapper:debug level="0" /



 Logging in Tomcat is quite flexible; we can either have a log
 file per module (example: ContextManager) or we can have one
 for Servlets and one for Jasper, or we can just have one
 tomcat.log for both Servlet and Jasper.  Right now there are
 three standard log streams, "tc_log", "servlet_log", and


	 The file to which to output this log, relative to
	 TOMCAT_HOME.  If you omit a "path" value, then stderr or
	 stdout will be used.


	 Threshold for which types of messages are displayed in the
	 log.  Levels are inclusive; that is, "WARNING" level displays
	 any log message marked as warning, error, or fatal.  Default
	 level is WARNING.

	 verbosityLevel values can be: 


	 By default, logs print a timestamp in the form "-MM-dd
	 hh:mm:ss" in front of each message.  To disable timestamps
	 completely, set 'timestamp="no"'. To use the raw
	 msec-since-epoch, which is more efficient, set
	 'timestampFormat="msec"'.  If you want a custom format, you
	 can use 'timestampFormat="hh:mm:ss"' following the syntax of
	 java.text.SimpleDateFormat (see Javadoc API).  For a
	 production environment, we recommend turning timestamps off,
	 or setting the format to "msec".

	 Custom Output:

	 "Custom" means "normal looking".  "Non-custom" means
	 "surrounded with funny xml tags".  In preparation for
	 possibly disposing of "custom" altogether, now the default is
	 'custom="yes"' (i.e. no tags)

	 Per-component Debugging:

	 Some components accept a "debug" attribute.  This further
	 enhances log output.  If you set the "debug" level for a
	 component, it may output extra debugging information.

!-- if you don't want messages on screen, add the attribute
	 to the Logger element below

R: Help - stuck with mod_jk

2001-02-16 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

First, thank you for your  help

Yes, it should have been a "plain vanilla setup" following quick start
System is a tomcat-3.2.1-1.noarch.rpm from  Falsehope on a linux box
(mandrake 7.2 - kernel 2.4.0-12mdk)
It works fine on port 8080.  Apache is Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.14
Linux-Mandrake/2mdk, the one that
comes with Mandrake.
Config files and relevant parts of logs are included
 Thanks again
Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli
- Original Message -
From: Mike Braden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: RE: Help - stuck with mod_jk

 What system are you running this on?

 Is this a "first-time" setup of mod_jk?

 Can you post the config for mod_jk in your apache httpd.conf and the
 startup messages from Tomcat.  Log info may help as well.

 Mike Braden

 -Original Message-
 From: Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:35 AM
 Subject: Help - stuck with mod_jk

 I am new to the list, and I am sorry for posting the same question twice,
 but I am still stuck with Apache and Tomcat (using mod_jk).
 I used the instructions in mod_jk.howto. I read both manual and
 Tomcat-Apache HOWTO, but all the stuff related to mod_jk is in the howto
 mentioned above.
 Tomcat is up and running as standalone; Apache is up and running.
 Configuration for mod_jk is used,mod_jk is loaded and working as I can see
 from the log file, mod_jk tries to find workers in workers.properties, but
 each request for virtual directories reserved to Tomcat never comes to the
 tomcat engine, as there is no communication on port 8009.
 Any hint would be helpful. Excuse me again and TIA.
 Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

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R: JDBC Driver for MySQL

2001-02-16 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

If you are looking for Jdbc drivers form my sql, classical ones (type 4) for
MySql are:
- twzJdbcForMySql http://www.voicenet.com/~zellert/tjFM/
- mm.mysql.jdbc http://mmmysql.sourceforge.net/

If your question is whether is better to use type III or type IV, Type 3 is
only going to be flexible to you if you are coding an application to work
with a variety of databases. There is no type 3 for mysql that I am aware of
anyway. The only way I know is about using some kind of database gateway
(Borland, Merant) tha allow using a jdbc driver, and let it access MySql via
an odbc driver (the one at www.mysql.net for example)...what a long trip to
access data!
If you are writting an application or servlet or whatever that will only be
using mysql you are fine with type 4, if you are writting it to work with
multiple databases, and you can manage to get it to work that way you can
always let it use more than one jdbc driver at run-time.

- Original Message -
From: Rick Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:43 PM
Subject: JDBC Driver for MySQL

 What are my options for JDBC drivers for MySQL?
 Type III, Type IV?
 Can I use the Resin driver with Tomcat?

 All advice welcome.



