Tomcat not resolving host name when using ant tasks...otherwise all is fine

2003-11-24 Thread Mike Klein
As my tomcat is behind a firewall and not publicly visible (I use Apache 
connector) I had selected localhost as the engine name and host name.

All of my tomcat functionality is working: manager, admin, jsps under 
docroot, axis, struts, blah blah.

My tomcat version is 4.1.27, and it is using an internal ip of and internal hostname of mother.

For some reason, when I attempt using the tomcat ant list task from a 
remote laptop, I get the message:

tools\build.xml [177] Server redirected too 
many  times (20)

It doesn't work whether I give a url of "http://mother:8080/manager"; or 
"";. I have tried changing engine's 
defaultHost and host names to "localhost", "mother", and "" 
to no avail.

Yet I can remotely (via internal lan) issue the manager list command 
from any of my web browsers and it works just fine.

The following is output from catalina_ log:

2003-11-14 12:46:06 StandardEngine[Standalone]: Mapping server name 
2003-11-14 12:46:06 StandardEngine[Standalone]:  Trying a direct match

Based on my understanding of host mapping, if request doesn't match a 
specific host name, then defaultHost property of engine is used. This 
doesn't seem to be happening though.

It seems the ant task functionality has worked before and as far I know 
I haven't made any server.xml changes that would cause it to cease 
working. It's wierd that I can invoke this same url from browser and 
data is returned.

Any ideas?

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Problems with tomcat server hostname mapping and ant tasks...server redirect problems

2003-11-14 Thread Mike Klein
As my tomcat is behind a firewall and not publicly visible (I use Apache 
connector) I had selected localhost as the engine name and host name.

All of my tomcat functionality is working: manager, admin, jsps under 
docroot, axis, struts, blah blah.

My tomcat version is 4.1.27, and it is using an internal ip of and internal hostname of mother.

For some reason, when I attempt using the tomcat ant list task from a 
remote laptop, I get the message:

tools\build.xml [177] Server redirected too 
many  times (20)

It doesn't work whether I give a url of "http://mother:8080/manager"; or 
"";. I have tried changing engine's 
defaultHost and host names to "localhost", "mother", and "" 
to no avail.

Yet I can remotely (via internal lan) issue the manager list command 
from any of my web browsers and it works just fine.

The following is output from catalina_ log:

2003-11-14 12:46:06 StandardEngine[Standalone]: Mapping server name 'mother'
2003-11-14 12:46:06 StandardEngine[Standalone]:  Trying a direct match

Based on my understanding of host mapping, if request doesn't match a 
specific host name, then defaultHost property of engine is used. This 
doesn't seem to be happening though.

It seems the ant task functionality has worked before and as far I know 
I haven't made any server.xml changes that would cause it to cease 
working. It's wierd that I can invoke this same url from browser and 
data is returned.

Any ideas?

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Re: Can use Ant to deploy to localhost

2003-11-01 Thread Mike Klein
Steven Woody wrote:

I'v not managed to deploy an application to Tomcat using Ant's  task.  It always reports a UnknownHostNameException.  I'v checked the 'url' property, that is 'http://localhost:8080/manager', and be sure that is right.

What do I do?

Steven Woody
I've had localhost expanded to localhost.localdomain...make sure this is 
in your hosts file too.


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Defining JNDI DataSource...why decl'd/def'd in server.xml and not in web.xml.

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Klein
I like to make my web applications and their corresponding 
installations/deployments as modular/atomic as possible. I like hot 
deployments, etc, etc.

Unfortunately, every application I've seen that uses Tomcat JNDI 
DataSources requires hand-editing of server.xml...and then a reference 
to the resource in web.xml of web application.

Why can't I describe the JNDI DataSource in the web.xml of my web 
application? I didn't notice this possibility in dtd for web.xml.

As an example, I recently installed JUDDI, a Java application that 
manages a uddi registry. It came as a self-contained web application 
(directory or .war), and after dropping it into webapps directory...I 
still had to hand-edit server.xml to describe its connection to database 
and it was done in a context only applying to juddi web app. This seems 
error-prone and just not clean/modular.

I would understand defining JNDI datasources available to ALL web 
applications via Tomcat's admin or via the server.xmlbut why when 
it's per web application?

Please correct my thinking...

thanks in advance,


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mod_jk problem with serving jsp from apache root dir...from tomcat alias dir is ok

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Klein
This has to be brain freeze of something...this s/be so simple...and
probably is.

I'm running tomcat 4.1.24-LE-jdk14 and Apache 1.3.27. I've got jsps coming
up on the web server port (via alias'd tomcat examples dir), in addition to
default of tomcat 8080 port...of course.

However, when I added the following:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

to my mod_jk.conf, which is Included at the end of my httpd.conf, it doesn't
seem to work. I get an http 404 740 error (requested resource is not
available). I put a HelloWorld.jsp into the web root of one of my virtual
hosts and it can't be pulled up. I've copied it as a .txt file, which is
returned just fine, and have double-checked permissions.

I can't seem to dish up jsps located directly under my server root...why?


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RE: mod_jk problem with serving jsp from apache root dir...from tomcat alias dir is ok

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Klein
I 'figured' out the problem I was having...or at least got things working.

In addition to: JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

I also had to add a servlet context to server.xml:

Originally docBase said ROOT, which I guess is Tomcat's root dir as opposed
to DocumentRoot in Apache.

I thought it might be cleaner to place individual 'markup' files (jsp, html,
php) under Apache, and only webapps and possibly servlets under Tomcat.

I didn't seem to think a servlet context was needed for stuff under apache,
just for mistake. Most of my work has been with webapps, and to
Apache's credit, I haven't had a whole lot of problems up till now...with
cocoon, apache, tomcat, etc.

I'm putting my server into a sort of test mode now, and am creating samples
of various 'similar' web pages using different web technologies (jsp, php,
cocoon). For this reason I wanted the files placed singlely under my apache
root, rather than tomcat using webapps/etc.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 9:30 PM
Subject: mod_jk problem with serving jsp from apache root dir...from
tomcat alias dir is ok

This has to be brain freeze of something...this s/be so simple...and
probably is.

I'm running tomcat 4.1.24-LE-jdk14 and Apache 1.3.27. I've got jsps coming
up on the web server port (via alias'd tomcat examples dir), in addition to
default of tomcat 8080 port...of course.

However, when I added the following:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

to my mod_jk.conf, which is Included at the end of my httpd.conf, it doesn't
seem to work. I get an http 404 740 error (requested resource is not
available). I put a HelloWorld.jsp into the web root of one of my virtual
hosts and it can't be pulled up. I've copied it as a .txt file, which is
returned just fine, and have double-checked permissions.

I can't seem to dish up jsps located directly under my server root...why?


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