Re: JNDI or LDAP services for tomcat

2004-04-16 Thread jerome moliere
Shlomi Levi wrote:

Does anybody knows if Tomcat 5.0 is supplying LDAP engine?

definitely NO

if it does, can you direct me to the documentation?
if it doesn't, does anybody know of a pluging already written?

no plugin needed, use a proper JNDI context  put the required library 
in  the tomcat classpath
 that's it!!!

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Re: source code exposure

2004-02-26 Thread jerome moliere
unplug wrote:

HI all,

 I am using Fedora Core 1 with tomcat 4.1.29, apache 2.0.48 and
mod_jk2.  I have created a simple jsp (code listed below) and put it
under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples.
file name: test.jsp
%= new java.util.Date() %
 It can be accessed in the browser using the following link
 However, its source code will be exposed when I type the following.
 How can I configure it to prevent such exposure?  Anyone can give me
an advise.

I guess taht your JSP doesn't specify the content for the response so the browser 
doesn't layout the HTML but show the code source instead...
So try to fix the content type in your response to text/html
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Re: Hanging tomcat processes on heavy access

2004-02-26 Thread jerome moliere
Oswald Campesato wrote:

Hello, Chris:

I have a couple of suggestions (but no answers).  

1) you can attach to a process with the 'truss' command and 
monitor the read/write activity of the process.  Syntax, options, 
and examples of truss can be had via man truss or Google 
Unix truss command.  This *might* reveal something.

2) you can kill hanging processes and release the port via
a Unix command (the name escapes me right now), which
may help reduce the number of time you need to reboot
3) try experimenting with the min/max heap size for Java;
perhaps you can set both of them to small values in a test
environment to quickly reproduce the problem and use #1
Since other people can continue working normally, it does
not appear that you've read the maximum number of socket
connections (338, if I remember correctly).  Did this problem
start after having installed new software or changing the
environment?  Perhaps you can try rolling back to see if
the problem disappears


Christoph Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everyone,

here is my configuration:
linux server with tomcat 4.1.29 connected to apache 1.3.29 via nod_jk
java version 1.4.2_03
from tomcat server.xml

port=8009 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=500
acceptCount=10 debug=0/
At heavy access times the user gets a blank screen on the browser
and on the server a java process is hanging. Tomcat is still working
and responding to further tasks, but the 'hanging' processes will
stay around until reboot. Unfortunately the hanging processes will
also keep a socket connection on port 8009 to apache, so after some
time the system hangs due to too much connections.
I could rebuild this situation also with jmeter and a simple servlet
which only responds a simple html site, so the problem couldn't come
from my coding.
How can I solve this problem ? Is it coming from tomcat, apache 
or mod_jk???

Hi christopher,
I'd like to add that you may need to improve the mod_jk config using 
arguments (parameters) like the TIME_WAIT ? could be helpful to release 
more quickly connections
have you setted the KEEP-ALIVE parameter ?

I guess that a deep look to you mod_jk configuration may solve much 

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Re: Viewing errors

2004-02-23 Thread jerome moliere
Leo Tomcat wrote:

Hi all, I'm using Tomcat 4.0.6 and I've already installed it as a service. 
My problem now, is that I can't see the console that was so usefull for viewing when some exception was thrown, or just for debugging using System.out.println.
I've searched the log files at $TOMCAT_HOME\logs and I couldn't find any of the logs that my webapp leaves.
I've tried System.err and nothing happend.
Does any one know, how to send my my error-logs or simplier logs to a file??
Is that configurable or a code matter??


I highly suggest you to use chainsaw   to configure your logs using 
After this you will be able to view your logs on the machine of your 
choice with a nice GUI...
LOG4J resources (manual  so on) may guide you



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Re: Tomcat 3.3.1 vs Tomcat 4.1.29

2004-02-18 Thread jerome moliere
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

It should be contained in the tomcat distribution.
But the outdated one is found before the one that 
is delivered with tomcat.

Search for servlet.jar, j2ee.jar on your machine.
(e.g. in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext)

humm I suspect a malicious CLASSPATH mangling...
could you try to set CLASSPATH to a nil value then restart TOMCAT 4 (or 5)

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Re: How to determine whether a file exist or not in a remote host by using java?

2004-02-12 Thread jerome moliere


 I want to confirm if  there is a file in a romote machine,
 How could I do using Java?

what is your context ? if you use tomcat (not uncommon on this mailing
list :))
you may use a servlet to enable your client to ask to do something on the
web server filesystem...

