One solution to: How to hide files by extension under Tomcat 5?

2004-04-20 Thread Stephen Bacon
Parsons Technical Services wrote:

Since you don't like that you might try this. Set security-constraints for
all the file types you want to protect.
Then do NOT set an auth-constraint for it. Thus no one will be able to
access it from outside.
Thanks Doug, that's the ticket.

Here's what I came up with:

I created a page not found html doc.

I then modified web.xml and
  a) created a security constraint for the url pattern *.jspsegment, 
with auth-constraint of blockaccess
  b) created the role block access with no users
  c) set login-config to use the FORM auth-method, specifying the 
custom page not found doc. for the login page - as it does not have 
any actual functionality, and no one has the blockaccess role, files 
with the extension jspsegments will never be served. Fun!

(You can do this without the not found form, but then you see a 
tomcat-generated error rather than a more generic / app-specific 
message. Also, set this as your custom error page and any nosey types 
shouldn't be able to tell they've actually specified an existing page)

PS Unless I am mistaken the file structure is controlled by the servlet
spec. Thus Tomcat has no control over this feature.
You are correct - I was just being cranky.

Here the additions to web.xml:

--%- (snip)

  web-resource-namejspsegment direct access/web-resource-name
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How to hide files by extension under Tomcat 5?

2004-04-19 Thread Stephen Bacon
  I've got Tomcat 5 running standalone. Unfortunately I cannot 
discover how to prevent non-JSP files from being served. Specifically, 
I've got code sections (which aren't really appropriate to be written as 
beans) which I jsp:include into several pages. I end up giving all of 
these the extension .jspinclude.
Provided you know the name of the file, you can request it and see the 
source. This is also be the case for other files I do not want visible.
Previously I had Tomcat 3 connected to Apache and used Apache's config 
mechanism to deny access to files with certain extensions. Now I'm 
moving to Tomcat 5 and decided to give a standalone setup a try.
Is there a way to configure TC5 so that it gives a 404 error for all 
files with a certain extension (or name-matching a reg exp string)? Or 
conversely, configuring it so that it only serves files with an 
extension in [jsp, html, gif]?

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Re: How to hide files by extension under Tomcat 5?

2004-04-19 Thread Stephen Bacon
Good idea. Unfortunately, I'd like to keep my file org as-is (it'd be a 
bit strange to put all sorts of resources in a directory struture 
starting with WEB-INF).
Plus I'm not sure it's a good thing to rely on a product-specific 
feature (WEB-INF is hidden by Tomcat) for this. What happens if in the 
future they dir changes to WEB-INFO - then a bunch of pages would need 
Surely there must be a configurable way? This would seem to be a general 
req. of any web-server.

Emerson Cargnin wrote:

You can hide all this files inside the WEB-INF directory. It will be 
included when called by a JSP or servlet, but not served directly...

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Re: emergency - need to get into admin app

2004-04-19 Thread Stephen Bacon
In general, you only use it to pass options that you might need. For 
example the X flag controls memory, so if your app requires it you can 
instruct tomcat to launch JVMs with a higher max (i.e. if it seems to be 
running out of memory).
As an example I use: -Xmx128m to set the max at 128MB (i think the 
default is 64?)
Note I'm using this under linux so it's in a shell script.
In the Windows batch file, you'd just use:
  set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx128m
Which I would put after the line rem - Execute The Requested 
Command - but that's just me ;^)
You could also use the control panel to set a system-wide env. variable, 
but you don't need everybody to have it defined, plus it may mess you up 
when running java apps other than tomcat.

Stephen Charles Huey wrote:

I see something in catalina.bat about a JAVA_OPTS environment variable. 
Do I need to set this in Windows?  When I run java -X on the command
line, I see something about a -Xms option for setting the heap size.  Do
I just type -Xms some number in the Windows environment variable or

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Re: Classpath problems with tomcat on Linux 9

2004-04-19 Thread Stephen Bacon
Hi Andy,

  I'm porting over to TC5 and I've not had any problems with it finding 
my classes, *BUT* I don't put any classes into the base directory 
itself, but below that.

So for example, my UserBean class is in 
myapp/WEB-INF/classes/AccessCtrl and it is part of the package 
AccessCtrl (i.e. first line of bean is package AccessCtrl;)

The pages that use this include the directive:
%@ page import=AccessCtrl.* %
so that it can find them.
Additionally, to avoid problems, I generally include the packagename 
anyways in my useBean tags:
jsp:useBean id=beanUser
 scope=session /
Which shouldn't be necessary, but I find it increases readability anyways.


Andy Wadsworth wrote:

Should I expect Tomcat to find my UserData.class file if I put it
in webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/classes? Do I need to create a web.xml 
or should it find the class file without any web.xml customization?
If anyone has a very simple example that I could drop in to see if
it works, I'd appreciate it. I've already verified that the jsp-examples
all work, but there is a lot of stuff in the web.xml that I shouldn't
need for what I want to do, and finding what I need is probably where
my problems lie.

