To Whom it may Concern,

unfortunately during cloning and virus scanning of a received worm this morning, it 
retransferred itselves througout our address book, please read symatech report below, 
most important do NOT open this attachement.

W32.Myparty@mm is a mass-mailing email worm. The worm arrives via email with the 
following characteristics:
Subject: new photos from my party!

My party... It was absolutely amazing!
I have attached my web page with new photos!
If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks!

Attachment name:

The worm searches through the Windows Address Book (used by Microsoft Outlook 
(Express)) and through files with the extension .DBX, which are Microsoft Outlook 
Express folders and inboxes.

The worm uses its own SMTP engine to send out mails to the SMTP server configured on 
the machine.


Truly yours

SLG Ahlen

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