RE: calling a config file from bean

2001-07-08 Thread Fernando Padilla

I'm not sure if ResourceBundle is what you'll want.  So here are a few
more things to look at, just in case.

java.util.Properties has a load method that can take in an InputStream

javax.servlet.ServletContext has a getResouceAsStream method
which will get you the properties file ( from web app context )

also, there is a way to setup a JSP inside of the web.xml file so that you
can give it init parameters.  you should look it up in the web.xml spec...


On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Batsheva Raviv wrote:

 it is very helpful,

 Thank you,

 -Original Message-
 From: Wyn Easton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 3:50 AM
 Subject: Re: calling a config file from bean

 Look at ResourceBundle in the java docs.
 You can use the getBundle()method to load property
 files.  The classpath is searched for the property
 file.  So you can put the property file in you web
 apps. classes directory or in a jar file under

 --- Batsheva Raviv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  has anyone wrote a method to read a config file from
  a bean?
  how can I call a config file from the bean.
  if I use Servlet I can use the web.xml file, but I
  call a bean file from the
  jsp page.
  where should I put the config file? do I have to
  hard code the path to the
  config file.
  Thank you,

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RE: Accessing a packaged file

2001-04-23 Thread Fernando Padilla

you want to take a look at the


methods.  These methods are implemented by the Servlet Container to allow
the servlet to access resources where ever they happend to be.. either
in a file, in a WAR file, in a database, however the container wants to
maintain it


On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Milt Epstein wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Filip Hanik wrote:

  picks up files in your WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib inside of a jar or zip
 [ ... ]

 I have seen this this construct mentioned a few times here:


 but is this any different from:


 (similar for getResource(), of course).

   -Original Message-
   From: Jim Downing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 9:09 AM
   Subject: Accessing a packaged file
   I'm trying to get a servlet to access a text file that has been packaged
   with the servlet in a .war file. Is it possible to access the file without
   knowing it's absolute path when deployed, and if so how?

 Milt Epstein
 Research Programmer
 Software/Systems Development Group
 Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: Fed up to the back teeth with tomcat !!!

2001-04-11 Thread Fernando Padilla

Hmm, interesting..

I did have a similar issue with an Oracle driver a while back. Yes, the
Debugging helped alot.  So I was driven to doing a System.gc(); after
and/or before every statement... :)

I think discovered this, assuming that all of that io and String creation
forced a gc... and it seems to work now :):)

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Lyle H. Ward wrote:

 Since you are using SQL server, are you using ODBC? There is a bug in ODBC
 that stops the [web] service. It doesn't affect all installations. If this
 is what's happening, there is an awful work-around. Turn on ODBC tracing. It
 prevents the service from halting but creates a monster log file.

 At 08:11 PM 4/11/2001 +0100, you wrote:
 I am fed up to the back teeth with Tomcat under Apache.  I'm trying to run
 a 24/7 web page servinbg around 20,000 .jsp pages a day and I'v ehad
 to reset the damn server 3 times today already.
 It keeps falling over
 with absolutly no error  *** log messages at all.  I am at my wits end,
 to mention my poor users who have had to put up with this service for the
 past month.  I am totaly lost now as to where to look for solutions
 So can someone please recomend a good webserver that will run .jsp and
 servlets pages and integrates well with a SQL server ?  I used to
 run Java Webserver 2.0 would going back to that help ?
 Andy C
 Editor R2 Project
 (lets hopr you don't see a 500 internal error message.)

FORM Login help

2001-03-31 Thread Fernando Padilla


I am having issues with relative urls inside of the login-form page.
I'm wondering what the expected behavior is, and if other expect tomcat to
work differently..  below is an attempt at describing what's going on.

The problem is that the base url changes depending on the resource that
was requested when the log-in form is launched.

