RE: Apache2 SSL with client authentication jk2 tomcat 5 - no user certificate in request

2004-07-02 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I tried to get that working but failed so I went back to mod_jk which does
pass the cert.

Directory /webapps/myapp
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth  5
SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.jsp 

-Original Message-
From: Radu Radutiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 7:49 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Apache2 SSL with client authentication jk2 tomcat 5 - no user
certificate in request


I'm running Tomcat 5 + jdk 1.4.2_02 + Apache 2.0.49 (Fedora 1) with mod_jk2.
I can access the  web app through SSL (with client authentication enabled in
Apache) but the following attributes are not set in the request:
javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite, and
If I access the Tomcat server directly on a port configured with SSL with
client authentication, javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite  and
javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate are set correctly.

I've tried different versions of tomcat (5.0.25 and 4.1.27), mod_jk2 from
the binary distribution and  self compiled and get the same result. Running
a traffic sniffer it seems that the certificate information is never sent to
the tomcat server.

The jk2 configuration (in httpd.conf) is the following:

LoadModule jk2_module modules/
JkSet config.file /etc/httpd/conf/
# default value
JkSet2 workerEnv sslEnable 1
JkSet2 workerEnv forwardKeySize  1

The is the default file from the binary distribution
with the updated uri for the web application.

Is it possible to get the user certificate in Tomcat when using Apache
+ mod_jk2 as a front end?



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RE: SingleSignOn

2004-06-25 Thread Summers, Bert W.
Looking at SingleSignOn sessionEvent code it seems that if you invalidate a
session it does kill all the sessions.

Only if the session died from timeout do other sessions survive.
This is from TC5.0.25

// Was the session destroyed as the result of a timeout?
// If so, we'll just remove the expired session from the
// SSO.  If the session was logged out, we'll log out
// of all session associated with the SSO.
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - session.getLastAccessedTime() =
  session.getMaxInactiveInterval() * 1000) {
  removeSession(ssoId, session);
} else {
  // The session was logged out.
  // Deregister this single session id, invalidating 
  // associated sessions

-Original Message-
From: Mike Fowler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:59 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SingleSignOn

Hi Thomas,

The reason you can't log off from the second app is that web apps can not
talk to one another. Additionally, with the SingleSignOn feature when you
leave a web app with out invalidating the session, it remains attached to
the SingleSignOn session. The SingleSignOn session does not expire until all
attached sessions are invalid.

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RE: Denial Service Attack Prevention apache-tomcat modjk2

2004-06-10 Thread Summers, Bert W.
And server side you can use a token match from a form hidden element and
session attribute.

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:56 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Denial Service Attack Prevention apache-tomcat modjk2

You can use JavaScript to disable form elements, thereby graying them out
and preventing the user from clicking again.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Denial Service Attack Prevention apache-tomcat modjk2

Looking for a solution to prevent a user from click multiply times on a 
function in which the application is still performing from the first

The user thinkgs the app is not responding where in fact it is, then 
causing the app to take a dump from multiply request.

Using cisco css LB into -- Apache, mod_jk2 into tomcat 4.1.29

any tips or pointers greatly appr


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Opening a pdf from IE via apache-jk-tc5

2004-06-04 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I am really starting to hate IE.
First my site.
Running apache 2.0.49. mod_ssl to  mod_jk to TC 5.0.19.
Apache is doing all of my PKI work, passes the cert to TC which handles user
My site has a lot of PDF documents.  Some are downloaded via a servlet. 
The problem:
 It all worked great for quite some time, then suddenly nobody using IE can
get the docs via the servlet (assume the directory broke the same time).
Had to tell IE to use cache as it does not want to cache anything from an
SSL site.  (It seems that IE downloads the file first then asks if you want
to open it or save it, then tries to get it again but wont because of SSL)
response.setHeader(Pragma, cache);
response.setHeader(Cache-Control, cache);
Got that part to work.  Now it seems that IE can not get a pdf or doc file
from straight directory browsing.
IE gives the error not able to open this Internet site, blah blah blah
Please try again later  This is the same error I got from my servlet.
Of course Mozilla does not have a problem at all.
The Question:
With out writing a servlet to return all of the files that are currently
retrieved by direct url is there a way for tomcat to tell IE to use the one
in cache, similar to the setHeaders above?

