connecting httpd with Tomcat

2005-09-26 Thread Peter Menzel

Hello tomcat users,

I am trying to connect my Apache httpd 2.0.50 on SuSE 9.2 with a Tomcat 

Actually I cannot figure out which Connector to use.
I read about mod_jk, mod_jk2 and came to the Tomcat Connectors project, 
which provides JK 1.2.13 and JK 2.0.4.

I tried JK 2.0.4. Is this the same as mod_jk2? It was not pretty stable, 
only a bunch of requests came through..

Is JK 1.2.13 the same as mod_jk?
But mod_jk2 should have replaced mod_jk, while they say that JK 2.0.4 is 
deprecated ?

I am totally confused about all the similiar names for different(?) stuff?

Which one is now the right one for my task?

Can anybody bring to the good side of the force?

Regards, Peter Menzel

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Re: Order of WebApp Loading

2005-09-16 Thread Peter Menzel

I see,
if i can't count on the order of loading, I tried something other:
I set crossContext="true" for both webapps and while in 
contextInitialized() of the webapp which schould run only after the 
first webapp finished loading
I use context.getContext("/db-app") to look if the first app ist already 
there. If not then it should wait with Thread.sleep().
Unfortunately my Tomcat 5.5 seems to use only one thread for loading all 
web-apps, so if I let it wait the loading of all web-apps is blocked.

Obviously this solution will not work reliably, because it depends on 
the threading model the container uses to load its apps.

Do you have any other recommendations for this issue ?

Kind regards, Peter Menzel

Robert Harper schrieb:

The case is still that most servlet containers, Tomcat included, are
multithreaded and order of processing should not be counted on. One app may
be swapped out while the other app runs. It is far better to write your
servlets so that there is no dependency on order of operation, order of
parameters, etc. Another reason not to count on this is that it is not part
of the specification and one implementation or version of a container may
choose to provide order or not and this might change. There have been many
recommendations on how to do this and I would suggest you try them. Your
apps will probably end up being more scaleable as well.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

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Order of WebApp Loading

2005-09-15 Thread Peter Menzel

Hi there,

I have a question concerning Tomcats webapp loading:
What is the order in which tomcats loads its webapps ?
I have two webapps configured by /conf/Catalina/localhost/XXX.xml and I 
need one webapp to be loaded before the other, because it starts the 

How does Tomcat choose the first, second, ...
And what is the loading sequence, if both are deployed as a .war ?

Kind regards, Peter Menzel

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