The images are under the /myapp/images/* directory.  The login page is
under /myapp/login.jsp, and so the relative urls look like:

So if I go to a resource at the same level as the login.jsp is works:


but if I go to a resource at a different level the relative urls break:


Tomcat puts a BASE HREF="http://localhost:8080/myapp/SomeSubDir/" at the
top of the returned page..  And as far as the browser is concerned, it is
looking at the requested resource (
http://localhost:8080/myapp/SomeSubDir/index.html ). so all relative urls
are relative to the new resource directory.. not the real login.jsp
resource directory...

Re: Question regarding the JSP include action versus the JSP includedirective

2001-03-08 Thread Fernando Padilla

the include directive is at page translation, but it's the page source...

in pseudo jsp :)



include A
jsp:include B

C becomes:
requestdispatcher( B ).include()

and that is what is executed..
thus both getDate() calls are made are request time..


On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Paul J Deitel wrote:

 It is my understanding that the include directive is processed at page
 translation time and the jsp:include action is processed at request time.
 However, I seem to get the same functionality from both.
 I have a simple JSP that creates a java.util.Date object. I tried both forms
 of include expecting that the directive form would result in date and time
 at which the page was first translated and that the action form would
 provide the date and time of each request.
 Does tomcat 3.2.1 handle both include forms identically? Or am I doing
 something wrong?
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Re: Realm classes and ClassLoaders

2001-03-05 Thread Fernando Padilla

I'm confused. I have Realm authentication set-up.  I haven't heard about
the Authenticator API?  Is that configurable from the server.xml as well??


 You would need to sublcass whichever authenticator class you are using
 (such as
 org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator) and override the
 method, something like this:

 public boolean authenticate(HttpRequest request,
 HttpResponse response, LoginConfig config) {

 if (!super.authenticate(request, response, config))
 return (false);
 MyPrincipal principal =
   (MyPrincipal) request.getUserPrincipal();
 if (principal == null) {
 // We are asking for the form login page
 return (true);
 } else {
 // Copy the stuff we need into the session
 HttpSession session =
   ((HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest).getSession();
 session.setAttribute("userStatus", principal.getStatus());
 return (true);


 Note that the attributes you save need to be JDK classes like String,
 because the
 user classes you store in the server directory are not visible to web

  thank you :):):)

 Craig McClanahan

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Re: Realm classes and ClassLoaders

2001-03-02 Thread Fernando Padilla

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 Fernando Padilla wrote:
  Again, I'm trying to bridge the gap between the classloader used by the
  server and the classloader used by the web app.  So that I can cast/use an
  object from one classloader from the other classloader
  Ideas?? Help?? Clue?? Rants?? Raves??
 In that case, you're not going to be able to do this cast.  The classes placed
 in $TOMCAT_HOME/server are loaded by a class loader that is not visible to web
 applications (i.e. it is not a parent class loader to the one used for your
 web app).
 If you have additional information from the MyUserPrincipal class that your
 application needs to see, I suggest that you store them as request attributes
 or session attributes inside the authenticator.  This will work for anything
 that is a String or a Java primitive type (wrapped in the corresponding
 wrapper class such as java.lang.Integer for an "int").

1) i hear people say, to add jar file to $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, I tried that
and that did not work, so i added them to $TOMCAT_HOME/server and that did

2) request or session attributes inside the authenticator??
   I'm using MyRealm, the interface to that is just
   authenticate( String user, String pass ), how can I access the request
   or session that is being authenticated??

thank you :):):)


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Realm classes and ClassLoaders

2001-03-01 Thread Fernando Padilla

I have a MyRealm class to lock down my webapp.

That works fine.  I have the jar file with the classes in
$TOMCAT_HOME/server  and within $WEB_APP/WEB_INF/lib.

The Web App needs to gain access to the username/password given to the
Realm ( right now I store it in the MyPrincipal class ), to be able to
login into a backend tier.