RE: Opening a pdf from IE via apache-jk-tc5

2004-06-04 Thread Summers, Bert W.
After searching the archives it seems that it is not possible.
Just to note.  I added JkMount /MyApp/* ajp13 to http.conf.
That is what caused the direct url problem.
Apache does not set the header but tomcat does, strange.
Guess I will have to write my servlet as I need user access control to the

RE: Bug in Tomcat 5 realm example (j_security_check, again)

2004-05-24 Thread Summers, Bert W.
From other comments on the list I added this to the top of my login.jsp

if (session.isNew())
  String referer = request.getHeader(Referer);
  if (referer == null)

Then I had a problem that people would login, view some stuff and the go to
another web site.
Of course they book marked the login page (I know they should not, but they
After visiting other web pages they hit the bookmark back to the login page.
This caused the first if to fail, so I added this part.  (I put a user
object in the session)

// now check remote user and session user
User u = (User)session.getAttribute(USER);
String remoteUser = request.getRemoteUser();
if(remoteUser != null  u != null)
// seems the user does not match

For my site my failed page is also login.jsp.  I created my own custom login
which does some checks and uses attributes in the request to give feedback
to the users (bad password, expired account, etc).

-Original Message-
From: Barnet Wagman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Bug in Tomcat 5 realm example (j_security_check, again)

This really concerns using j_security_check.  (I know there have been many
posts on this subject but I haven't seen the answer I need and I haven't
found much in the way of documentation on j_security_check).

Tomcat 5 comes with a simple example of  how to use j_security_check for
form based login ( http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/security/protected/,
as referred to in the Realm Configuration HOW-TO);

The example fails to redirect correctly after a failed login.

That is, if the user enter a valid username/password combination on the
first try, everything is fine.

If not, the user gets the error page, which has link back to the login page.
If she then enters the correct username/password, she is redirected to the
/login page/.  It appears that the user now is logged in.  I.e. she can now
access protected pages.

In other words, the login page - error page - login page redirection is
'losing' the url of the originally requested page.  I suspect that a simple
modification to login.jsp and error.jsp would fix this, but that requires
knowing where j_security_check put the url of the originally requested page.
I haven't founded any documentation on that.

If you know, or have any other ideas on fixing this, please let me know.



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RE: Streaming pdf document fails

2004-05-11 Thread Summers, Bert W.
  response.setHeader(Pragma, cache);
  response.setHeader(Cache-Control, cache);

And now it works.
I was not adding the cache-control, something else must have but did not
override my setting to cache.

Mozilla still double downloads, but then 90% of my users are IE.


-Original Message-
From: Sasha Borodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:23 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Streaming pdf document fails


I just ran across something similar today, read this document:

The way I understand it, IE wants to save the file in cache before letting
you view it; if you're requesting something via SSL (https://...) IE
actually honors the cache defeating tags, which I noticed you have; hence
the error.  Removing the...

 Pragma: No-cache
 Cache-Control: no-cache

...headers should fix your problem, I think.  It worked for me, let me know
if this words for you too.


 From: Summers, Bert W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 12:32:49 -0700
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Streaming pdf document fails
 This is what tcptrace tells me is being sent back to the browser
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Pragma: No-cache
 Cache-Control: no-cache
 Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=N77-NTSP-E-70-0203.pdf
 Content-Type: application/pdf
 Content-Length: 443928
 Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 19:29:37 GMT
 Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
 If I remove the Content-disposition then the PDF opens in the browser 
 ok, but that is not what I want. Secondly Mozilla still asks for the 
 file twice and gets it, but only displays one of them.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christoph Meier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:28 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Streaming pdf document fails
 As far as i remeber, IE wants to know the content-length to show a 
 PDF. = put the appopriate content-length into your Response-Header, 
 ensure to have set the right content-type and i would expect that the 
 PDF-stream should work then for IE, too.
 I have a problem that just came up.  I have PDF documents located out 
 side of my webapps directory. When the user wants one they go to my 
 servlet which streams it back. This use to work just fine, but now is 
 In IE I get Error opening document on TC4.1.30 and unable to open 
 this Internet site in TC 5.0.19
 Mozilla 1.6 does not have a problem opening the file.
 What is odd is that Mozilla seems to request the servlet twice from 
 one click, the first tends to throw this
 ClientAbortException: Software caused 
 abort: socket write error
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(
at GetPDFDoc.outputFile(
at GetPDFDoc.processRequest(
at GetPDFDoc.doGet(
 Is there anything wrong with what I am doing?
  response.setDateHeader(Expires, 0);
 // open pdf outside of browser
  response.addHeader(Content-disposition, attachment; 
 + ntspNo + .pdf);
  response.setContentLength((int)f.length()); out = response.getOutputStream(); // f is 
 the pdf on the file system and it does exist in = new;
  int size = 0;
  byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
  while( (size =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1)
out.write(buffer, 0, size);
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Streaming pdf document fails

