I am installing tomcat from source.  I have painstakingly followed all
of the directions to do so, and have made modifications to build.xml
where necessary.  After a long struggle, I have reduced my problem to
the following:


Buildfile: build.xml


    [javac] Compiling 5 source files to
Method getClassName(java.lang.String) not found in class
    [javac]             realClassName = ClassName.getClassName(
getClassFileName() );
    [javac]                                                   ^
Exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException is never thrown in the body
of the corresponding try statement.
    [javac]         } catch( JasperException ex) {
    [javac]           ^
Wrong number of arguments in constructor.
    [javac]             = new GeneratorWrapper(new
ForwardGenerator(start, attrs, param),
    [javac]                                    ^
Wrong number of arguments in constructor.
    [javac]             = new GeneratorWrapper(new
IncludeGenerator(start, attrs, param),
    [javac]                                    ^
Method compile() not found in class
    [javac]             clc.compile();
    [javac]                        ^
Method compile() not found in class org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.
    [javac]             outDated = compiler.compile();
    [javac]                                        ^
Method compile() not found in class org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.
    [javac]                         outDated = compiler.compile();
    [javac]                                                    ^
Exception java.io.FileNotFoundException is never thrown in the body of
the corresponding try statement.
    [javac]         } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    [javac]           ^
Exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException is never thrown in the body
of the corresponding try statement.
    [javac]         } catch (JasperException ex) {
    [javac]           ^
Method compile() not found in class org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.
    [javac]             compiler.compile();
    [javac]                             ^
    [javac] Note:
uses or overrides a deprecated API.  Recompile with "-deprecation" for
    [javac] 10 errors, 1 warning

Total time: 7 seconds


At this point, I am getting to my wit's end.  Every step of the install
has had some small little detail that needed tending to, and I've
finally reached this point, where it appears that I've done everything I
can do to get past this and still don't have all my ducks in a row.  If
anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Mike Ford
Web Developer, WorkFlow Integrators, Inc.

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