Re: Problems with deployment process using Eclipse + Ant + Tomcat

2004-12-01 Thread Paul Christmann
We use ant build scripts (launched from eclipse, anthill, command 
prompts, just about anywhere) to deploy webapps to Tomcat and it works 
fine for us.  But we did have difficulties when we started doing so.  We 
are currently using Tomcat 5.0.28; we've done it for a long time on 
Tomcat 4.1; we've tested it on Tomcat 5.5, but I can't say that it 
worked - we had other issues (unrelated to ant or Tomcat) that got in 
the way.

Its been a while since I went through these problems, but here's my 

a) There are several tasks in the catalina-ant.jar.  In particular, 
though, there are two different sets of tasks that can be used for 
deploying webapps: / and /.  You 
cannot  a 'd app nor can you  an 'd 

I don't fully recall the difference between those sets of tasks, but we 
discovered that the / tasks worked better for us.

b) We change the unpackWars attribute in the  element of the 
server.xml from true (its default value on a Windows installation) to 

Without this change, Tomcat unpacked the deployed webapp, which caused 
difficultied with the removal (files weren't removed) which then 
prevented redeployment.

c) Side note about your ant scripts:  your "deploy" target uses a bunch
of ant calls to do different things (build, war, tomcat_deploy and
email).  In each case you are passing inheritrefs=true and
inheritall=true and calling targets in the same build file.  You'd
probably be better off just doing this as dependencies instead:
I hope that helps,
Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC
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Re: Logging and Deployment best practices

2004-11-23 Thread Paul Christmann
Phillip Qin writes: 

Hi, I don't think the log will go to system32 directory. 
Try something like this 

It will when I just do this, though: 


Using the environment variable was the trick that I didn't know about.  
Thanks for your answer! 

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Re: Logging and Deployment best practices

2004-11-23 Thread Paul Christmann
Shapira, Yoav writes:
Loggers are gone in Tomcat 5.5.
One gentle suggestion: Is it possible make a note of that in the server 
configuration documentation?  I was reading and was 
just getting interested in them before reading a post on the topic this 

Thanks again, 

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Re: Logging and Deployment best practices

2004-11-23 Thread Paul Christmann
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:14:24 -0500, Shapira, Yoav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>a) Convert my file to use a RollingFileAppender.  I 

This is good. 

>I'd rather use a relative path (something like ./logs) and
>have the logs all end up in %TOMCAT_HOME%/logs. 

Log4j configuration files can have environment variables in them, e.g.
${CATALINA_HOME}/logs/mylog.txt.  Alternatively, you could use
programmatic configuration instead of
Cool!  I guess it pays to know where to look.  I've been digging through 
Tomcat documentation to find an answer, when I guess I needed to read the 
log4j documentation. 

I want to stay away from programmatic configuration of log4j, and just use 
property files.  Using an environment variable gives me the flexibility I 

Thanks for your answers! 


Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC
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Logging and Deployment best practices

2004-11-23 Thread Paul Christmann
We've recently upgraded from 4.1, which we've been using for 2+ years,
to 5.0.28.  While doing this, I've been looking into our logging in
order to try and do things better.  And I'm curious what other people
do - if there are any "best practices" that I could follow. 

What we do today:  We use log4j (wrapped inside commons logging) in
our webapps.  Each war file includes a jar that has a
file which controls logging from that webapp.  We use the log4j
ConsoleAppender so that all of our log messages ended up in the tomcat
stdout.log file.  It was always a minor annoyance that we had to
manually back up those files when we did a restart of the service (we
are using W2K and XP servers). 