2004-05-11 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I have a problem that just came up.  I have PDF documents located out side
of my webapps directory.
When the user wants one they go to my servlet which streams it back.
This use to work just fine, but now is broke.
In IE I get Error opening document on TC4.1.30 and unable to open this
Internet site in TC 5.0.19
Mozilla 1.6 does not have a problem opening the file.
What is odd is that Mozilla seems to request the servlet twice from one
click, the first tends to throw this
ClientAbortException: Software caused connection
abort: socket write error
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(
at GetPDFDoc.outputFile(
at GetPDFDoc.processRequest(
at GetPDFDoc.doGet(
Is there anything wrong with what I am doing?
  response.setDateHeader(Expires, 0);
// open pdf outside of browser
  response.addHeader(Content-disposition, attachment; filename= +
ntspNo + .pdf);
  response.setContentLength((int)f.length()); out = response.getOutputStream();
// f is the pdf on the file system and it does exist in = new;
  int size = 0;
  byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
  while( (size =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1)
out.write(buffer, 0, size);

RE: Streaming pdf document fails

2004-05-11 Thread Summers, Bert W.
This is what tcptrace tells me is being sent back to the browser

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=N77-NTSP-E-70-0203.pdf
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Length: 443928
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 19:29:37 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

If I remove the Content-disposition then the PDF opens in the browser ok,
but that is not what I want.
Secondly Mozilla still asks for the file twice and gets it, but only
displays one of them.

-Original Message-
From: Christoph Meier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:28 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Streaming pdf document fails

As far as i remeber, IE wants to know the content-length to show a PDF. =
put the appopriate content-length into your Response-Header, ensure 
to have set the right content-type and i would expect that the 
PDF-stream should work then for IE, too.


I have a problem that just came up.  I have PDF documents located out 
side of my webapps directory. When the user wants one they go to my 
servlet which streams it back. This use to work just fine, but now is 
In IE I get Error opening document on TC4.1.30 and unable to open this 
Internet site in TC 5.0.19
Mozilla 1.6 does not have a problem opening the file.
What is odd is that Mozilla seems to request the servlet twice from one 
click, the first tends to throw this
ClientAbortException: Software caused 
abort: socket write error
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(
at GetPDFDoc.outputFile(
at GetPDFDoc.processRequest(
at GetPDFDoc.doGet(
Is there anything wrong with what I am doing?
  response.setDateHeader(Expires, 0);
// open pdf outside of browser
  response.addHeader(Content-disposition, attachment; filename= 
+ ntspNo + .pdf);
  response.setContentLength((int)f.length()); out = response.getOutputStream(); // f is 
the pdf on the file system and it does exist in = new;
  int size = 0;
  byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
  while( (size =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1)
out.write(buffer, 0, size);


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RE: Tomcat and Windows 2003 Server

2004-05-07 Thread Summers, Bert W.
Running 4.1.29 on 2003.
Had problems with IIS6 and DoD PKI client authentication.
Went to Apache to fixed that problem.

-Original Message-
From: Anderson Boechat Lopes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 12:12 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat and Windows 2003 Server


Sorry.I don´t know if this is the right email to answer my question. I´m
new here.

I have a web-application running with Tomcat on Win 2000 Server and I
need to move to Win 2003 Server. However, I have already listened that there
are some problems running Tomcat on win 2003. It´s true?


