changes in the tomcat 4.1 service installer ?

2003-03-19 Thread Gattaz, Olivier


What did it change in the tomcat service installer between the version 4.0.4
and version 4.1.18 ?

To set up TomCat 4.0.4 to run as an NT Service, I launch "tomcat.exe" like
this, and the installed  service "Adonix_x3web" starts well.

"C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\bin\tomcat.exe" -install "Adonix_x3web"
"-Djava.class.path=C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat
"-Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0"
-server -Xrs -Xms32M -Xmx128M
-start org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start
-stop org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop
-out "D:\+X3WebGarp\data\SERVERSLOGS\TOMCAT\service_out.txt"
-err "D:\+X3WebGarp\data\SERVERSLOGS\TOMCAT\service_err.txt"
-current "D:\+X3WebGarp\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE"

To to set up TomCat 4.1.18 to run as an NT Service,I launch "tomcat.exe"
like that, and the installed service "Adonix_X3WebHead" does'nt start.
I got the following error message in the event viewer "Could not create a
FileOutputStream for System.out redirect. " ???

"C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\bin\tomcat.exe" -install
"-Djava.class.path=C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
"-Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1"
-server -Xrs -Xms128m -Xmx512m
-start org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start
-stop org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop
-out "D:\+X3WebHead\data\SERVERSLOGS\TOMCAT\service_out.txt"
-err "D:\+X3WebHead\data\SERVERSLOGS\TOMCAT\service_err.txt"
-current "D:\+X3WebHead\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE"

The associate tomcat configuration (server.xml) runs very well in console
I try also with the sun jdk1.3.1_04, and I got the same error.

My context is : W2K SP3

Thanks in advance.

Olivier gattaz

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RE: Question about servlets

2002-07-22 Thread Gattaz, Olivier


with the GET method, your data are sent in the URL. There are various
documented and undocumented limits to URLs. A reasonable limit appears to be
4K. Warning: the length of the datas passed in the URL is the ID of your
input objects and their datas.

with the post method, the situation is more complex, see
NOTE: with the form content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded " and
tomcat 4.0.4 I can detect a limit around 11Ko

Olivier Gattaz 
Adonix - 5 avenue Victor Hugo - 38130 Echirolles - France

-Message d'origine-
De : Jean-Baptiste Onofré [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : lundi 22 juillet 2002 21:54
À : Tomcat Users List
Objet : Re: Question about servlets


with get method you're limited to 255 chars.
In post, no limit.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré (Nanthrax)
Membre fondateur de
Membre fondateur du LUG Béziers

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help: where must I locate my custom "WebAppClassLoader"

2002-07-22 Thread Gattaz, Olivier

Excuse me for this second post, but I had no response in the mailing list.
Is my problem very complex ?

To locate a group of special classes (generated from the case tool of an
"ERP") out of the standard "WEF-INF/classes" directoy of my WebApp, I try to
write a custom WebAppClassLoader.
I created the two classes :
- "com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebLoader"
public class CX3WebLoader extends
- "com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebClassLoader"
   public class CX3WebLoader extends

I defined a "Loader" tag in the "context" of my WebApp:

But when Tomcat start, I always get the error message in the output  :
 ERROR reading C:\Program files\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE\conf\server.xml
 At Line 217 /Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context/Loader/
className=com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebLoader delegate=false
reloadable=false checkInterval=15 debug=9
My classes are in a jar file , in the lib directory of my WebApp :
Where must I store my custom WebAppClassLoader classe ?
I also tried to put them in "$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/X3CLASSLOADER.jar"
but it does'nt work.
My context:
- W2000 SP2
- Apache httpd 2.0.39 + Mod_jk
- Sun JDK 1.3.1_03
- Tomcat 4.0.4
  - set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0
  - set CATALINA_BASE=C:\Program files\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE
  - set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_03
  - running like a service and configured for multiple instances by setting

NOTE: although I set $CATALINA_BASE different of $CATALINA_HOME, the
directory $CATALINA_BASE/common/lib is ignored !

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards
Olivier Gattaz 
Adonix - 5 avenue Victor Hugo - 38130 Echirolles - France

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wher must I lacate my custom "WebAppClassLoader"

2002-07-22 Thread Gattaz, Olivier

To locate a group of special classes (generated from the case tool of the
Adonix ERP "X3")
out of the standard "WEF-INF/classes" directoy of my WebApp, I tried to
a custom WebAppClassLoader.
I created the two classes :
- "com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebLoader"
public class CX3WebLoader extends
- "com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebClassLoader"
   public class CX3WebLoader extends

I defined a "Loader" tag in the "context" of my WebApp:
But when Tomcat start, I always get the error message in the output  :
 ERROR reading C:\Program files\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE\conf\server.xml
 At Line 217 /Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context/Loader/
className=com.adonix.x3.x3web.tomcat.loader.CX3WebLoader delegate=false
reloadable=false checkInterval=15 debug=9
 Catalina.start: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
My classes are in a jar file , in the lib directory of my WebApp :
Where must I store my WebApp classLoader classes ?
I also tried to put them in "$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/X3CLASSLOADER.jar"
but it does'nt work.
My config:
- W2000 SP2
- Apache 2.0.39 + Mod_jk
- Sun JDK 1.3.1_03
- Tomcat 4.0.4
  - set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0
  - set CATALINA_BASE=C:\Program files\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE
  - set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_03
  - running like a service and configured for multiple instances by setting
$CATALINA_BASE to "C:\Program files\Adonix\X3Web\SERVERS_BASE"
  - NOTE: although I set $CATALINA_BASE different of $CATALINA_HOME, the
directory $CATALINA_BASE/common/lib is ignored !