But I finally decided as I was upgrading Tomcat that I'd address that
problem by moving to a rolling file appender.  Seems to me that I have
two choices for doing this: 

a) Convert my file to use a RollingFileAppender.  I
did this, and much to my surprise the log files showed up in my
%WIN_HOME%/system32 folder.  Try as I might (for example, setting
AppDirectory inside Parameters using the Registry Editor), I couldn't
figure out how to change the home directory for Tomcat running as a
Service.  We have different installation of Tomcat on different
servers, so I can't (nor do I want to) use a full path for the
logging; I'd rather use a relative path (something like ./logs) and
have the logs all end up in %TOMCAT_HOME%/logs. 

b) Leave my file using ConsoleAppender and use a
 element in my  to have Tomcat put the output into a
file.  I have not tried this yet, and wanted to post this query before
digging further into it.  Is this a good alternative?  I have two
issues with it:
i) I just saw another post that indicated that this functionality is
being removed in 5.5.  Seems like the wrong time for me to start using
functionality that has already been removed from future versions.
ii) We use ant tasks to deploy our war files to multiple contexts.  We
have never included a context.xml in our webapps, instead getting the
"default" behavior when we deploy.  If I included a context.xml in the
war file, then I can't deploy the exact same war (checked out from
CVS) to a new context without modifying it.  Or can I?  (Sorry - the
whole META-INF/context.xml is very new to me.  I only started reading
about it yesterday).  We do deploy the same war file to different
contexts: for development and staging environments. 

So: what is the "right" approach for file logging in a webapp under Tomcat?
+ Put all of the responsibility into the webapp using log4j?  If so -
how can I configure the home directory of Tomcat when I install the
Service?  Or should I hardwire some other location for the logs?
+ Or use the logging functionality of Tomcat via  elements?
If so - how do I manage deploying the same webapp to different context
+ Some other alternative? 

Thanks for any insights, 


Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC

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Re: 5.0.28 Service Shutdown problem on Windows

2004-11-16 Thread Paul Christmann
OK, many thanks.  I'll check back with bugzilla later.
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Bugzilla is having a tough day: its admins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) are
aware of the problem and working on it.
There's an open issue with what you describe: destroy not being called
when Tomcat is run as a Windows service for Tomcat 5.0.28.  The issue
was first reported in an early 5.0 version, fixed for 5.0.16 or 5.0.19,
and now apparently has re-appeared.
Yoav Shapira

-Original Message-----
From: Paul Christmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: 5.0.28 Service Shutdown problem on Windows
I just upgraded from 4.1.30 to 5.0.28 on two windows machines: one XP
and one W2K.  Both of them are having the same problem:
When I stop the installed Tomcat service, the destroy() method on my
servlets does not appear to get called.  I do not get my logging
information from my destroy methods, and file handles that should get
closed are left open.
The last message in my Tomcat stdout.log is:
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8081
When I run Tomcat standalone (using bin/startup and bin/shutdown), this
message is then followed by additional logging information and the
destroy() method of my service gets called.
When I run bin/shutdown, it returns before the full Tomcat shutdown is
completed.  In fact, to my untrained eye it appears to return shortly
after the "Pausing" log message.
So it appears that when running Tomcat as a service, the service is
getting halted when shutdown finishes - which has Paused the service.
But the remainder of the shutdown process is not invoked.
I've used the Windows installer, and made only four modifications to
installed service:
+ I replaced tomcat-users.xml
+ I changed the unpackWARS from true to false
+ I installed my webapp
+ I changed the service to run under a specific user account
I've exhausted my google skills searching for answers, but to no avail.
I tried to search bugzilla but got SQL errors (is that a known problem?
I followed the instructions on the error page and sent an email with
the error message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which seems too generic for
that type of error message).
Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC
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Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC
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5.0.28 Service Shutdown problem on Windows

2004-11-16 Thread Paul Christmann
I just upgraded from 4.1.30 to 5.0.28 on two windows machines: one XP 
and one W2K.  Both of them are having the same problem:

When I stop the installed Tomcat service, the destroy() method on my 
servlets does not appear to get called.  I do not get my logging 
information from my destroy methods, and file handles that should get 
closed are left open.

The last message in my Tomcat stdout.log is:
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8081
When I run Tomcat standalone (using bin/startup and bin/shutdown), this 
message is then followed by additional logging information and the 
destroy() method of my service gets called.

