Maybe I can help you with the second question at least:

I removed the default host and put several virtual hosts in
my server.xml and some of them contain the same path "/". It 
works just beautifully. Maybe you throw out the default host
like I did. If tomcat works like apache, it will use the
first virtual host as default host anyway. Maybe there is
also a problem using an empty "" path.


> 2.  I set up two virtual hosts in server.xml in addition
>     to the default host, which I left as-shipped.  They 
>     each contain a context with a path = "".  When I access
>     '' I get the correct results.  When 
>     I access '' I get a 503 error.  
>     Eliminating either entry allows the other to work.  
>     It appears to be a "Clash of the Contexts", where 
>     two contexts cannot have the same name, regardless of 
>     the host in which they are nexted.  The following log 
>     error suggests something in this area too:
>     2001-04-05 05:33:37 StandardContext[]: Error initializing
>     naming context for context 
>     2001-04-05 05:33:37 StandardContext[]: Context startup 
>     failed due to previous errors

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