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Re: Creating a Certificate Signing Request

2002-08-15 Thread Stephen Bacon

On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 10:55, Gabe Sanchez wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am new to the list, so please bear with me. I am running a server with
 RedHat Linux 7.2, with Tomcat 4.0.3 as the web server. I am in the process
 of trying to buy a digital certificate from Verisign but am unable to find
 any information on how to create a Certificate Signing Request. I called
 Verisign, and they told me that they do not have any documentation on how to
 do this. Can someone please help.

This is actually OS dependent, not really a tomcat thing. Verisign does
indeed have instructions at:


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RE: Writing files from a class

2002-08-14 Thread Stephen Bacon

Thanks for the reply,

I see that the spec mentions private temporary directory - I need a
permananent directory - by temporary I take it to mean that I can't
count on the files sticking around. Is my understanding here flawed?

Also, I'd like to be able to specify the name and location.
I had seen the javax.servlet.ServletContext.log() methods, but they seem
to offer no control over where the output is placed. I'd rather have a
debug file per class than have all messages sent to a single file.

And finally, I have servlets that take data from a db and place it in a
(text) file for the user to download - so once again a file creation
issue where I need a general file i/o solution.


On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 20:15, Sexton, George wrote:
 From the servlet 2.3 Specification:
 SRV.3.7.1 Temporary Working Directories
 A temporary storage directory is required for each servlet context. Servlet
 containers must provide a private temporary directory per servlet context,
 and make
 it available via the javax.servlet.context.tempdir context attribute. The
 associated with the attribute must be of type
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Bacon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 August, 2002 5:20 PM
 Subject: Writing files from a class
   I'm trying to migrate from Tomcat 3 to Catalina (under Linux) and I've
 hit a snag. Several of my custom classes which I use from JSPs (e.g.
 ConnectionPool) print messages to debug files which I access via:


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RE: Writing files from a class

2002-08-14 Thread Stephen Bacon

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 11:37, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
 I see that the spec mentions private temporary directory - I need a
 permananent directory - by temporary I take it to mean that I can't
 count on the files sticking around. Is my understanding here flawed?
 Your understanding as far as a temporary directory is correct.  If you
 need a permanent directory, you can:
 - Specify one as a parameter (resource-ref, init-param to a servlet,
 context-param etc.).

Right, this is what I tried (set an init-param, read it in the JSP, pass
it to the object via a SetLogDirectory() method - but no files.

 - Use another storage medium, e.g. a database.

Well, the problem then is debugging problems hitting the db - text files
are the lowest common denominator and simplest way of dropping messages.
If I log to a db, then if I can't hit the db then no logging ;^(

 I'm sorry, I don't have your original message in front of me.  Are you
 using a logging solution e.g. log4j or commons-logging, or are you
 constricted to relying only on the ServletContext.log() methods?  Log4j
 etc will let you configure the log files to whatever detail level you
 want, including path and separate log files per class.

I'm just doing simple file I/O (via PrintWriter() class)
I had looked at Log4j, but I wanted to port the existing code, not
rewrite it.
Plus I assume if I'm having trouble doing simple file I/O I'll have the
same problem using an different class.

 Why can't you use the temporary directory for this?  Unless you want to
 files to persist across server restarts, 
Yes, I need them to persist.

 in which case you would either
 put them in a DB 
In one case I have I *must* save the data to a file (it starts out in
the db) - this is not a technical issue, but rather a legal issue we
have (i.e. we must save to a file because that's what the user
downloads, if we save it in a db then we can't say we've kept copies of
all files, yada yada yada - typical CYA lawyer stuff)

 or tell your servlets what directory to use via the
 param methods mentioned above.
Right, that's what I tried. But, the files don't appear - so I was
wondering if this is a Tomcat4 issue (security / config / ???) as file
I/O worked with these classes under Tomcat 3.2


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Writing files from a class

2002-08-13 Thread Stephen Bacon

  I'm trying to migrate from Tomcat 3 to Catalina (under Linux) and I've
hit a snag. Several of my custom classes which I use from JSPs (e.g.
ConnectionPool) print messages to debug files which I access via:
  pwDebug = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(m_sDebugFileName,
  pwDebug.println(m_sdf.format(new java.util.Date()) +   + sparMsg);

Previously, it would create / append to the file in the location that
Tomcat was started from (so I had made sure it was always done from a
logs directory - a kludge yes, but it worked)

Well, Tomcat 4 seems to have added security which is blocking this. I
made a modification to pull the debug file name from the web.xml file
and made sure the target directory specified
(/var/tomcat4/webapps/appname/logs) was owned by the user tomcat4,
and had the write flags turned on.

No go - still no debug file (it writes an init message so there should
be something)

This of course is a big problem because my classes have now all become
black boxes and I'm unable to debug problems.

Is this something to do with security under T4? Is there a proper
means by which messages should be logged? Have I configured something

The app seems to be running OK, but I have no way to be sure without the
ability to print debug messages.

Any ideas?


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Re: Configuring web.xml for HttpServlet - Solution!

2001-01-25 Thread Stephen Bacon

never underestimate the power of just guessing.
The solution was to hit the servlet by specifying "servlet" in the path, i.e.:
If the servlet is installed under the ROOT webapp as Wyn Easton suggested, 
then you can skip specifying the context

Does anyone know if there is a way to set up web.xml or something so that 
the "/servlet" portion of the URL can be skipped?


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