
This may be off base, but mapped drives may only exist while you're logged
in. When the service starts, it runs as 'System' for whom the mapped drive
does not exist. I remember there was a way for NT to 'map' drives during
startup, so that they are available to all users including system even when
they're not logged in. Perhaps this is the problem?

I've encountered similar problems with Windows programs and usually use a UNC
path, rather than a mapped drive. e.g. \\yourserver\yourshare or what not.
Perhaps another idea is to map the drive when the service starts and unmap it


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-----Original Message-----
From: Vinay Urs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 February 2002 12:46
Subject: Tomcat NT Service Bug??

Hello there,

We are encountering problems with Tomcat (versions 3.3
and 4.0.1).

Our application, running on Tomcat on one machine, is
creating directories on a remote file system. Tomcat
is being started with a policy file. The application
is able to pickup the remote file system if Tomcat is
started from the command prompt with the -security

But if we start it as a NT service and not as a mapped
drive, the mapped remote network drive is not being
picked up. And our application is unable to create

Our policy file has the following entry for the

grant codeBase
"file:${catalina.home}/webapps/codwap/-" {
        permission java.security.AllPermission;
        permission java.io.FilePermission "<<ALL FILES>>",
"read, write, delete, execute";

Any help is much appreciated.



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