I try to cast the Principal ( from getUserPrincipal ), to MyPrincipal, but
it there is a ClassCastException ( though it is indeed the right class,
it's from a different class loader.. etc )

Again, I'm trying to bridge the gap between the classloader used by the
server and the classloader used by the web app.  So that I can cast/use an
object from one classloader from the other classloader

Ideas?? Help?? Clue?? Rants?? Raves??

just toss 'em out


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Re: webapp icons, disabling directory listings, and error-pagetags in web.xml

2001-02-27 Thread Fernando Padilla

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Chris Haynes wrote:


 You can turn off the generation of indexes by setting the argument
 in the StaticInterceptor entry in server.xml.

hey, I've heard this before, but have never found this StaticInterceptor
in server.xml.  I just tried to look for it in tomcat 4.x and 3.x and it's
not there.  I need more understanding...



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Re: webapp icons, disabling directory listings, and error-pagetags in web.xml

2001-02-27 Thread Fernando Padilla


The web.xml file is completely defined as part of the Servlet 2.2
Specification, when it defines Web Applications. Go there for the official

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Stefn F. Stefnsson wrote:


 I was wondering if anyone knows if the icon element in web.xml is not
 working in Tomcat (it's not working for me... just wondering if it's not
 supported or if it's something specific with me).

??? report a reproducable bug please, and someone should handle it.
don't forget the icon file has to be relative to the webapp root.

 Another thing (a little more important) is the welcome-file-list
 element.  I have one such in my web.xml and it contains one
 welcome-file element.  This is directly from it:



Again, the tag says, welcome-file, you define a file to map to, if it is
present.  There is no servlet/... file present.  One trick is to map it to

then do a servlet-mapping mapping index.servlet to your
JSPControllerServlet.  And for further assurance, you can create an
index.servlet file, to encourage it, but really it should map to the
servlet eventually.


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RE: webapp icons, disabling directory listings, and error-page tags in web.xml

2001-02-27 Thread Fernando Padilla

OK. I apologize, i must have a 3.1.

So how could we get this behavior with 4.x?

:) thanx


On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Ignacio J. Ortega wrote:

  hey, I've heard this before, but have never found this
  in server.xml.  I just tried to look for it in tomcat 4.x and
  3.x and it's
  not there.  I need more understanding...

 Tomcat 4.X does not use interceptors at all so it's difficult to found
 it there..

 For Tomcat 3.2 and up Simply search it on the server.xml file it's there
 for sure, and with that name...

 Saludos ,
 Ignacio J. Ortega

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Re: Authentication to LDAP

2001-02-26 Thread Fernando Padilla

get the source form tomcat 4.x,
then go look at:

// Realm interface

// basic realm that most extend

// and other example realms ( where the LDAP, et al will live in )

good luck


On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, [iso-8859-1] Peter Andersén wrote:

 I can be included on this.
 I have built a bean for doing contextless login into LDAP.
 It maybe could be useful for this, but i need to understand what do you need
 for the plugins to work.
 I have not been looking at this much so if someone could enlight my on the
 subject i could check.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Fernando Padilla" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Authentication to LDAP
  Tomcat 3.x uses Interceptors and thus the SecurityCheck.
  Tomcat 4.x uses Generalized Security handling code with pluggable Realm
  classes ( realms are access points into user authentication, authorization
  information ).  Realms are pluggable under the conf/server.xml file.
  There is a SimpleRealm class, and a JDBCRealm class.  Maybe someone should
  volunteer a JAASRealm and LDAPRealm for normal users to use...
  On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Falcon cheetah wrote:
Well,  I extend SimpleRealm because I did not see securityCheck
 anywhere in the tomcat tree, and I assumed it was modified. And it works for
 me :)
   What is JAAS? And I am not sure if writing and intercepter qualifies as
 a project.
   I guess what we need to do is to get the wrox code to work for us and
 then modify it to do more general auth with ldap. I saw that there is a huge
 amount of bad coding in that wrox class and I am waiting to see it working
 so I would do a whole rewrite.
   I guess if you want us to launch a project for this we have to start
 putting the word on the tomcat-dev, rather than tomcat-users, someone would
 give us the heads on there.
 Martin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   OK, I've read over (by Mark Wilcox, apparently.) I
   pretty well understand everything there, except I have a blank spot in
   knowledge of the Tomcat architecture. Which means I don't understand
   why you had to extend simpleRealm instead of securityCheck.
   Obviously, neither this class nor Tomcat implements JAAS. I'm assuming
   that's because they were built before JAAS was defined. They're also
   much simpler than the total pluggable-authentication-module framework
   implemented by JAAS. That's cool, since I don't need all that stuff
   anyhow. It's nice that the user name and password are just passed as
   strings in the call to checkPassword(), for example.
   So--What needs doing? I've never worked on a project so I don't know the
   (The only thing I know I'd like to change is to add flexibility to use
   the "mail" attribute as the userID instead of the "UID" attribute.)
   Falcon cheetah wrote:
There is a good material about LDAP with Tomcat from Wrox's
Professional JSP. There are two chapters that talk about this, and on
chapter 15 they write a tomcat interceptor to do this task. I am
currently trying to squeez sometime to test that. If you want to
download the source code from their site and take a look at it.
I know they have few issues with their interceptor. For example I had
to make the class extend SimpleRealm instead of CheckSecurity.
If you want to play with it and we can cooporate on expanding this
code or put it in a seperate project if you want. If not I am glad to
point out this great book to you and everyone else.
Martin Smith wrote:
I have been patiently lurking and waiting to see some news
on the
existence of a way to do Servlet container (ie Tomcat)
against an LDAP source of security info.
I even posted an RFP at one of these freelancer sites
( to have
one built. No credible responses.
Limited though I am at programming java (or anything), I'm
trying to build one myself. But I thought I'd ask one last
time: is
there a JNDI or LDAP Interceptor in the works anywhere?
If not, any advice on the scope of the project? Do I just
get the
JDBCRealm source and analogize? (Sure hope we don't need
threads! And
callbacks sound hard, too.)
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Re: *** Referring to a file or a directory from inside a jsp/servletor bean ???? ***

2001-02-20 Thread Fernando Padilla

It all depends on what your code is.  I'm assuming you're just using new
File( relpath ), which should be relative to the user.dir system property,
which should be Tomcat bin I suppose ( this is all educated guessing i
tell you. ).

Does knowing that help you? Your relative path should then be

Instead of getting to a file as such, you really should be using some of
the file/resource accessors from ServletContext, so that it will be
relative to the context root so that it's portable..  Look at
ServletContext.getResource() and ServletContext.getResourceAsStream().


On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Jonathan Asbell wrote:

 my web app directory structure is as follows:
 If I have a jsp and a bean in the root directory, and my bean refers to a file 
without a full path(ie. just the file name, no absolute or relative path), where does 
it loook for the ? 
 This happens in jsp/servlets AND beans.  With jsp servlets the default directory 
should be the root directory of the app.  The bean however seems to look for a file 
with an unqualified path in the /tomcat/bin/directory.
 I just want some rules of thumb to follow when I am using beans and jsp/servlets 
that read and write files.  How should I refer to these external files.  Where are 
their default directories in the context I mentioned above?

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RE: formbased authentication: login.jsp is protected as well ?

2001-02-20 Thread Fernando Padilla

I will have to further ask, how about content referenced from those
pages? Such as images.

Is there an easy way to say secure everything, except these directories?

Is there a special role, "GUEST" or "ANONYMOUS" which we can assign the
images directory... etc etc?


On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Randy Layman wrote:

   Either move to Tomcat 4.0 (both login and error pages are not
 protected, regardless of their location) or move all your webapp into a
 subdirectory except for the login page.   They not be good choices, but they
 are the only choices that I know of.
 -Original Message-
 From: paul marshal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:04 AM
 To: tomcat-list
 Subject: formbased authentication: login.jsp is protected as well ?
 Hi !
 I want to restrict access to the whole webApplication using formbased
 authentication. ( not just a subdirectory as I've seen it 
 in all the examples )
 Here is what I tried in web.xml: 
 !-- all the mappings etc. --
 descriptionAll adminConsole Pages/description
 descriptionadmin console user/description
 The problem is, that the login.jsp that I configure in web.xml ( in
 login-config.../login-config is also part of the webApp and thereby
 access restricted. 
 So when the container tries to forward to the login.jsp it would be
 directed there again in an infinite loop. What really happens
 is that I get a server generated error message saying something similar
 to : 
 "page moved."
 How can I protect the entire webApp ?
 Any help, ideas etc ??