 Anderson Boechat Lopes

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SingleSignOn timeout

2004-04-12 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I am using the SingleSignOn class from Tomcat.
It is working good in that I have three webapps that I can be between
without a problem.
My issue that when one of the sessions expire it kills all the sessions in
the other webapps and I get redirected to the login screen again.
That is not supposed to happen is it?
I am keeping one webapps session active and then it dies.
Is there some setting?

RE: SingleSignOn timeout

2004-04-12 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I would agree with your perspective.

After I have been in my trading account for 30 minutes my boa session time's
out and my trading session is killed.  That I do not expect.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 12:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SingleSignOn timeout

that would depend on the type of single-signon you want right.
a restrictive single-signon mechanism would consider the user logged out of
all webapps once the user logs out of one webapp.
if you don't want the login to be symmetic, when do you decide a login is
invalid? Is it based on timeouts, or some other mechanism?  In my mind,
single-signon also means single-signout. But that's my biased perspective.
the reason for this way of thinking is, say I login to my BOA checking
account and I go to view my savings account. Then I jump to my trading
account. When I log off, I expect to log off BOA and not just the section
I'm on.  Other people might have different expectations, but that's how I
tend to think of single signon.
peter lin

Summers, Bert W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am using the SingleSignOn class from Tomcat.
It is working good in that I have three webapps that I can be between
without a problem.

My issue that when one of the sessions expire it kills all the sessions in
the other webapps and I get redirected to the login screen again.

That is not supposed to happen is it?
I am keeping one webapps session active and then it dies.

Is there some setting?


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RE: SingleSignOn timeout

2004-04-12 Thread Summers, Bert W.
How deep is this restriction? Can I change the SSO class? I have already
subclassed it to add some client PKI checking.

Why would one webapp's timeout kill a current session, seems it should kill
itself then each session would die a natural death, unless I call invalidate


-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 12:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SingleSignOn timeout

And Tomcat's SingleSignOn valve is restrictive.  So the behavior you're
seeing is by design.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 3:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SingleSignOn timeout

that would depend on the type of single-signon you want right.

a restrictive single-signon mechanism would consider the user logged
out of
all webapps once the user logs out of one webapp.

if you don't want the login to be symmetic, when do you decide a login
invalid? Is it based on timeouts, or some other mechanism?  In my mind, 
single-signon also means single-signout. But that's my biased

the reason for this way of thinking is, say I login to my BOA checking 
account and I go to view my savings account. Then I jump to my trading 
account. When I log off, I expect to log off BOA and not just the
I'm on.  Other people might have different expectations, but that's how
tend to think of single signon.

peter lin

Summers, Bert W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am using the SingleSignOn class from Tomcat.
It is working good in that I have three webapps that I can be between 
without a problem.

My issue that when one of the sessions expire it kills all the sessions
the other webapps and I get redirected to the login screen again.

That is not supposed to happen is it?
I am keeping one webapps session active and then it dies.

Is there some setting?


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RE: SingleSignOn timeout

2004-04-12 Thread Summers, Bert W.
Let me see if I have this straight.

SingleSignOn registers itself with each session.
When a session dies it calls sessionEvent
Which then gets the ssoId and calls deregister
Which then iterates through all sessions for that ssoId and kills them

Now, if I change deregister and check the number of sessions and if there is
only one then remove the ssoId from the cache.
Seems that will fix my problem.

Are there any security problems I should be aware of?


-Original Message-
From: Summers, Bert W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 12:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SingleSignOn timeout

How deep is this restriction? Can I change the SSO class? I have already
subclassed it to add some client PKI checking.

Why would one webapp's timeout kill a current session, seems it should kill
itself then each session would die a natural death, unless I call invalidate


-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 12:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SingleSignOn timeout

And Tomcat's SingleSignOn valve is restrictive.  So the behavior you're
seeing is by design.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 3:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SingleSignOn timeout

that would depend on the type of single-signon you want right.

a restrictive single-signon mechanism would consider the user logged
out of
all webapps once the user logs out of one webapp.

if you don't want the login to be symmetic, when do you decide a login
invalid? Is it based on timeouts, or some other mechanism?  In my mind,
single-signon also means single-signout. But that's my biased

the reason for this way of thinking is, say I login to my BOA checking
account and I go to view my savings account. Then I jump to my trading 
account. When I log off, I expect to log off BOA and not just the
I'm on.  Other people might have different expectations, but that's how
tend to think of single signon.

peter lin

Summers, Bert W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am using the SingleSignOn class from Tomcat.
It is working good in that I have three webapps that I can be between
without a problem.