Olivier Gattaz 
Adonix - 5 avenue Victor Hugo - 38130 Echirolles - France


disconnecting the "Automatic Application Deployment"

2002-07-04 Thread Gattaz, Olivier

I have also the problem of the "twice init" (note because the web
applications in "$CATALINA_BASE/webapps" are loaded implicitly) and I seen
int the documentation of Tomcat 4.1 that we will be able to disconnect the
"Automatic Application Deployment" and the "contextAutoLoad" capabilites
with an attribute of the "host Container." in the configuration file
Is the attruibute "autoDeploy" will be implemented in a next 4.0.x Tomcat
version  ?

Olivier Gattaz 
Adonix - Les Essarts - Z.A. Les Granges - 12 rue de Lorraine - 38130


ClassLoaders, Tomcat instances and shared classes

2002-07-03 Thread Gattaz, Olivier

My apologies if you receive this message a second time.
Even after I read the class loader documentation (,
the startup documentation ( - chapter 4
Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat 4 Instances ) and mailing list
archive,  I am still stuck with the following problem :
I choose to run Tomcat 4.0.4 like a WIN2K service with a specific base
folder ($CATALINA_BASE  different than $CATALINA_HOME) to have one tomact
binary install an many tomcat running instances to deploy different versions
of my WebApps (I set the different ports for the the connectors in each
"CATALINA_BASE\conf\server.xml." configuration file) .
But no specialized folder like "$CATALINA_BASE/lib" is used by the "Shared
Class loader" to share classes across ALL the web applications running in
ONE Tomcat instance.
Is the unique solution is to copy my shared jar archive in each
"/WEB-INF/lib folder" ?
How must I do to test several versions of the couple "xerces/xalan" ?
If I replace the xerces.jar archive in the folder
"$CATALINA_HOME\common\lib", all the Tomcat instances use the same parser !
I read also the doc "Class Loader HOW-TO" of Tomcat 4.1 and the same
limitation exists, no ?
The capability offered by the specialized folder
"$CATALINA_HOME\common\endorsed" does not solve the  problem !
Will it be possible that the class loader "Common" and "Shared" look if the
folders "$CATALINA_BASE\common\lib", "$CATALINA_BASE\common\endorsed" or
"$CATALINA_BASE\lib" exist ?
If these folders exist, than the present jar files are loaded BEFORE those
stored in the folder "$CATALINA_HOME\common\lib",
"$CATALINA_HOME\common\endorsed"  or "$CATALINA_HOME\lib"
Thanks in advance for all your responses.
Best regards
Olivier Gattaz
Adonix - Les Essarts - Z.A. Les Granges - 12 rue de Lorraine - 38130
I use Tomcat 4.0.4 binary distribution.

The context used to defined one WIN2K service corresponding to one Tomcat
  set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0
  set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_03
  set JAVA_OPTS=-Dadonix.x3web.install.approot="D:\+X3WebGarp\data"

Olivier Gattaz
Adonix - Les Essarts - Z.A. Les Granges - 12 rue de Lorraine - 38130


How to find classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

2001-01-19 Thread Gattaz, Olivier


When many webapps use the same pakages, like utility classes, it would
be interressant to share them to have only one copy of the class files.

With Tomcat 3.1, if you add a list of paths in the shell variable
"appClassPath", tomcat can find classes outside the directory
WEB-INF/classes .

eg.  set appClassPath=%myPaths%;%appJars%;%sysJars%

With tomcat 4.0, I try to give itomcat my list of  paths which are
already in the the shell variable "CLASSPATH" , but it does'nt work.

My "little" modify in catalina.bat :
set CP=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

I read and I understand (?) that the class
loader try to find the classes in a list of "repositories".

How to add "repository" in the standardClassLoader to allow it to find
classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

Is it possible to specify paths in the node "loader" ? 

I have not found  the documentation of the node "loader" of the
configuration file "server.xml". Someone try to write it ?


Olivier Gattaz.

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How to add repository to allow the standardClassLoader to find classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

2001-01-18 Thread Gattaz, Olivier

> Bonjour,
> When many webapps use the same pakages, like utility classes, it would
> be interressant to share them to have only one copy of the class
> files.
> With Tomcat 3.1, you can add a list of path in the shell variable
> "appClassPath" to allow tomcat to find the utility classes.
> eg.  set appClassPath=%myPaths%;%appJars%;%sysJars%
> With tomcat 4.0, I try to kepp my paths which are already in the the
> shell variable "CLASSPATH" with this little modification , but it
> does'nt work.
> set CP=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar
> How to add "repository" in the standardClassLoader to allow it to find
> classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?
> I have not found  the documentation of the node "loader" of the
> configuration file "server.xml". Someone try to write it ?
> Thanks.
> Olivier Gattaz.

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How to add repository to allow the standardClassLoader to find classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

2001-01-18 Thread Gattaz, Olivier


When many webapps use the same pakages, like utility classes, it would
be interressant to share them to have only one copy of the class files.

With Tomcat 3.1, you can add a list of path in the shell variable
"appClassPath" to allow tomcat to find the utility classes.

eg.  set appClassPath=%myPaths%;%appJars%;%sysJars%

With tomcat 4.0, I try to kepp my paths which are already in the the
shell variable "CLASSPATH" with this little modification , but it
does'nt work.

set CP=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

How to add "repository" in the standardClassLoader to allow it to find
classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

I have not found  the documentation of the node "loader" of the
configuration file "server.xml". Someone try to write it ?


Olivier Gattaz.

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