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Re: *** Referring to a file or a directory from inside a jsp/servletor bean ???? ***

2001-02-20 Thread Fernando Padilla

well, you stumped me.

I looked at the API and it said this:

"Some containers may allow writing to the URL returned by this method
using the methods of the URL class."

So I'm hoping someone else can answer this about tomcat.


So if you cannot use the URL accessors, as the API states. Then the next
best this would be:

new File( getServletContext().getRealPath( filereltoroot ) );


On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Dominique BATARD wrote:

 ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() is perfect for reading a file. But what
 about writing a file ?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Fernando Padilla" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: *** Referring to a file or a directory from inside a
 jsp/servlet or bean  ***
  It all depends on what your code is.  I'm assuming you're just using new
  File( relpath ), which should be relative to the user.dir system property,
  which should be Tomcat bin I suppose ( this is all educated guessing i
  tell you. ).
  Does knowing that help you? Your relative path should then be
  Instead of getting to a file as such, you really should be using some of
  the file/resource accessors from ServletContext, so that it will be
  relative to the context root so that it's portable..  Look at
  ServletContext.getResource() and ServletContext.getResourceAsStream().
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Re: Help: database user authentication how-to.

2001-02-15 Thread Fernando Padilla

I've been looking at the code in Tomcat 3.2, there is no JDBCRealm
present.  Do I need to be looking at Tomcat 4.0?  Apologies for the stupid


On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Christian Rauh wrote:

 Dear People,
 I am totally confused on how to proceed with the user authentication in
 my web application. I will try to state my problem briefly:
 I have a web application that has FORM security. I need to create a way
 for users to create an account that gives them access to the web
 application. Optimally, the user/password/role info should be stored in
 a database.
 How can this be done as closely as possible to the servlet/jsp
 specification? Is there a package written for this somewhere? I found
 something about JDBC real in the server.xml file, is it what I seek?
 Note that I also need this to be integrated with the web engine (Apache
 I have seen that app servers like weblogic´s have a user authentication
 scheme exactly like the one I seek but I want a non-proprietary, low
 cost solution.
 Any direction would be much appreciatted since I am really not knowing
 what to do regarding this matter.
 Thanks in advance,
 Christian Rauh
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Re: Help: database user authentication how-to.

2001-02-15 Thread Fernando Padilla

Yes, it was a stupid question. Tomcat 4 does indeed have
JDBCRealm.  Sorry guys.


On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Fernando Padilla wrote:

 I've been looking at the code in Tomcat 3.2, there is no JDBCRealm
 present.  Do I need to be looking at Tomcat 4.0?  Apologies for the stupid
 On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Christian Rauh wrote:
  Dear People,
  I am totally confused on how to proceed with the user authentication in
  my web application. I will try to state my problem briefly:
  I have a web application that has FORM security. I need to create a way
  for users to create an account that gives them access to the web
  application. Optimally, the user/password/role info should be stored in
  a database.
  How can this be done as closely as possible to the servlet/jsp
  specification? Is there a package written for this somewhere? I found
  something about JDBC real in the server.xml file, is it what I seek?
  Note that I also need this to be integrated with the web engine (Apache
  I have seen that app servers like weblogic´s have a user authentication
  scheme exactly like the one I seek but I want a non-proprietary, low
  cost solution.
  Any direction would be much appreciatted since I am really not knowing
  what to do regarding this matter.
  Thanks in advance,
  Christian Rauh
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Re: loading oracle drivers from

2001-02-09 Thread Fernando Padilla

I believe so.