My issue that when one of the sessions expire it kills all the sessions
the other webapps and I get redirected to the login screen again.

That is not supposed to happen is it?
I am keeping one webapps session active and then it dies.

Is there some setting?


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RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat

2004-04-06 Thread Summers, Bert W.
You need to cast the ResultSet to the Oracle specify ResultSet

-Original Message-
From: Kumar Abhay-CAK203C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:01 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat
Importance: High


Any idea why this error is coming in runtime?

Servlet) - FileDisplayServlet.doPost()

I am trying to display a image that is stored in a BLOB field in Oracle. I
am using connection pooling and classes12.jar

Servlet Code 

private void readBlob
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
long aFeatureId,
String aFileName,
String aUserId
throws SQLException,IOException
Connection conn = null;
ResultSet result = null;
PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; in = null;
java.sql.Blob myBlob = null;
FileUploadFactory uploadFactory = new FileUploadFactory();

conn = config_.getEstimationConnection(false);
String sql = ;
sql =
   FROM +
   WHERE +
   FEATURE_ID = +aFeatureId;

log_.debug(result= + result);
prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
result = prepStmt.executeQuery();
if (result != null
//get the file ext
String strDocExt = ;
strDocExt =
uploadFactory.getFileType(aFileName, aUserId);
catch(Exception e)
log_.debug(Exception is+e);
//get the file length
int intCountBytes = 0;
String strPrpValue = null;
//set the mimetype
ResourceBundle mimetype =
strPrpValue =
log_.debug(Value= + strPrpValue);
if (strPrpValue != null)


response.setHeader(Content-Disposition, inline; filename= + aFileName);
myBlob = result.getBlob(FILE_IMAGE);
//get the inputStream
in = myBlob.getBinaryStream();
/*Get the Output Stream*/
if (in != null)
generatePresentation(in, response);
catch (SQLException sqle)
throw new
SQLException(FileDisplayServlet.readBlob,  + sqle.getErrorCode());
catch (IOException io)
throw new
if (result != null)
if (prepStmt != null)

RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat

2004-04-06 Thread Summers, Bert W.
Unjar the classes12.jar file and look for it.
There should be some ResultSet class in there.

The jdbc class that come with Java do not implement the getBLOB method,
hence the abstract violation.
The Oracle driver in the case has the implemented method, of course you are
now tied to Oracle in your code.

-Original Message-
From: Kumar Abhay-CAK203C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:15 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat
Importance: High

Thanks for the suggestions,

My question is how I can check that both the versions are same, I have
classes12.jar in common/lib and that is set in system classpath. 
How to find the OracleResultSEt class to cast result?

Best Regards
Abhay Kumar

-Original Message-
From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:59 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat

The javadoc for that error suggests:
this error can only occur at run time if the definition of some class has
incompatibly changed since the currently executing method was last
So is the version of classes12.jar that you used to compile the code, the
exact same version that is being used to run it ?
As for casting..

OracleResultSetClass foo = (OracleResultSetClass)result;

obviously, you'd need to replace 'OracleResultSetClass' with the actual name
of the class.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kumar Abhay-CAK203C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:43 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat
 Importance: High
 I will appreciate you if you can tell me how ?
 Best Regards
 Abhay Kumar
 -Original Message-
 From: Summers, Bert W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:05 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat
 You need to cast the ResultSet to the Oracle specify ResultSet
 -Original Message-
 From: Kumar Abhay-CAK203C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:01 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: [OT] getBlob() error in Tomcat
 Importance: High
 Any idea why this error is coming in runtime?
 Servlet) - FileDisplayServlet.doPost()
 I am trying to display a image that is stored in a BLOB field in 
 Oracle. I am using connection pooling and classes12.jar
 Servlet Code
   private void readBlob
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response,
   long aFeatureId,
   String aFileName,
   String aUserId
   throws SQLException,IOException
   Connection conn = null;
   ResultSet result = null;
   PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; in = null;
   java.sql.Blob myBlob = null;
   FileUploadFactory uploadFactory = new
   conn = config_.getEstimationConnection(false);
   String sql = ;
   sql =
  FROM +
   log_.debug(result= + result);
   prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
   result = prepStmt.executeQuery();
   if (result != null
   //get the file ext
   String strDocExt = ;
   strDocExt =
 uploadFactory.getFileType(aFileName, aUserId);
   catch(Exception e)
   log_.debug(Exception is+e

RE: Post processing on form authentication

2004-04-05 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I just completed doing something similar.