If you use SMB protocol (samba or windows sharing) you may look at the
excellent jcifs smaba project (

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RE: Installing tomcat 5 on BSD 5

2004-02-12 Thread jerome moliere

 Bad major version numbers are result of classes compiled on 2 different
 version of jdk.

yes you're
 Please upgrade you jvm and then see if it helps (preferable jdk1.4 and

humm I guess that freebsd doesn't have a 1.4 JVM yet...
so I'll suggest to recompile Tomcat on your machine (using the complete
package or CVS code)
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Re: POST method not working

2004-02-11 Thread jerome moliere


hi abhay,
 I am suing post method of sending data to servlet  from a JSP page. I am
 unable to get the data by request.getParameter(). If I am sing get
 method I am able to retrieve data from JSP page

 Please let me know how to achieve this ? And what is the bug ?

you may use the nice Commons HTTP Client package from the jakarta project
to achieve this safely  easily

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Re: Apache-Tomcat integration vs Direct Tomcat

2004-01-21 Thread jerome moliere
 Hi Everybody,

  We can deploy a web application directly into Tomcat and use itself
 web server.In second case we can integrate Tomcat with any web
 or Tomcat) using AJP connector.
there are many others available
using the in-process approach for exemple (tomcat becoming achild of the
apache process)
  Which approach is best under which circumstances?
for your 2 architectures you must just consider your requirements:
- delivering static pages or just dynamic pages (servlets/JSP)
- using complex HTTP handlings (proxies/url rewritings) or direct HTTP
if you answer A) to both questions use an AJP connector (or at least A) to
second question)
if answer B) to both questions, use tomcat stand alone

  Can i  get any documentation which contains comparison of both
 approaches ?

humm I guess, that you can find numerous books dealing with such topic
(wrox press professional tomcat e.g)


 Thanks and Regards
 Gurlal Brar

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Re: upgrading java version

2004-01-20 Thread jerome moliere
 Hello all,

hi david...
 I looked through the list archives and the jakarta docs, but didn't find
 any info.

 What changes, if any, do i have to make to my tomcat configuration if i
 want to upgrade my java SDK. I would like to do this because of the
 verisign root certificate expiration.

don't see any changes to these configurations...
on Unix using the magical symbolic links, change the link, stop tomcat,
restart  that's it!!!

beware not having done ugly libraries copying to the JRE/JDK libs folder...
if you use it in the good way (not changing config or librairies) no stuff
required...otheriwse beware of copying libs  config files (
e.g) for a good application work...


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RE: dramatic performance differences on development machines

2004-01-16 Thread jerome moliere
 Hi Johan

 It's very suspicious that websphere runs so fast and tomcat doesn't. I
 there still might be a network issue.

 Can you modify your server.xml as follows changing the
 instead of enableLookups=true

 Connector  port=80 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
enableLookups=true .

 Maybe the reverse lookup is failing?

totally agree with that :)
the enableLookup is one parameter that should be chnaged to a default
value to false in the server.xml!!!
All my customers are using default config file  I change this parameter
in every config (no meaning for a production server to have such data)
I guess that incoming requests could be traced in a very efficient way by
any router or firewall (hardware or software as with a small linux box )


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Re: Differences between jServ and Tomcat

2003-12-06 Thread jerome moliere
Jan Behrens wrote:

Hi List,


hi jan,

I wonder whether anyone out there could give me some insight on the main
differences between jServ and Tomcat. As far as I understand, jServ is a
Servlet Engine to be included with an instance of Apache, whereas Tomcat of
course can be used as a Standalone Server doing more than just handling
jsp/servlet requests from a webserver. Is that about right?

yes you 're right but JSERV is an old product no more maintained I 
think, it 's compliant with old servlets/JSP specs while tomcat is the 
first implementation for every new API (Tomcat 5 which is in beta stage 
implements sthe new servlet API 2.4)
Jserv 'name is still present but in the name of the protocol AJP (apache 
to jserv protocol)

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Re: [offtopic] Architecture Question

2003-12-04 Thread jerome moliere
Laurent Michenaud wrote:


Hi laurent,

We have two tomcat servers.
One is located at our enterprise.
The other is located at our hosting provider.
They can see each other by Internet.
We would like to set up an unique authentification system for both
The authentification system will be on the server at our entreprise.
The web applications on both servers will query the authentification
What's the best/clean/nice way to do this ?
JAAS ? Web services ? SSL keys ?