When I run bin/shutdown, it returns before the full Tomcat shutdown is 
completed.  In fact, to my untrained eye it appears to return shortly 
after the "Pausing" log message.

So it appears that when running Tomcat as a service, the service is 
getting halted when shutdown finishes - which has Paused the service. 
But the remainder of the shutdown process is not invoked.

I've used the Windows installer, and made only four modifications to the 
installed service:
+ I replaced tomcat-users.xml
+ I changed the unpackWARS from true to false
+ I installed my webapp
+ I changed the service to run under a specific user account

I've exhausted my google skills searching for answers, but to no avail. 
I tried to search bugzilla but got SQL errors (is that a known problem? 
 I followed the instructions on the error page and sent an email with 
the error message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which seems too generic for 
that type of error message).

Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC
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Re: Tomcat Manager deploy and undeploy

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Christmann
Jacob Kjome wrote:

> Do you add a META-INF/context.xml file containing your 
> information with the docBase pointing to "myapp.war"?
No, I've never added that.  It was only with this release that I even 
noticed the documentation that it was possible.  But thus far I've never 
needed it.

If one doesn't exist, post a new bug and describe how to reproduce it.
Will do.  Thanks.

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Re: Tomcat Manager deploy and undeploy

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Christmann
Jacob Kjome wrote:
Tomcat wouldn't unpack myapp.war even if unpackWar="true" unless 
myapp.war actually found its way into the appBase of the host which by 
default in Tomcat is CATALINA_HOME/webapps.  Using the Tomcat ant 
manager tasks to "deploy" a .war to Tomcat, this simply doesn't happen.  
The .war is not copied to the appBase and, therefore, does not get 
unpacked under the appBase.

If the docBase points to the .war file, even if the  has 
unpackWARs="true", the .war file will not be unpacked.  I think this is 
what you are saying, although I'm not sure.  I just tested it and it 
works just as I've described.  I'm not sure what Paul is doing to get 
the behavior he see's???
OK, now I'm thoroughly confused.  I believe your description of what you 
see, and I believe that is what I *should* be seeing.  However, its 
clearly NOT what I'm seeing.  And sure, I assume I'm doing something 
wrong, but I have no idea *what* (especially since I'm doing the same 
steps that worked with all Tomcat releases up to 4.1.18-LE).

+ I'm using the ant manager tasks for everything 
(org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask and 
+ My build file first runs "undeploy", then "deploy".
+ I uninstalled my old Tomcat instance, which fully removed the 
+ I installed Tomcat 4.1.24-LE.
+ I ran my ant tasks to deploy my webapp.

After this, I end up with:
+  entry for my webapp in my server.xml that points docBase to 
+ TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/[webapp] containing the expaned contents of my war.
+ War ends up in TOMCAT_HOME/work/Standalone/localhost/manager/[webapp].war

Then I have to use org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask to remove the 
webapp (deleting the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/[webapp] folder and the 

*Then*, if I modify the "unpackWARs" attribute of the  element in 
my server.xml (setting it to false) and do exactly the same steps as 
above, I get the behavior I expect: the webapp is *not* unpacked, and 
its docBase points to the 

*EVEN* if I then change unpackWARs back to true and redploy, I get the 
behavior I described originally -- the WAR is unpacked!  SO even once I 
have the correct  entry, redeployment changes the entry and 
unpacks the war. :(

Am I really the only one that is seeing this behavior??? :( :(

What am *I* doing  I'd really like to figure out what I've done 
wrong.  Please help

Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC

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Re: Tomcat Manager deploy and undeploy

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Christmann
Phillip Qin wrote:
- war is uploaded to $CATALINA/work/Standalone/; 
>> - war is unpacked into $CATALIAN_HOME/webapps/myapp;

> Jacob Kjome wrote:
completely false
I have to agree with Phillip -- I've seen (and reliably reproduced) this 
behavior with Tomcat 4.1.24-LE.  The only way I got around problems 
caused by this (undeploy would not work if the app had been unpacked in 
the CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder, but remove would) was to modify the 
distributed server.xml, adding unpackWARs="false" to the  entry.

