I use a HttpSession object.

HttpSession object = null;

When user access to site, i use:

object = request.getSession();

later i use:

boolean n = object.isNew();

if n = true, then user is not using cookies.

I suppose that tomcat is using Session Cookies and not re-writting politic..

because, tomcat keep session with user using cookies, so.. if session is new
mean that user is new for tomcat, because it can't send cookie.



At 10:12 27-01-2005 +0000, you wrote:
The API for the HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() method states that "the
implementation of this method includes the logic to determine whether the
session ID needs to be encoded in the URL".

How does Tomcat know whether or not a browser supports cookies, or session
tracking is turned off?

Is it simply a case of looking for the presence of a "Cookie:" header in the
request, and assuming that cookies are enabled if the header is found?

And if that is the case, would I be correct in assuming that browsers (when
permitted by their users) will set "Cookie:" headers in their requests even
if they do NOT actually have any (previously set) cookies to send back to
the server?

I'm just guessing, of course - and I know I should not generalise about
browsers: I'm thinking of IE, Mozilla/Firefox and Opera.


Harry Mantheakis

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Javier Villalobos Arancibia Ing. Civ. Electrónico ImageMaker Information Technology

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