The story is that the Web App Spec states that it will load .jar files,
not .zip files from the Web App lib directory ( even though they're
essentially the same ).  People here have suggested to simple rename the
file from to classes12.jar.  You could also unpack it and
rejar it.  Hope this helps.


On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, John Coonrod wrote:

 Has anyone been able to get the oracle thin drivers to load from the zip 
 file rather than having to unpack them - when running tomcat on an nt 
 Dr. John Coonrod, Vice President, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Hunger Project, 15 East 26th Street, NY, NY 10010
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Re: FormBased Authentication properties

2001-02-08 Thread Fernando Padilla

This might seem as pestering, but how do we setup user and role
definitions for tomcat to authenticate against?  I tried looking through
the Tomcat Documentation, but maybe I didn't try hard enough.


On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 Johnson Lim wrote:

  I have tried to using formbased authentication, i have several question on
  it (please help):
  1. Do the authentication is set to use "j_securitycheck" ? How can we change
  it ?

 It is actually "j_security_check".  And no, you cannot change it, because it is
 required by the servlet specification to have this value.

   since I don't see any parameter to set on redirect page name (do it
  must index.html/jsp) can we redirect to other pages after the authetication

 You don't set the "redirect page" at all.

 The whole idea of form based authentication is that it works like this:
 * You ask for a URL that happens to be protected by a security constraint.
 * The server sees that you have not authenticated yet, so it
   saves your original request and shows you the form login page
 * After you log in successfully, the server restores your *original*
   request and executes it, giving you the page that you originally
   asked for.

 Thus, you will never need to explicitly refer to your login page (from other
 pages in your app at all).  The server will automatically use it whenever

  2. Where should I change if i want to get out the roles info (as session)
  for my future need info?

 What information are you trying to acquire?

 If a user has been authenticated, you can call request.getRemoteUser() to get
 the authenticated username, or request.isUserInRole() to see if the current user
 is in a particular role.  For example, you might be building a menu JSP page,
 and want to include a certain set of menu options only if the current user is a
 manager.  You can do something like this:

 % if (request.isUserInRole("manager")) { %
 ... show the manager menu options
 % } %

 If you use roles to protect access to complete pages (in a security constraint),
 you don't need to do anything at all in your pages -- the server will
 automatically disallow access to users who are not authenticated, or who do not
 possess the correct role.

 Note that all of this stuff works the same for BASIC authentication as well.

  Thanks for the help.

 Craig McClanahan

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RE: Even simpler... where do I put oracle drivers?

2001-02-06 Thread Fernando Padilla

Yes that is part of the J2EE Web Application Spec.

On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Carles Pi-Sunyer wrote:

 To make this work for me, I've had to change the name of the file from to classes111.jar. It appears that only files with the .jar
 extension are automatically picked up and added to the classpath in the
 Web-inf/lib directory.
  Works fine for us putting our jar files in our projects
  Web-inf/lib/ folder.
 Carles Pi-Sunyer
 Stario, Inc.
 408 844-8333 ex:326
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Re: Trouble with web.xml P.S.

2001-01-28 Thread Fernando Padilla

I was wondering about that.
I just finished reading the Servlet Specification and they made no
mention of Init Params under the servlet element.  And I wondered how
they interacted with Init Params at the context level.

You're saying that the servlet init params completely over shadow the
context init params?


On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, William Brogden wrote:

 Matt Campbell wrote:
  Hi All,
  this is an addition to my last post, a bit more info in case its any use.  I've
  just tried to run
  TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/SnoopServlet.class after
  un-commenting its init-params in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/web.xml
  The servlet runs fine, except that it doesnt find its init-params.  I have made
  no changes except for un-commenting those params.  Why wont it find them??

 Ah yes - this annoying little quirk.

 If you address SnoopServlet.class directly as above, Tomcat does NOT
 it with the entry in web.xml therefore you don't get init params. If you
 it as snoop - the alias that the web.xml sets up with:


 then you will get the init params

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