JAAS is obviously a good way (the smartest one maybe ? :) )
But using the configuration file with the same authentication 
configuration could be enough...
That is to say using Realm tags in your server.xml config files 
(JDBCRealm or JNDIREalm if you set up LDAP ) are valuable solutions

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Re: TOMCAT 3.3 crash daily

2003-11-26 Thread jerome moliere
Sarel Bester wrote:

Hi all

I have an app running on the following config:
- Windows 2000 Advanced server (Dual PIII 1GHz CPU with 4GB RAM)
- IIS 5
- Tomcat 3.3 (NOT 3.3.x)
- ISAPI redirector 1.2 (size = 128K)
- JDK 1.3.1_09
- Oracle 8.1.7
Tomcat is locking up almost everyday.  Log files show a lot of bad DB
connections that cannot be reset.  The app that I deployed gets connected to
by about 130 - 140 users at peak times (which doesn't really seem to be that
Some advice that I received (not in the Tocat user forum) is the following :
A)  Confirm that TC uses Server version of JVM.  (I presume this is the
jvm.dll in the JAVA_HOME\JRE\BIN\SERVER folder?)
I found the following line in the :
I changed it to :
Is this the correct place to make TC 3.3 use Server version of JVM?


oops, there's a more trivial way for getting the JVM use server option, 
that is to say give the -server option to the java program while 
invoking (see your scripts catalina.bat)

B) Set memory parameters -Xms and - Xmx to allocate TC more memory.
I am not sure where to do this . . .:-0
I have seen in this forum previously that someone said it must be specified
in the start parameters in the General Tab screen of the Tomcat Service
properties.  Is it possible to specify these parameters in the file (which seem to be used by the Tomcat service for
What is the correct place to do this?  Even registry perhaps . . . ?

Is this exact syntax correct for the Windows OS?  -Xms128 -Xmx1024


like for your first question this is not a directly related question 
about tomcat but a question regarding howto setup/tune options to your 
java -help will give you any details...

I am not very experienced in using Tomcat and is hesitant to Upgrade to, say
, 4.1x.  But if you reckon it maybe a better alternative, I will certainly

I can't recommand you enough to look for JVM configurations tricks  to
ask about changing your JVM. I think that BEA Jrockit or latest JVM from 
Sun could be good solutions...
Note that with BEA JVM the -option is deprecated , so leaving the 
default parameter (jrockit) is a good choice

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Re: Signal 11 causing Tomcat crash

2003-11-13 Thread jerome moliere
Jim Goodspeed wrote:

Really hoping that someone might be able to help us
with this.  We are experiencing Signal 11 crashes on
our tomcat server.  We have tried almost every
configuration that I can think of and we are still
getting these crashes at least once a week, sometimes
twice a day.  Unfortunately we can not reproduce this
anywhere except production.  Here is the current
RedHat AS 2.1
Kernel: 2.4.18-3smp
Memory: 2.5GB
JDK: IBM 1.4.1
Tomcat 4.1.29
We are using mod_jk to talk to the Apache server
(2.0.x) and the native DB2 jdbc driver to talk to our
DB2 databases.  We have also tried Tomcat 4.0.6 and
Sun's JDK v. 1.4.1_01 and 1.4.2 on RH 7.3.  We are
passing the following settings to the JVM: -Xms512m
We have also tried running this on three different
boxes to try and isolate hardware failures, but all
machines experience crashes in the same way.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Here is the beginning of the error (full file is too
JVMDG217: Dump Handler is Processing a Signal - Please
JVMDG303: JVM Requesting Java core file
JVMDG308: Error writing Java core buffer to file:
Permission denied

0SECTION   TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL   ===
1TISIGINFO signal 11 received 
1TIDATETIMEDate: 2003/11/12 at
1TIFILENAMEJavacore filename:   

0SECTION   XHPI subcomponent dump routine
NULL   ==
1HPTIMEWed Nov 12 08:19:26 2003
1HPSIGRECV SIGSEGV received in ?? at 0x41cc8e85 in
/opt/IBMJava2-141/jre/bin/ Processing
1HPFULLVERSION J2RE 1.4.1 IBM build cxia32141-20030522
1HPOPENV   Operating Environment
NULL   -
2HPHOSTNAMEHost : a002.(none)
2HPOSLEVEL OS Level : 2.4.18-3smp.#1 SMP
Thu Apr 18 07:27:31 EDT 2002
2HPLIBCVER glibc Version: 2.2.4
2HPCPUSProcessors -
3HPARCH  Architecture : (not implemented)
3HPNUMCPUS   How Many : (not implemented)
3HPCPUSENABLED   Enabled  : 4
1HPMEMINFO Memory Info
NULL   ---
2HPMEMLINE total:used:free: 
shared: buffers:  cached:

2HPMEMLINE Mem:  2644201472 537800704 2106400768  
0 143089664 120524800

2HPMEMLINE Swap: 20968570880 2096857088

2HPMEMLINE MemTotal:  2582228 kB

2HPMEMLINE MemFree:   2057032 kB

2HPMEMLINE MemShared:   0 kB

2HPMEMLINE Buffers:139736 kB

2HPMEMLINE Cached: 117700 kB

2HPMEMLINE SwapCached:  0 kB

2HPMEMLINE Active: 409700 kB

2HPMEMLINE Inact_dirty: 33040 kB

2HPMEMLINE Inact_clean:  6028 kB

2HPMEMLINE Inact_target:89752 kB

2HPMEMLINE HighTotal: 1703860 kB

2HPMEMLINE HighFree:  1393124 kB

2HPMEMLINE LowTotal:   878368 kB

2HPMEMLINE LowFree:663908 kB

2HPMEMLINE SwapTotal: 2047712 kB

2HPMEMLINE SwapFree:  2047712 kB

2HPMEMLINE Committed_AS:   349996 kB

Hi Jim,
sounds bad, signal 11 on Linux is a warm up for material problems!!!
It could mean :
- machine overclocking with CPU overheated (I guess that's not the case 
for a production machine :) )
- or bad memory
- any other ugly hardware problem
But I can't see any  Tomcat  incidence with such problems...
It 's a hardware one...
The first thing to do is to chek cup your memory with any MS DOS floppy 
disk containing Goldmemory or such tool...
Sorry for my poor english written

Auteur cahier du programmeur Java tome 2 - Eyrolles 10/2003

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Re: Signal 11 causing Tomcat crash

2003-11-13 Thread jerome moliere
Jim Goodspeed wrote:

Unfortunately we have also tried Sun's JVM and are
experiencing the same Signal 11 errors (I've included
two snippets of the Sun error - same error as the IBM
Sig 11, just in a different format).  Sometimes the
dump specifies the library in question, other times it
does not.

another hint:
what about ULIMITS on your machine ?
I guess that your Linux box uses a bash shell ?
JDK 1.4 had clever bugs with ulimit settings, may be your release had 
such problems
but please check memory , motherboard temperature  so on...

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Re: How could I solve this error

2003-11-06 Thread jerome moliere
Javier wrote:

I tried to run my first servlet and got this error:


Hi Javier,

snip trace

root cause 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) Source) Source)$100(Unknown Source)$ Source) Method) Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) Source)
va:666) Source)

humm sounds strangewhat is the exact version of tomcat you use ?
have you changed something in the scripts launching tomcat ?
did you change packaging of tomcat ? or removed any library ? (.jar files)

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Re: Tomcat 3.3 performance issues

2003-10-29 Thread jerome moliere
 1) Try the IBM JVM (At least thats what many say with respect to linux)

if license conditions are not too restrictive try to have a look to the
Jrockit from BEA VMincredible fast...large spectra of options (garbage
collection  so on)

have you tried to launch the script with JAVA_OPTS setted ?


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RE: Tomcat 3.3 performance issues

2003-10-29 Thread jerome moliere I'm using Tomcat 3.X not 4.X.
nevermind, i forget the name of script for this version ( or
something like size)
 But, what do you mean? I set heap size...

-Xmx with a corresponding -Xms (equal value is a good idea)...

 I've already tried IBM VM and the result is almost the same. Using
 JRockit? I never thought about. But this is a commercial product, right?

right but license is not very restrictive (like IBM VM which is not Open
Source project)


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Re: IIS/Tomcat tuning

2003-10-22 Thread jerome moliere

Hi Jean rene,
 I would like to know your feeling about the IIS/Tomcat installation. We
 know that Apache/Tomcat works well but what can we say about IIS/Tomcat
 ? Is it reliable into production systems ?
good question
is IIS production ready
seems to be a troll but this is the main question...
mod_jk is a very reliable connector AJP (3) is a good protocol...
so your debts turn to have an answer for this TROLL:question
don't have much experience with IIS...

Tomcat (3.3 or 4.1.2x) are production ready releases...
tuning can be made by several tricks:
-config of tomcat
- connectors

for robustness constraints don't forget to use:
load balancer facilities of the connectors
clustering features of Tomcat 4.1 version (is it useful for you ?)

 If you could inform me about this question or send me some links.

 Thanks for your job.


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Re: What LDAP servers does JNDI realm support? -

2003-10-09 Thread jerome moliere
Davi Leal wrote:

jerome moliere wrote:

I am trying to authenticate my webapps via a JNDI Realm, which connects
to Microsoft Site Server (LDAP).



As I am getting [LDAP: error code 2 - Protocol Error] (See below), I
would like to know if that Micro$oft product is a certified LDAP server.

as fai as i Know, like any other microsoft product, partially... :)

I have been told the LDAP protocol is no-100% a standard. That is to say, a 
lot of providers have realized different offers, which share only 90% of the 
specification (the core standard).

Nowdays, it is said, the Netscape's one being the more recognised/compatible/
So, my question is now: What LDAP products does the JNDI Tomcat realm support?

