I have a webapp packaged as a war file. In the war file's /META-INF directory, I have a context.xml file. If I drop this war file into /webapps when autoDeploy is set to "true" for the host, the context.xml file is correctly moved to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/*.xml and my app is correctly deployed.

If I take the same war file and try to deploy it using the manager webapp, the context.xml file in META-INF is ignored. The manager does expand the war correctly in the webapps directory, and I can manually move the context.xml to the correct place and the webapp runs.

I use a url like this to deploy: http://foo.bar.com:8080/manager/deploy?path=/foo&war=jar:file:/var/ foo.war!/

When I use this URL, I get the message; OK - Deployed application at context path /foo.

I've tried appending &update=true to this url, but this just creates a new context fragment in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost, not the one from my war file.

Am I missing something? The server I'm trying to deploy to is running 5.0.19, hopefully this isn't a problem because I'm not sure I'll be allowed to upgrade.


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