Re: Charset in Content Type: Tomcat 4 versus Tomcat 5

2005-02-22 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Neeraj Vora wrote:
 Content Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file;charset=iso-8859-1
 MS IE has an unfortunate bug whereby it cannot associate this with Java Web 
 Start. This has been documented as KB 871248. I tried 

AFAIK, real player has (or had) a similar problem, and can also not be
served by Tomcat.


Michiel Meeuwissen  mihxil'
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum[] ()
+31 (0)35 6772979 nl_NL eo_XX en_US

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Re: Adding a web-app which is not automaticly started on start of tomcat.

2004-08-26 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The server either starts all webapps on startup or none of them.  See
 the Host configuration reference for details.  But you can't toggle this
 option for one webapp only (unless you put it on its own Host of course,
 which is trivial).

Do you mean the 'auto-deploy' option? It does not seem to have any effect
for already deployed applications. To spare resources I find myself editing
server.xml and restarting tomcat a lot, becasue every entry in server.xml is
started, which takes ages if there are many. It would have seemed useful if
I could indicate them non-autostarting in server.xml and simply click them
on in the manager if I need them (for some test).


Michiel Meeuwissen  mihxil'
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+31 (0)35 6772979 nl_NL eo_XX en_US

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Adding a web-app which is not automaticly started on start of tomcat.

2004-08-23 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen

For a test environment (currently running tomcat 4.1) I add web-apps to
server.xml with the 'Context' tag.

Can I somehow add an option which makes it unstarted on default (but easily
startable by the tomcat manager)?


Michiel Meeuwissen
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum 
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Mime-mapping and charset

2004-07-06 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen

In web.xml I defined a mime-mapping:

Why do I receive in my response
Content-Type: application/x-pn-realaudio;charset=ISO-8859-1

I think this charset is confusing most applications.

For an XML (test.xml) goes something similar:
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1

Which doesn't make sense either because XML's are byte-streams. (The charset
is specified in the ?xml ? header, and should default to UTF-8 IIRC, so
two conflicting charset specs are present in this way)

I use tomcat 5.0.25. Several bugs similar to this were reported like 25162,
but these are 'resolved', so I wonder what's going on here.


Michiel Meeuwissen
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum 
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Re: charset problem

2004-02-04 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Sander de Boer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since I have upgraded to tomcat 4.1.29(from 4.1.27) tomcat sets a default
 I set:
 % response.setContentType(audio/x-pn-realaudio); %
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] language=java contentType=audio/x-pn-realaudio %
 Tomcat gives:
 Content-Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio;charset=ISO-8859-1
 I have also tried tomcat 4.1.30(alpha) but with the same problem.
 So, what is the problem?

Of course it should not really be a problem, because specifying the correct
charset when you are specifying the content type should be rather

But I gather that you  want it _not_ to specify the charset because a
certain program (real-player) completely chokes in that?

To work around this kind of troubles I agree that it should be possible to
explicitely set the content type while explicitily _not_ setting the

Why is that not possible?


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
+31 (0)35 6772979
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Re: mail.jar problems

2004-02-03 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Wade Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 common/endorsed dir. If it's been placed in WEB-INF/lib this error occurs:

 Tomcat 5 doesn't ship with mail.jar, but because of this problem my 
 webapp isn't running out of the box and people who want to use it have 
 to copy this jar (and activation.jar) manually.
 Is there a solution to this problem?
 You can distribute your application as a war file and include the jars 
 you need.

Ah, interesting. When an application is a 'war' then the classloader works
differently? How about when the war is unpacked? Is there any difference
then between an unpacked war and just a web-app?


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
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%@include and UTF-8

2003-12-17 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen

I have a page encoded in UTF-8. So I set [EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding=UTF-8 %

Now I can actually use UTF-8 in my page, and it works as it should.

If however I include a piece of JSP, with [EMAIL PROTECTED] % then this included
page can not be in UTF-8. It is interpreted as if it is ISO-8859-1, and on
the including page therefore appear garbage.

I saw this in tomcat 4.1.27 and 5.0.16.

How can I indicate that the included page is in UTF-8 as well?


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
+31 (0)35 6772979
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Re: %@include and UTF-8

2003-12-17 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Michiel Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I saw this in tomcat 4.1.27 and 5.0.16.

Correction: In tomcat 4.1.27 is works as expected after all. It is only
tomcat 5 which behaves weirdly.


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
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2003-12-15 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
I just upgraded my test-machine from tomcat 4.1.29 to 5.0.16.

It seems that the 'allow-linking' feature is broken, or I'm doing something
wrong. My server.xml sais something like:

  Context path=/mm docBase=/home/mmbase/mmbase-app debug=1
 Resources className=org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext 
allowLinking=true /

This used to make symlinks possible, but it doesn't in tomcat 5 (gives
404's). Should I know more, to get this working again?


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
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Re: allowLinking

2003-12-15 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen
Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
With 5.0.16, it's now an attribute on the Context.


Michiel Meeuwissen 
Mediapark C101 Hilversum  
+31 (0)35 6772979
nl_NL eo_XX en_US
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