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Help - stuck with mod_jk

2001-02-15 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

I am new to the list, and I am sorry for posting the same question twice,
but I am still stuck with Apache and Tomcat (using mod_jk).
I used the instructions in mod_jk.howto. I read both manual and
Tomcat-Apache HOWTO, but all the stuff related to mod_jk is in the howto
mentioned above.
Tomcat is up and running as standalone; Apache is up and running.
Configuration for mod_jk is used,mod_jk is loaded and working as I can see
from the log file, mod_jk tries to find workers in workers.properties, but
each request for virtual directories reserved to Tomcat never comes to the
tomcat engine, as there is no communication on port 8009.
Any hint would be helpful. Excuse me again and TIA.
Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

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R: Help - stuck with mod_jk

2001-02-15 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

Thank you for your help; let me send the configuration snippets:
I just did this:
   Context path="/examples"

on server.xml, and

# Root context mounts for Tomcat
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

# Auto configuration for the /examples context starts.

# The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /examples
Alias /examples "/var/tomcat/webapps/examples"
Directory "/var/tomcat/webapps/examples"
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
JkMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13

# The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
Location "/examples/WEB-INF/"
AllowOverride None
deny from all

# The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
Location "/examples/META-INF/"
AllowOverride None
deny from all

# Auto configuration for the /examples context ends.

this in the mod_jk configuration file that is included from httpd.conf (and
I know that it is included, 'cos apache tells me that mod_jk is loaded).
When I try to execute .jsp pages, the external effect is the page been
displayed "as is" (not interpreted from tomcat). In the mod_jk log appear
these two lines:
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
match ajp13
 when I try to execute a servlet, the external effect is an "Error 404". In
the mod_jk log appear these two lines:
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match

Let me say again that Tomcat is working well as standalone, and tha I can
also contact it on both 8007 and 8009 ports. I first start Tomcat, the I
start Apache.
Both come up and work.
Thank you very much.

Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Help - stuck with mod_jk

 My guess;  without seeing any of your configuration, is that you have not
 made the appropriate changes to your server.xml file.
 Context path="/myApps/"

 And / Or you have not made the appropriate changes to your httpd.conf file
 # Configuration for the /myApps context starts.
 # The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /ai context
 Alias /apps/helpdesk "/home/httpd/html/myApps"
 Directory "/home/httpd/html/myApps"
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

 # The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
 JkMount /myApps/servlet/* ajp13
 JkMount /myApps/*.jsp ajp13

 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
 Location "/myApps/WEB-INF/"
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all

 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
 Location "/myApps/META-INF/"
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all

 # Configuration for the /myApps context ends.

 On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, you wrote:
  I am new to the list, and I am sorry for posting the same question
  but I am still stuck with Apache and Tomcat (using mod_jk).
  I used the instructions in mod_jk.howto. I read both manual and
  Tomcat-Apache HOWTO, but all the stuff related to mod_jk is in the howto
  mentioned above.
  Tomcat is up and running as standalone; Apache is up and running.
  Configuration for mod_jk is used,mod_jk is loaded and working as I can
  from the log file, mod_jk tries to find workers in workers.properties,
  each request for virtual directories reserved to Tomcat never comes to
  tomcat engine, as there is no communication on port 8009.
  Any hint would be helpful. Excuse me 

mod_jk does not work

2001-02-13 Thread Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

I just installed Tomcat 3.2 (tomcat-3.2.1-1.noarch.rpm from  Falsehope) on a
linux box (mandrake 7.2 - kernel 2.4.0-12mdk)
It works fine on port 8080. I tried to configure it to work with Apache
(Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.14 (Linux-Mandrake/2mdk), the one that
comes with Mandrake) , following instructions contained in the html doc
"working with mod_jk" (mod_jk-howto.html).

1. I removed the lines related to mod_jserv from httpd.conf
2. I used the mod_jk.so already compiled that comes with the .rpm
3. I defineed both Ajpv12 and Ajpv13, changing specific lines in server.xml
(in fact they were still in place)
4. I moved mod_jk.conf-auto from the tomcat-home/conf  directory to the
directory of httpd.conf. I had only to change the supported protocol from
ajp12 to ajp13, added AddModule mod_jk.c. I also edited manually
workers.properties to follow my actual system configuration (but only for
directory naming and conventions and JVM names)
5. I set up the first part of mod_jk.conf-auto this way:
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
AddModule mod_jk.c

JkWorkersFile /var/tomcat/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log

# Log level to be used by mod_jk
JkLogLevel debug

and then included it in httpd.conf

6. I assigned URLs to tomcat with JkMount, e.g.
# The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
JkMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13

# The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
Location "/examples/WEB-INF/"
AllowOverride None
deny from all

# The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
Location "/examples/META-INF/"
AllowOverride None
deny from all

And here come the problems:

I start Tomcat from its boot script in /etc/rc.d/init.d. The I start Apache
with the boot script in the same directory.
From the apache's log file I can see that mod_jk.so is loaded, and the same
I can see on the mod_jk log.
As I said, I can contact tomcat on port 8080. When I try to access via
Apache, it detects the alias
"/examples"; then this happens:
- when I try to execute .jsp pages, the external effect is the page been
displayed "as is". In the mod_jk log appear these two lines:
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
match ajp13
 when I try to execute a servlet, the external effect is an "Error 404". In
the mod_jk log appear these two lines:
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match

Any hint, any help?
Eugenio Ascoli-Bartoli

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