No problem with OpenLDAP ('from my experience), NDS or Sun 
implementations seem to work nicely.
For microsoft active directory is quite a LDAP server, but you can't use 
the referral paradigm


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Re: MultipartRequest class with Tomcat 3.2.1

2003-10-09 Thread jerome moliere
Fausto Zorzi wrote:

Hi, I have a problem using the com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest class
by Jason Hunter (documentation at
with Tomcat 3.2.1 and Apache 1.3.20.
The configuration I'm using is the following:
- RedHat 7.3
- JDK 1.4.1_01
- Apache 1.3.20
- Tomcat 3.2.1
- Servlet 2.3
Hi fausto,
excuse me but are you sure you use the servlet 2.3 API with the old ( 
good) Tomcat 3.2.1 ?
I guess it's a typo because I used this release 4 years ago(3.2)
No, Tomcat 3.2 is not a servlet 2.3 compliant engine...
So you may use older releases from the Jason Hunter code (compliant with 
your Tomcat release) or upgrade your tomcat ...


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Re: Clustering Tomcat - Loadbalancing and Failover

2003-10-09 Thread jerome moliere
Hanasaki JiJi wrote:


What is available, in Tomcat, or as an add-on, and preferably 
free/open-source to cluster tomcat for:
load balancing
fail over
humm filip hanik could answer with more details (or remy maucherat) but 
as far as I know new Tomcat 5 code (backported to 4.1) use
the Javagroups library for replication mechanism. For tomcat 4.1, 
adding jars (javagroups + patch) is enough to add theses features...
For tomcat 5, nothing needed because it's one of the new features...

how are session states replicated?
It's one of the limits of this system, because every put made, induces 
replication for the entire object using broadcast (by default). So heavy 

Also, in general, and a bit off-topic (my apologies), are there any 
resources for the design, or open source implementation, of load 
balancing / fail-over frameworks?
javagroups :)
google may point you to the current address !!!
I think that this porject recently joined the JBOSS project


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Re: What LDAP servers does JNDI realm support? -

2003-10-09 Thread jerome moliere
Equipment Lamp wrote:


Can youguys give some input on the following. I am using the following

Tomcat: 4.1.27-LE-jdk14
Apache: 2.0.47
Java : 1.4.2
Linux OS: 7.3
iPlanet LDAP Server
I am trying to configure LDAP authentication mechanism to my application. 

1) In this regard i have downloaded the latest JNDI API and then copied the ldap.jar file to $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib directory.

2) The i have added the following entry to the server.xml file.

  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm
3) In my application web.xml file i have added the following

But authentication is not working, any debug techniques or methods will be a great help.

have you any log entries or anything helpful ?
classnotfound exception or something like this woulmd be great (easy to fix)

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Re: jk2 connector config to connect to multiple tomcat-jboss instances

2003-10-08 Thread jerome moliere
Boulatian, Misak wrote:

Hi Jeromy,

Hi misak,

I am sorry. I thought my attachments made to the list. Here I am including
them directly here. Please look at it and let me know if I have done
anything wrong. When I point my browser to the link:
http://[web-server-ip]/test1 it works. When I point my browser to the link:
http://[web-server-ip]/test2 I get the following tomcat blue screen:
HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request

type Status report

message No Context configured to process this request

description The server encountered an internal error (No Context configured
to process this request) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

And mapping error config logs go to the jboss's first instance's server.log.

in fact what is your aim ?
do you want to be able to switch from  T1 to T2 or T3 for one request to 
the next one ?
because this is what i suggested while deploying a load balancer 
Do you your 3 instances behave exctly from the same manner or do you 
want to deploy different web-apps on these 3 tomcat instances ?


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Re: JNDI: LDAP Protocol Error (Microsoft LDAP)

2003-10-08 Thread jerome moliere
David Diaz wrote:

Hi all,

hi david,

 I am trying to authenticate my webapps via a JNDI Realm, which connects
to Microsoft Site Server (LDAP).


 As I am getting [LDAP: error code 2 - Protocol Error] (See below), I
would like to know if that Micro$oft product is a certified LDAP server.
as fai as i Know, like any other microsoft product, partially... :)

If it is not so, do you advise me any solution to manage autenticating
these webapps via  JNDI-Microsoft Site Server?. Maybe develop a special

humm I think you may investigate any other class used in your factory
I think that the ContextFactory class is not the right one ...
I think you use the one for the Netscape Directory Server

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Re: How can I configure multiple tomcat instances in file (separate web apps) (to developers of mod_jk2: please respond)

2003-10-08 Thread jerome moliere
Boulatian, Misak wrote:

