
Thanks for that. I tried CodeWarrior and it worked :-)

> Don't know about OS X, but all the earlier Mac OSs use \r (0x0D) as the
> line terminator ... and do not see the Unix \n (0x0A).  Probably the file
> that appears correctly has \r\n pairs -- likely 'cause it came from a
> DOS/Windows box.
> If you use BBEdit, I believe you can tell it that the file is from a Unix
> machine, and it will then understand the line terminators.

>> I am using Tomcat 4 b5 on a Mac OS X.
>> I can edit web.xml with my text editor, but not server.xml.
>> If I open server.xml in my text editor I get the following:
>> "         usersa password driverClassName org.hsql.jdbcDriver driverName
>> jdbc:HypersonicSQL:database localhost    "
>> If I use pico in tcsh then I can see everything and I can edit the file
>> normally.
>> I have downloaded T4 twice (b3 and b5) but the problem remains.
>> Does anyone know why I cannot use my text editor to edit server.xml?

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