RE: MultiThreadModel-Problem?

2001-06-14 Thread silvio . c . l . terra

I'm new to all this, but is this (HttpServlet not being thread safe) a
Tomcat problem, or just a general JSP problem, which will show up no matter
what server I use (weblogic, for instance)?

-Original Message-
From: Luba Powell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: MultiThreadModel-Problem?

HttpServlet is not thread safe.  Synchronize your code where needed

- Original Message - 
From: Sebastian Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: MultiThreadModel-Problem?

 i use a servlet in MultiThreadModel-mode (default).
 when 2 users at the same time makes the same request
 to the servlet (a operation that needs a bit) it seams, that
 only the request of the user who was perhaps a millisecond
 earlier is responded correct, the other seams to be ignored.
 (i think, this is perhaps a concurency-problem, but i do not use
 static variables and could not find an error)
 the second question is:  data-container like HashMap or HashSet
 are considered to be not Thread-save. Can i use such containers
 in a MultiThreadModel-Servlet or must i use only slower structures
 like Vector?
 your help is realy needed, many thanks
 in advance!

Virtual servers and Tomcat

2001-06-14 Thread silvio . c . l . terra

I have two IIS set up with two sites, one running in port 80, one in port
8103.  Under both sites, I have a directory called /jsp/, with different
content, and on port 8103, I have a directory called /test/ that does not
exist on port 80.  How do I set up the server.xml file to alias the two jsp
directories correctly, and set it so that http://localhost:80/test is NOT
displayed by Tomcat?  If I got this straight, does this mean I have to run
two instances of Tomcat at the same time, with two filters, one for each

So, if I have 17 sites (each user gets a port), I need 17 Tomcat
installations?  103 ports, 103 Tomcats?

Anything easier?