Hi all,

It seems like mod_jk2 is a buggy connector. There is no way to set up more
than one instance of tomcat. It can connect on any port other than 8009 but
it is a first-come first-served basis (whichever port comes first). I need a
response from mod_jk2 developers themselves. Should I go back to mod_jk or
there is a way of doing this simple thing???

take it easy man :)
small question : what about using different virtual hosts in your apache 
config, then from these contexts , using different config files for 
mod_jk which will be very simple (you have already validated one of your 
tomcat instances)
my 2 cents

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Re: jk2 connector config to connect to multiple tomcat-jboss instances

2003-10-07 Thread jerome moliere
Boulatian, Misak wrote:


I am trying to setup jk2 connector on a single apache instance to 
connect to multiple jboss instances running on the same machine 
using jboss-port-bindings.xml. Based on jboss-port-bindings.xml I have 
three instances having the following ports for jk2 connector: 8009, 
8109, 8209. In the, I've created appropriate 
mappings (I am including as an attachment). The problem is: jk2 
connects to only one port: whichever comes first. I am not able to 
connect on more than one ports. I am also including my 
jboss-port-bindings.xml file which is referenced through 
jboss-service.xml to allow multiple instances to run (which is 

version of jboss: jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24
version of apache: 2.0.45
version of java: 1.4.1_03
hi misak,
do you use any load balancing mechnaism (round robin) to balance around 
your different ports ?
to setup such thing in JK2 you should define your 3 tomcat instances (in 
fact jboss bundle with different port numbers) then adding one other which
is the load balancer...


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Re: jk2 connector config to connect to multiple tomcat-jboss instances

2003-10-07 Thread jerome moliere
Boulatian, Misak wrote:

Hi Jerome,


hi misak,
do you use any load balancing mechnaism (round robin) to balance around 
your different ports ?
to setup such thing in JK2 you should define your 3 tomcat instances (in 
fact jboss bundle with different port numbers) then adding one other which
is the load balancer...

Thanks for responding. At this point I am not using load-balancing. Please
look at my file.
sorry but can't find any properties file (removed by mailman program ? 
or mozilla 'bug ?)

The jboss-port-bindings.xml does
configure three jboss-tomcat bundles with different ajp ports. All of them

The problem is jk2 only connects to the port which is specified first
in the file. For the others I get tomcat error message:
undefined context.
how do you obtain this message ? any logs or test procedure welcomed

Do I need to define load-balancing in order to make it

yes if you want to let apache choose the port for you then stick to the 
session (keeping the same server after any session opening)


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Re: Load balancing with 2xTC5, 1xIIS and jk2

2003-09-15 Thread jerome moliere
Mats Andersson wrote:

How do I define two workers for load balancing in 
There is
an example for the old jk, but I can't find any for jk2.
Hi mats,
i'm sure that the idea is the same
define 1 worker for your first TC5
 1 worker for the second TC5
 1 worker as the load balancer
 then you can define weights for respecting differences of 
power for the 2 machines...



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Authentication strategies

2003-09-15 Thread jerome moliere
Hi all,
I'd like to authenticate users on a LDAP tree (using something like the 
JNDIRealm) that's OK
But I'd like not to have the post 401 browser POPup window but a custom 
form (with links for retrieving its password  some other
I guess that this is not a very uncommon thing ?
So i wondered about setting up a filter ,getting the Authentication 
header  comparing it with the values BASIC ... (constants exist)
Is it the classic way for such job ?
any other clue welcomed


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Re: How deploy EJB on Tomcat?

2003-09-14 Thread jerome moliere
Igor Grygorov wrote:
Hi Igor
Does the Tomcat-IIS support deploing Enterprise Java
No, sorry

Can you send me information or links about it, please?


No :)
have a look to any EJb container : JONAS or JBOSS could be reasonable 

My 2 pieces

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Re: [Sundararaman] [Help me]

2003-09-01 Thread jerome moliere
Christopher Williams wrote:

I would strongly advise against using the Swing timer object.  Try using a
java.util.Timer object instead.  I use this in a servlet to perform
automatic daily backups and other automated tasks.

christopher is right you  should not use SWING objetcts in your J2EE 
a google search can point you to different projects with CRON 
implementations in Java
my 2 pieces

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Re: Unable to obtain a module (.so) for JK2 on Linux (RH9)

2003-08-30 Thread jerome moliere
Eric J. Pinnell wrote:


thanks eric,

JK2 should compile with just the following:

./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apache/bin/apxs

yes ,it should .
but I still can't have this fu... module compiled
It should create in the build directory tree not in the
directory that you ran configure and make from.  I forget exactly where it
puts it but a find ./ | grep so from the top level of the source should
root it out quick fast.

yes the location is ../build/jk2/apache2 but allways empty for me (no 
.so at all)
 the find keeps returning nothing for my .so
can't spent much time for this problem so I'll use mod_proxy instead 


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Unable to obtain a module (.so) for JK2 on Linux (RH9)

2003-08-29 Thread jerome moliere
Hi all,
i'm not sure that's the right place for such question but I'm unable for 
2 days to get
the compilation goes to end
Everything seems to work but I don't have any so file generated...