You need to write a custom authenticator.

I got hung up an having to change my web.xml security constraint from FORM
to MYFORM(or whatever you put in

-Original Message-
From: Brett Spell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 4:23 PM
To: 'mailing list'
Subject: Post processing on form authentication

Please pardon my questions if they've already been asked and answered, but
I've spent the better part of the past two days looking for answers in
Google (including the Usenet archives) and the archives of this list.
I'm using Tomcat 5.0 with form-based authentication and there are two
features I'd like to implement: first, I'd like to be able to store some
user preference information (retrieved from a database) into the HttpSession
after a successful logon. Second, I'd like to be able to include a remember
my logon information option (checkbox) on the logon form and keep the
session from expiring if it's checked. Both of these would seem to require
some sort of interaction with the form-based authentication process, but I
don't know how to make that happen. During the time I've spent researching
how to accomplish these two things, I saw suggestions or proposed solutions,
but I have questions about what I saw.
For storing user preference information in the session, someone suggested
using a session listener. I understand how to do that, but how will I know
which user has logged on when the session is created? I'm accustomed to
finding out the user name from getRemoteUser() in the HttpServletRequest,
but there is no such request (that I'm aware of, at
least) associated with the event message that's generated by session
creation. Is this the right solution to my problem and if so, what am I
missing? Another suggestion I saw is to create a filter, which I'm pretty
sure would work, but it seems like a lot of overhead to add to my
application (to filter each request) for something that only needs to be
done once at the initial logon.
The remember me problem seems to be one that others have struggled with
and I did see where someone had developed a solution, but I also saw
comments on that solution that led me to believe that the person was
essentially exploiting a bug in Tomcat. Is there a correct way to
intercept the post to j_security_check and modify the session that it won't
expire if the user has checked a box?
Both of these things seem pretty basic and are things I've seen done on many
web sites, so I'm surprised that I haven't found a straightforward way to do
either one with Tomcat. Again, I apologize if these are questions that have
been answered many times before, but I would appreciate any feedback on how
to accomplish them.

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tomcat security constraint with jk and apache

2004-04-01 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I have Apache2 running as the front end handling all the client PKI
Then Tomcat 4.1 using security constraints in the web.xml.
Now I use jk to connect them together and it works fine, sort of.
I can access protected files inside of Tomcat from Apache.  Specifically any
file that is not mapped with a JkMount entry is served up by Apache which
ignores my web.xml.
Do I have to use Apache to protect them as well as Tomcat? Or should I just
make tomcat serve all the files?
Does anybody have this issue? How do you deal with it?

form base auth with custom messages

2004-03-31 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I am using form base authentication with web.xml security constraints.
It works fine in that if you enter the correct username and password you get
What I want to do is provide feedback to the user for certain conditions,
such as password is expired and they can not login or about to expire and
take them to the change password page.
The password expire feature is done by tracking how long it has been since
they changed it.
Is there an easy way to make some extra checks and then control which page
is shown after authentication or failed authentication?
I am starting down the path of rewriting FormAuthenticator.  The problem
with this is that all my web apps must conform to this same approach.
Prior to using the web.xml to enforce security my login servlet would make
these checks and then redirect to the correct page.

RE: form base auth with custom messages

2004-03-31 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I would like to but there are two problems:
1. On the error page I don't know who tried to login, so I can not do any
checks with the db.

2. I will have to a custom Realm to check for my date and not auth the user.

How can you get info from the FormAuthenticator?
It seems to be a sendRedirect so all request parameters are gone.

-Original Message-
From: Koes, Derrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:53 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: form base auth with custom messages

You should be able to control this from your form-error-page.

