can't unsubscribe

2001-08-14 Thread Sebastian Hauer


could anyone in charge be so kind and take me e-mail address of this
list. I can't unsubscribe I'm already trying for weeks.
Any yes I know I should write a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but it didn't work. I also
tried the webinterface but no luck either and after writing the
webmaster (there is no postmaster) I didn't go a reply back.

So please please please remove me of this list... I'll promise not to
subscribe anymore ;)


Re: looking for jakarta-serveletapi

2001-04-23 Thread Sebastian Hauer

Hi Djazia,

check out:


Djazia Mecheri wrote:
 Good morning,
 I'm installing jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1, and in the README file is writing:
 download and install the Serveletapi distribution I couldn't find it
 on the apache site.
 Could you, please, tell me where can I fond it?
 Thanks for your help.
 Here is my e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: stdout/err logging - how?

2001-04-12 Thread Sebastian Hauer


Warren Crossing wrote:
 umm you could do something like append
 tomcat-start-command  or
 i think this gets stdout but stderr uses 2 or something.. i think its
 called redirecting output, i'm not sure.. but i think its really pathetitc

"  file.log" will overwrite your logfile every time you call
this command. It  redirects stdout and stderr to a file.
If you want to concat output from stderr as well as stdout to some log
file do:
"  file.log 21"
or if you want all error message in a separate file:
"  file.normal.log 2 file.error.log"

 that your not using logforge which is also an apache code license java
what about log4j?
This is what I want to use in my next project maybe.
Do you have an URL to logforge?



tomcat + apache URL rewriting

2001-04-06 Thread Sebastian Hauer

Hi tomcat users,

I want to use url rewriting for my session management.
It works nicely with cookies enabled using tomcat standalone on port
8080 and in combination with apache. I encode all used url's in my
servlets though and using tomcat standalone even the url rewriting works
nicely but it does not if I try to connect over apache. So I think it
has to do something with my apache setup. 
I have mod_rewrite loaded.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Here is my setup:
SuSE Linux 7.1 with a 2.4.2 kernel
apache 1.3.14
tomcat 3.1 with mod_jserv
sun's java 1.2.2
