how to track compilation errors

2003-07-22 Thread bas perumal
Hi guys,
I have to find out the list of files giving compilation error while building 
through jakarta ant 1.5.1. Also, I have to find out who made the last checkin for that 
particular file in the CVS. Please help me on this
Thanks in advance,

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Getting problem in updating WAR files

2003-07-15 Thread bas perumal
Hi All,
   For Each version, I have to update the WAR file with cab files. So I used loop, for 
each version the loop will call the target where i am updating the WAR file. the 
problem is , first time (first version) i am able to update the WAR file with the cab 
files but for the other versions the control is coming into the target but it is not 
updating the WAR file. Please help me on this. This is my target where i am updating 
the war file(build.cds.war.corp)
 target name='Update Crystal Package'
  jar jarfile=${build.cds.war.corp} taskname=cds.${build.corp}.war.crystal 
update=true duplicate=preserve 
   fileset dir=${build.root}/cdswebCorps/${build.corp.fullname} 
   fileset dir=${build.root}/cdsweb2.0 

Please let me know asap,

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Log Compiler errors

2003-07-08 Thread bas perumal
Hi ,
   I have to log the compiler errors occured while build using Ant 1.5.1. How to get 
the files giving compile error inside a Task, which implements BuildListener. also 
please let me know how to get the last person who checked in the file into CVS.
please let me know asap
with luv,

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How to generate Build Status Log

2003-07-02 Thread bas perumal
 Please let me know how to generate build status log with all the possible information 
about the build process status.
with luv,

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