-Original Message-
From: Summers, Bert W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: form base auth with custom messages

I am using form base authentication with web.xml security constraints.
It works fine in that if you enter the correct username and password you get
What I want to do is provide feedback to the user for certain conditions,
such as password is expired and they can not login or about to expire and
take them to the change password page. The password expire feature is done
by tracking how long it has been since they changed it.
Is there an easy way to make some extra checks and then control which page
is shown after authentication or failed authentication?
I am starting down the path of rewriting FormAuthenticator.  The problem
with this is that all my web apps must conform to this same approach.
Prior to using the web.xml to enforce security my login servlet would make
these checks and then redirect to the correct page.
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RE: form base auth with custom messages

2004-03-31 Thread Summers, Bert W.
Is it possible to specify which form authenticator to use per web app or is
it a one shot deal?

Where does tomcat decide that j_security_check is FormAuthenticator? Can I
change that?

-Original Message-
From: Koes, Derrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:48 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: form base auth with custom messages

Ah, I misunderstood the problem.

Your best bet is to write a custom form authentication.  It's more work, but
you'll have access to everything you need because you are in control.

-Original Message-
From: Summers, Bert W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:57 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: form base auth with custom messages

I would like to but there are two problems:
1. On the error page I don't know who tried to login, so I can not do any
checks with the db.

2. I will have to a custom Realm to check for my date and not auth the user.

How can you get info from the FormAuthenticator?
It seems to be a sendRedirect so all request parameters are gone.

-Original Message-
From: Koes, Derrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:53 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: form base auth with custom messages

You should be able to control this from your form-error-page.

-Original Message-
From: Summers, Bert W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: form base auth with custom messages

I am using form base authentication with web.xml security constraints.
It works fine in that if you enter the correct username and password you get
What I want to do is provide feedback to the user for certain conditions,
such as password is expired and they can not login or about to expire and
take them to the change password page. The password expire feature is done
by tracking how long it has been since they changed it.
Is there an easy way to make some extra checks and then control which page
is shown after authentication or failed authentication?
I am starting down the path of rewriting FormAuthenticator.  The problem
with this is that all my web apps must conform to this same approach.
Prior to using the web.xml to enforce security my login servlet would make
these checks and then redirect to the correct page.
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RE: Tomcat 5.0.18 with connector to IIS?

2004-02-06 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I have used the redirector2 on IIS6 and Tomcat 4.1.29

Had problems with the redirector failing about 5% of the time.

Found that my reg entries were missing a couple of keys defined in the
source download.
authComplete and threadPool

Added those, tweaked the connector in server.xml and have not had a problem
yet and that was two days ago.

Of course now that I think about it I don't know if my redirector2.dll is
from apache or not, but the one I have is working.
Mine is Sep 26, 2003 192512bytes and apache has Nov 27, 2002 192512, so I
guess mine is not from apache.

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Win2003 + IIS6 + Tomcat 4.1.29 redirector doesn't call tomcat

2004-01-28 Thread Summers, Bert W.
I have moved my Tomcat from 4.0.6 on NT4 with IIS4 to Win2003 IIS6 and
Tomcat 4.1.29.
I have configured everything correctly, I believe.
The problem is that sometimes the redirector does not seem to pass the
request to Tomcat.
I have tried isapi_redirect.dll (which worked great on NT4 and 4.0.6) and it
works in the current setup.
I have tried isapi_redirector2.dll and it seems to work also.
Even tried isapi_redirector_1.2.5.dll which also works.
However all of the above will sometimes not respond.  The end user gets a
page can not be displayed error. Then they hit back and click the link or
button again and it works.
The IIS log file shows - - [28/Jan/2004:09:39:47 -0800] GET
/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll HTTP/1.1 200 0
and the tomcat localhost_access file has nothing.  Then the user hits back
and the same action again and I get - - [28/Jan/2004:09:39:47 -0800] GET
/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll HTTP/1.1 200 11443
and this time the tomcat log file shows - - [28/Jan/2004:09:39:47 -0800] GET /NTSP/TOC.jsp
HTTP/1.1 200 11274
Also to note is that sometimes I get the 200 with a return size of 0 on more
than just the redirector.
Out of 788 200 0 entries 381 are to jakarta but most of them are to /
entries not actual files.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?