RE: [NOTICE] Please read...

2001-08-07 Thread Noll, Jeff HS

So quickly we forget! Wheres the version number!

mine is 3.1

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Rood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:23 PM
 Subject: RE: [NOTICE] Please read...
 what a good idea!
 you guys are full of good ideas!
 -Original Message-
 From: Pier P. Fumagalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:08 AM
 Subject: [NOTICE] Please read...
 Guys, when posting to this mailing list, can you please 
 _ALWAYS_ specify
 what version of Tomcat you're using (3.x 4.0)? Some of the 
 developers (read:
 me) are involved only with one particular version, and when 
 seeing something
 like I installed Tomcat and... I seriously don't know 
 whether I know that
 or not...
 Personally I'm doing 4.0, and know nothing about 3.x, so, 
 please, if you
 want an answer, just include always the version number (it 
 might be worth
 also putting in the subject of your emails, something like 
 [TC3] balblabla
 or [TC4] this is my subject)..


2001-06-28 Thread Noll, Jeff HS

.As far as I understand it, there is nothing to stop a user from adding
to the tomcat project themselves. I'm amazed at how good the documentation
seeing as how no one was paid to do it.
Not to get into a great big argument over OS version commercial
products, but if OS projects expect to be taken with the same consideration
as commercial they have to accept to be compared across the board. This
includes documentation. You can't just pick and choose the battles you want
to fight. For the most part, the documentation in OS projects just plain
sucks, if it even exists. Believe it or not this is one of the reasons OS is
often frowned upon. Look at Microsoft, sure its close source, people may
think it sucks, blah blah blah, but do you have idea how much information is
on MSDN?
The lack of documentation available goes against some very basic
rules of Software Engineering. In the real world does this really matter? I
dunno, but often times packaging and presentation, and a finished looka nd
feel are the key to getting in the door and this is where most OS projects
fail miserably.
Because its free might be the reason the documentation sucks, it
shouldn't be a justification. (not that i'm saying tomcat sucks, just
argueing the point).

JSPError: Can't read: .../work/localhost_8080/...

2001-05-14 Thread Noll, Jeff HS

I'm running into all sorts of trouble with getting tomcat running on
solaris 5.6 with jdk1.1.8. Everything works great with jdk1.3, it seems that
Adobe has laid off everyone who was working on there acrobat FDF java
libraries so i'm forced to run a java 1.1 instance so that I can use their
.jar files.

I installed jdk1.1.8 from Sun, and the server starts just fine.
However, as soon as I try to load a jsp page i'm getting:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPerror:
Can't read:
/hsd/ssisvr/lib/tomcat/work2/localhost_8080/_0002fdev_0002fprocReview_0002fg 1 error 
The file exists, I can compile it by hand, so i'm not really sure what is
going on. Anyone have any ideas? I've already spent entirely too much time
on something that should be trivial. Thanks,


java app - servlet via serialization problem

2000-12-12 Thread Noll, Jeff HS

I'm having a problem with sending a serialized object to a servlet
and I'm hoping someone can help me out. The error i'm getting is: com.hsssi.rda.client.Session; Local class not
compatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUI=-670601590654791455 local class

I'm compiling using jbuilder, then copying the class files into the WEB-INF
directory, so i see no reason why they would be different versions.

On another note, I'm getting some very inconsistent results using
URLConnection.getInputStream() after I do me post. This occures after I post
the object stream to the servlet and then try to read a output from the
servlet. When I access a perl cgi it works fine, but when I access a servlet
I'm getting a FileNotFound io exception.

Any ideas on either of these two? its driver me crazy.

Oh, jvm is 1.3, apache is on Solaris, app is running from win98