I'm using a configure with options:
./configure --with-tomcat40=/usr/local/tomcat/ 
--with-tomcat41=/usr/local/tomcat/ --with-tomcat40=/usr/local/tomcat/  
--with-apr=/usr/local/apr-0.9.3  --with-apache2=/usr/local/httpd

where  /usr/local/apache2 contains binaries for apache (apxs2)
/usr/local/httpd contains src files for apache
I'm using the JK 2.0.2 files  Apache 2.0.47 on redhat 9 (with GCC 2.96 
or 3.2.2)

any help greatly appreciated
drives me crazy :)

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Re: mod_jk load balancing with multiple apache servers

2003-08-26 Thread jerome moliere
Peter Anning wrote:


I am trying to implement the following configuration:

 Cisco Load Balancer
   | (http)
  Apache AApache B Apache Cluster Layer
   mod_jk  mod_jk
   | (ajp13)
+++   TomcatII.myhost.comJBoss Cluster Layer
I can configure mod_jk in each of the Apache instances to
know about the two tomcat instances. So loadbalancing and
failover would work with one instance of apache.
Is there any way to have the Apache ``cluster'' layer
know about other ``members'' in the layer and the 
current servlet connection status?


Hi peter,
i'm in a context near from yours
my opinion is that it isn't very logic because you introduce abstraction 
layers (like in a OO environment)  getting knowledge from
implementations (other tomcats from your second Apache server) will 
break those abstractions
Moreover I think you could encounter network security problems with such 
things isn't it ?
my 2 pieces...

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mod_jk2 LVS load balancing

2003-08-26 Thread jerome moliere
Hi all,
I'm about deploying a web-app in a multi-layered netword, with LVS 
Does someone has some significant experience in such context ?
problems or any other feedback greatly appreciated


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Re: Library management for Tomcat using ant

2003-03-30 Thread jerome moliere

Hi there,

I know this is more a question about ant, but maybe a tomcat user here has 
faced the same issue as I do when using a central lib directory for all of 
the JAR files in the various webapps:

In the prepare task I copy the JAR files I need for my webapp into the 
WEB-INF/lib folder in the build path:
copy todir=${build.home}/WEB-INF/lib
 fileset dir=${lib.home}
   include name=cos.jar /
   include name=cos2.jar /

However, this library listing is the only thing which distinguishes the 
various build.xml files for my different webapps.
I'd prefer to have only ONE build.xml file for all of my webapps so they 
all have the same structure.

How can I import a fileset like above from a separate filename?
(so I can have 
*) ONE build.xml for all of my webapps and 
*) a specific lib.xml for each of my webapps?

thx alot

Hi Johannes,
why not coding your own task ? reading a single filename then copying 
files is an easy task to be coded in Java isn't it ?

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Re: Listing all JNDI resources available

2003-03-29 Thread jerome moliere

Hi there,

Is it somehow possible to look up all JNDI configuration values available 
in a servlet/context?
This would be quite fine for debugging purposes, and it seems there is no 
function available for this, only for looking up a specific value.


depending from your server config  the corresponding xsource of data 
used as the naming server, this solution could be very expansive
What about listing all resources available in your company LDAP server ?
I think that every other solution should be  preferred to this one...

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Http Session Replication : State of the Art

2003-03-28 Thread jerome moliere
Hi all,
searching through the archives of this mailing list, like using our 
friend google, point me to a single web page (article on
and this solution is not part from the Jakarta project (uses Javagroups 
+ add-on library with  a custom Context Manager
InSessionreplicationManager). I know that session replication induces a 
high load for J2EE servers but it's a customer requirement :)
I found a product (commercial) aiming to deliver such feature to 
different J2EE servers (Weblogic,tomcat,jonas)
My question is :what is the tomcat team position for this feature ?
Who has put such solution in place ? Who can support such solution ?

Sorry for this question (already asked) but with few answers (old ones 
Thanks for all help, clue or pointer

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Re: Http Session Replication : State of the Art

2003-03-28 Thread jerome moliere
Roberts, Eric wrote:


i know this site but google ignored this page ?
it uses the same component than the one I tried...
Session replication is a standard feature of Tomcat 5. 