I'd love to know *what* (if anything) I'm doing wrong, or have 
configured wrong.  But I've reproduced this multiple times on 3 
different Windows 2X servers with clean 4.1.24-LE installations.


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Re: deploy in 4.1.24

2003-06-03 Thread Paul Christmann

I found the solution, though not a completely satisfying explanation. 
Thought I'd post what I found in case anyone else ever encounters 
something similar.

By changing the "unpackWARs" attribute of the Host element in my 
server.xml to "false", I got back the behavior I had seen in earlier 
releases (my war file is no longer unpacked under the /webapps folder).

Going back through old versions of my server.xml (kept in CVS), I find 
that the unpackWARs attribute had always been present, and had always 
been set to "true".  So I still don't know what changed with 4.1.24 to 
change the behavior, but I found a way to get back my old behavior.  In 
fact, it seems that the unpackWARs behavior was not behaving properly in 
the old release, since the deployed war was *not* unpacked.

What still seems odd, though, is that the out-of-the-box installation of 
4.1.24-LE seemed to install with unpackWARs to true, which caused my war 
files to get unpacked.  This seems inconsistent with the documentation, 
and with the experiences of at least one other user - where the war was 
not expaned.  So I don't know what I did wrong, or have configured wrong.

So, I don't know what happened, but am happy that I got my old behavior 
back on the new release!


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Re: deploy in 4.1.24

2003-05-29 Thread Paul Christmann
Jacob Kjome wrote:
All I can say is that you must be mistaken.  I just performed a  
with two different apps.  In both cases, the .war files ended up in 
work/Standalone/localhost/manager and the WEB-INF directory from those 
.war files were also extracted to work/Standalone/localhost/[webapp  name].

I just double checked everything on my system.  I did a clean 
installation of Tomcat 4.1.24-LE and deployed my applications and still 
see the same results: the app ends up unpacked in the 
TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/[webapp name] folder.  NOTE: the webapp war file 
itself does *not* end up in the webapps folder, but I end up with the 
named folder beneath it containing the unpacked files.  I do *not* get 
the [webapp name] folder underneath work/Standalone/localhost, though 
the webapp war does get placed inside work/Standalone/localhost/manager/lib.

The docBase parameter in the server.xml refers to the 
TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\[webapp name] location.  I'm guessing that when you 
tested, the docBase parameter pointed to the Standalone/localhost location?

I'm stumped.

FWIW, here's the ant task that I use (in case this wasn't clear before 
-- I only use ant tasks to invoke the manager, never the manager webapp 


the properties are pretty self-explanatory:
catalina.webapps.url = http://localhost:8081
catalina.manager.user/pwd are correct. is the name of my webapp ("net").
deploy.war is the name of the war to deploy ("/src/net/build/lib/net.war").
The build file (and all properties) worked fine before this upgrade, so 
I'm truly at a loss.

Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC

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deploy in 4.1.24

2003-05-29 Thread Paul Christmann
I'm upgrading from 4.1.12-LE to 4.1.24-LE, and have found what appears 
to be a change in behavior from the  and  tasks in 

In 4.1.12, the webapp appeared to be deployed to 
TOMCAT_HOME/work/standalone/localhost/.  It was not placed in 
the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder.  This appeared to work fine, though, as 
the app was properly deployed, it worked, it was persisted, etc. etc. 
etc.  The task could then be 'd.

In 4.1.24, war file is placed in the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder, and the 
app is deployed from there.  This also works fine for deployment (the 
app works, persisted, etc. etc. etc.).  BUT -- the  fails.  I 
can use the  task to remove the app, though.

Is this an intentional change in behavior?  If so, is there any case 
where the  task should (could?) be used?

Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC

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