Re: contextAdmin question

2001-05-07 Thread MTiffany71
It won't disappear if you manually code it into the server.xml file, but as I 
found out, Tomcat 3.2.1 apparently doesn't write out the new context to the 
server.xml file if you create the new context using the contextAdmin page.

You mean to say that..if i create a new one like

 trusted="false" > 

it is not persistent? It disappears after

Re: Why does Internet Explorer think it is offline?

2001-05-07 Thread MTiffany71
Your problem has nothing to do with Tomcat, or Apache, or any other server on 
god's green earth...

The problem isn't a problem, it's just IE checking for an active internet 
connection and not finding one. Just click "try again" and it'll find the 
server. There is, to my knowledge, no way around it.

Netscape, BTW, does not behave in this fashion. It's just a MonopolySoft, 
err, Microsoft quirk.


Re: contextAdmin question

2001-05-07 Thread MTiffany71
That was a really good question, and not knowing the answer,  I copied my 
server.xml file, renamed one of the copies, and started tomcat. Added new 
contexts, shut down tomcat, and compared the two files. Apparently the 
answer* to your question is "yes, you will have to manually code new contexts 
into your server.xml file if you want them (contexts, that is) to persist 
between start/stops of tomcat."

* == This answer derived on a Win98 box running Tomcat 3.2.1. YMMV.

So my follow-up question is: does anyone know if this is the intended 
functionality of the contextAdmin tool? And beyond that: where can I find 
more information about requested, recommended, planned, and existing Tomcat 
administration tools/servlets. Anyone? Anyone?

Here's another question regarding the contextAdmin application that comes
with Tomcat.

Is it possible to save the new context created to server.xml in any way so
that it will exists when I restart tomcat, or do I have to write this code

// Erik

Re: A non-apropriate question?

2001-05-07 Thread MTiffany71
Apparently, yes, it is possible to use the jikes compiler:

open up the (tomcat-home)/conf/web.xml file and find this entry:

I hope this helps,

michael tiffany

Re: Help with starting Tomcat

2001-05-06 Thread MTiffany71

Try this:

set JAVA_HOME in the tomcat.bat file, not start.bat.

Add the line 
set JAVA_HOME = path\to\your\jdk

Add it immediately below the last of the "rem"'d statements so it's not 
caught in some subroutine.

save your changes to tomcat.bat, and then double click start.bat. that should 
do the trick, but as always, YMMV.

good luck,
Michael Tiffany

Hello.  Using Tomcat 3.2.1.  I've set the environment variable for 
TOMCAT_HOME (I think), but I'm not sure how to set the environment variable 
for JAVA_HOME.  My jdk's root directory is installed at the following 
directory on my W98SE platform:  c:\jdk1.3.0_02.  Therefore, this is what I 
did to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  At the DOS c:\ prompt, I 
typed:  "c:\set JAVA_HOME=jdk1.3.0_02" then pressed enter.  Then, when I go 
to execute "startup.bat" in the tomcat\bin directory, I get the message 
"invalid command or file".  But, when I'm in Windows Exployer and 
double-click on startup.bat, I get a DOS window message: "You must set 
JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation".  Any help 
this is greatly appreciated. 

Re: Tomcat is not starting - How to trap the startup error?

2001-05-04 Thread MTiffany71
If you are using Win9x AND you're starting Tomcat from the DOS batch file 
script (which it sounds like you are...), when the DOS console appears, just 
click the "properties" button: When the properties dialog box pops up it will 
prevent the DOS box from closing. You'll be able to read the error  output on 
the console. 


Good Luck,
Michael Tiffany

Re: contextAdmin

2001-05-04 Thread MTiffany71
go into the ($tomcat-home)/webapps/admin/WEB-INF directory and open web.xml

in web.xml, get the value for  (probably "admin").

then, go to the ($tomcat-home)/conf  directory, and open tomcat-users.xml

in tomcat users, add an entry like this:

tore my own hair out for days over this one -- couldn't find any information 
in the docs about it.

Kind Regards,
Michael Tiffany

Ok, I give up. How do I log into the contextAdmin that comes with jakarta?

// Erik