Oho nice news!!!
I will download  install the pre release soon...
Thanks for your help Eric

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Re: Problem with Session Clustering

2003-03-28 Thread jerome moliere
Filip Hanik wrote:

Looks like you got some funky shit going on,

yes it seems :)


listener local:tcp://localhost:4001

are you running your cluster on one or two machines?

for tests ,just on one machine...
if it works I will bench with 2 machines...
can you send your server.xml files


yep  :)

a little bit LONG sorry:

Server port=9005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN debug=0

 !-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
 Service name=Tomcat-Standalone
   !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
   Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector
  port=8090 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
  enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
  acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/
   !-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
to -1 --
   !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
   Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
  port=9009 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
  acceptCount=10 debug=0/
   !-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --
   Engine name=Standalone defaultHost=localhost debug=0
 !-- Global logger unless overridden at lower levels --
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
 prefix=catalina_log. suffix=.txt
 !-- Because this Realm is here, an instance will be shared 
globally --

 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /

 !-- Define the default virtual host --
 Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
   Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
directory=logs  prefix=localhost_access_log. 

   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
directory=logs  prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt
   !-- Tomcat Root Context --
 Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=0/
   !-- Tomcat Manager Context --
   Context path=/manager docBase=manager
debug=0 privileged=true/
   !-- Tomcat Examples Context --
   Context path=/examples docBase=examples debug=0
reloadable=true crossContext=true
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
prefix=localhost_examples_log. suffix=.txt
 Ejb   name=ejb/EmplRecord type=Entity
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.session.ReplicationValve
 Environment name=maxExemptions type=java.lang.Integer
 Parameter value=context.param.value
 Resource name=jdbc/EmployeeAppDb auth=SERVLET
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/EmployeeAppDb
 Resource name=mail/Session auth=Container
 ResourceParams name=mail/Session




 !-- Define an Apache-Connector Service --
 Service name=Tomcat-Apache
   Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector
port=9008 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
enableLookups=true appBase=webapps
acceptCount=10 debug=0/
   !-- Replace localhost with what your Apache ServerName is set 
to --

Re: APPLET using Text File

2003-03-28 Thread jerome moliere
Alberto A C A S Magalhães wrote:

Este email assim como os ficheiros que possa ter em anexo são confidenciais
e para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou organização para o qual foi enviado.
Se recebeu este email por engano por favor notifique [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Esta nota confirma que esta mensagem foi verificada pelo MIMEsweeper
não tendo sido encontrados virus.
I am using TOMCAT in a Linux Machine, i have to develop a Applet, that have
to access to a text file in the Linux Machine.


why not ? any servlet should access to the desired file (if permissions 
are OK )  then send its contents to the client...
It's one of the multiple usage of servlets...Give a partial access to 
the server filesystem for the client..
So it's up to you to code this servlet  to stock your file on a 
convenient directory...

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Re: best practices on rotating tomcat logs

2003-03-28 Thread jerome moliere

I am wondering if this is pretty much what other
people do and if there is a better way of doing it. 

i just found that apache can rotate its logs with its
bin/rotatelogs where you can specify the rotation

does tomcat have a similar functionality? i searched
for rotate in Tomcat's source and found the
AccessLogValve class which could be i want, but i need
help figuring it out.

in fact Tomcat knows nothing about how its logs are managed...
it just outputs logs which are treated by log4j using the common logging API
so you can use the log4j feature for having your log files rotating..
Use a RollingFileAppender in the  log4j properties file...
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Re: Monitoring Tomcat

2002-04-11 Thread Jerome Moliere

At 12:18 PM 4/11/2002 +0200, you wrote:


I made a search in the Tomcat User List Archive but for each message 
asking for some monitoring function in Tomcat, I didn't find any answer...
Indeed, I would need a way to know about threads' managing

I'm unsure of truly understanding your question but I can advise you to 
read about the servlets life cycle (in the servlets specification or in any 
valuable resource as the book from Jason Hunter O'Reilly editions).

  and what happens to received requests (are some of them delayed or even 
 dropped ?),

you can use a dummy filter (if you use the 2.3 servlets API aka Tomcat 4 
-catalina) which logs any filter, adds trace for incoming request, responses...

  in order to tune up my configuration and to prevent any crash.

that is the point where I can't see any links with your question!!!



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Filter - Tomcat 4.01 Post methods

2002-03-26 Thread Jerome Moliere

Hi all,
I'm using filters in Tomcat 4.01 (bundled with Jboss 2.4.4) for a while, I 
just faced
a problem with filters applied on servlets using POST requests.
All other filters applied on servlets invoking GET methods work fine, but a 
working filter (with some other servlets) while applied to a servlet with a 
POST method just not work. It dumps an IOException: this inputstream has 
already been closed.
This exception is raised from the org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestStream
like the following trace says:
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Removing the filter , this servlet works fine, the client invokation works 

So have you any idea about this problem ?


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