As already pointed out, Weblogic != Tomcat. Tomcat does not do J2EE. Comparing the two gets you nowhere. People should use what works, and making assumptions or judgements about product quality based on whether something costs money or not is foolish. The proof of that is everywhere.


On Tue, 27 May 2003 11:34:27 -0400, Kannan Sundararajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Your experience is application specific. Since each company has specific
experience, and lot of changes in their environment, it is very difficult to
say about it. The proper plan in architecture, hardware, OS, code, database
and other segments leads to success of a product.

Always some percent of programmers disagrees about their quality of code (
it was bad, but not that bad ). I hope future app server will check these
codes :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 11:21 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [ot] Re: Tomcat and Weblogic Integration

I must disagree with weblogic performance from my own painful experience. I ran a site with weblogic which was as stable as a 2 year old running with a oversized beach ball on a windy day.

We were told it was our coding (it was bad, but not that bad). They had one of their ISVs come in and critique our site and they said they could rewrite

it in 4 months and a LOT of money and all would be solved. Meaning we had to

freeze all work for 4 months. We were tempted to do so because of the stability issues.

Then we switched to tomcat + apache - the speed was measurably faster and much more reliable/stable with no code changes (excluding fixing some
servlet api compliance issues). The only real code difference was I needed to write
a database pooling library (couldn't use dbcp yet) and bridge to the custom weblogic code we were using.


Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
I disagree on this Yoav. I have used both WebLogic and Tomcat. You pay
you get it. If it is free that is your/our choice. Positively weblogic is
much more and better than tomcat. But still price concerns, we are using
tomcat. But if you on quality and the performance, weblogic is always

WebLogic.jar is specific to weblogic and if you are using against other
files, there could be lot of times you may end up getting error. I don't
think legally it is advisable to use the jar files from WebLogic to
unless you pay for the jar file for weblogic.

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