Hi there,

I had been using tomcat 4.1 and since I've made a change to TomCat 5.0.19,
I'm having problems with creating virtual direcotries.

All I want to do is to map for example such url :
http://localhost/work/document.jsp to different directory than the
$TomCatHome/webapps/Root/work/documnet.jsp. I would like to map every link
starts with /work/ into directory c:\jspDocs\work.

How to do this? In older version I had reached it by specifiing the CONTEXT
element in /conf/server.xml file. I've tried it again and it works fine
until the first restart of tomcat. Now it doesn't work. Please, could
anybody help me with this. I'm really novice in tomcat, this is not the main
range of my job.

Thanks for helping
Best Regards
Honza S.

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