Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-04 Thread Simone Leigh

 From: Jason Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: KDE Web Team
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 08:43:29 +0800
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Forms and JSPs
 On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
 Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
 method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat
 Yup I am using it in work's intranet application but with Apache 2.0.44 
 Tomcat 4.1.24, I also use GET on a few forms without any problems. :)
 Jason Bainbridge
 KDE Web Team -
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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-02 Thread Jeff Knox
It works!

Instead of recompiling Apache 1.3 to use threads I installed Apache 2.0 
and mod_jk2. It took a bit of wrangling to get the configs working with 
my virtual hosts, but now everything is happy and I can use parameters 
on the URL.

Thanks everybody!


On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 01:04  PM, Jeff Knox wrote:

AAAH!  lol

Ok, at first I was using the Warp connector and told to dump it 
because it wasn't supported and mod_jk was the way to go. Now you are 
telling me to go with mod_jk2?! I'll take a look at it. It's times 
like these when I know why I'm a programmer and not a sysadmin.

Thanks for the info,


On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 12:54  PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 03:35, Jeff Knox wrote:
OK, I moved the server.xml file from the IDE to the production
instance. Using port 8080 everything works great. I added a connector
for mod_jk and sure enough it doesn't work. Would the problem be in 
server.xml, httpd.conf or somewhere else? Here are the two 
I'm guessing your problem is more related to mod_jk itself and not 
configuration, after a bit of googling it seems a few people had 
problems without any luck and given mod_jk isn't recommended any 
longer you
might well be best to try mod_jk2, that is what I am using without any

mod_jk2 does seem a bit fickle to setup though but I didn't have much 
after reading a few howto's and the usual I really should learn how 
to type
one day typo's one always seems to make in configuration files.

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team -
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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-01 Thread Jeff Knox

Thanks for the reply, this has me stumped. Sorry for the lack of 
information, but I just wasn't sure where to turn. I was hoping 
somebody could give me a starting point. I've been through the JSPs, 
server.xml and httpd.conf without luck. I compared the IDE's server.xml 
with the production server.xml and I can't find anything different. I'm 
more of a programmer than a sysadmin so I may be missing something 
incredibly simple.

 One thought that comes to mind is, wtf are you *trying* to do
with the second URL?
The page I used for a the sample URL is pretty basic and doesn't 
normally use the GET method. I just used it as an example because it is 
a fairly simple page and just passing a parameter to it on the URL 
shouldn't cause a failure. Passing parameters to any JSP pages causes 
the failure. The page is just a simple form that uses JSTL for some 
content processing. It currently doesn't call a bean directly.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix=c uri=; %
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix=sql uri=; %
headtitleNFL 2003 Contest/title/head
body bgcolor=#ff
font face=Arial
c:if test='${not empty param.username}'
  sql:query var='row'
SELECT * FROM contestants where user_name = ? and password = ?
sql:param value='${param.username}'/
sql:param value='${param.password}'/
c:when test='${row.rowCount == 0}'
  The username and password you entered does not match our
  Please reenter them or a href=signup.jspcreate/a a new 
  c:set var='userName' value='${param.username}' scope='session'/
  c:redirect url='enterpicks.jsp'/

form method=post
table border=1 cellpadding=5
table border=0 width=100%
trtd colspan=2 align=centerSign Inbrbr/td/tr
trtd align=rightUsername: /tdtdinput type=text 
name=username maxlength=15 size=15 value=c:out 
trtd align=rightPassword: /tdtdinput type=password 
name=password maxlength=15 size=15brbr/td/tr
trtd/tdtdinput type=submit value=Sign In/td/tr
trtdIf you don't have a login then you can a 
href=signup.jspsignup here/a./td/tr


The only odd thing on the page is that form method=post doesn't 
have an action attached, but the results are the same if I add an 
action statement to the tag.

 I would also highly recommend using telnet to
port 80 and simulating the two requests, to see exactly what error the
server is sending back to your browser.
How do I send a request through telnet? I can telnet to port 80, but I 
don't know what it is waiting for. If I type in GET I get the index 
page from my default virtual host. If I try typing anything after the 
GET I get  a 400 error.

Try installing a vanilla stand-alone tomcat, and test the second
version with that.  If the problem goes away, then you know you need
to tweak your mod_jk mappings.
I'll setup the stand alone again and see what happens. When you say 
tweak your mod_jk mappings what file are you referring to?

 Further, it was back in 1996 that I last saw this behavior, and I
suspect that today servlets might be smarter about this.
What's interesting is that I remember this same behavior from my last 
job. There we were using Oracle iAS which is based on Apache and Orion. 
I don't remember if they fixed the issue or we just coded around it. 
But it doesn't really matter since I don't work there any longer and it 
doesn't apply to this issue.  ;^)

 Ideally, the next step in troubleshooting this would be to look
at your logs and see exactly what requests mod_jk is forwarding, and
exactly what error tomcat is reporting when you request the second
In looking at the mod_jk log I am getting this error:

[Sat May 31 10:45:20 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (595)]: In 
jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, wrong parameters

I just tried google, but didn't find anything useful. I'll set the 
logging back to debug to see if it turns up any more information. Also, 
as I mentioned before catalina.out is logging [Ajp13] bad read: -103. 
The Apache error log reports:

[Sat May 31 11:32:31 2003] [notice] child pid 7807 exit signal 
Segmentation Fault (11)

Next I'll try the stand alone again.



On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 01:18  AM, Steven J. Owens wrote:

On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 05:57:25PM -0700, Jeff Knox wrote:
Hmm, I just realized something I didn't mention -- the pages in
question work in the development environment (Sun ONE Studio). The
development environment uses it's own instance of Tomcat to parse the
pages. When I push the files over to the production environment it
fails. This leads me to believe that it's a configuration issue, but I
don't have a clue as to what would cause a failure at this point.

Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-01 Thread Jeff Knox
OK, I moved the server.xml file from the IDE to the production 
instance. Using port 8080 everything works great. I added a connector 
for mod_jk and sure enough it doesn't work. Would the problem be in the 
server.xml, httpd.conf or somewhere else? Here are the two connectors:

   port=8080 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
   acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/
   Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
   port=8009 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
   acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/

In httpd.conf I have:

IfModule mod_jk.c
  JkWorkersFile /usr/apache/tomcat/conf/jk/
  JkLogFile /usr/apache/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
  JkLogLevel error
and in the virtual host I have:

  JkMount /nfl2003/ ajp13
  JkMount /nfl2003/* ajp13
I'm still getting the [Ajp13] bad read: -103 error in catalina.out 
and [Sat May 31 12:28:26 2003] [notice] child pid 8349 exit signal 
Segmentation Fault (11) in the Apache error log.


Any ideas?

Thanks again,


On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 11:40  AM, Jeff Knox wrote:


Thanks for the reply, this has me stumped. Sorry for the lack of 
information, but I just wasn't sure where to turn. I was hoping 
somebody could give me a starting point. I've been through the JSPs, 
server.xml and httpd.conf without luck. I compared the IDE's 
server.xml with the production server.xml and I can't find anything 
different. I'm more of a programmer than a sysadmin so I may be 
missing something incredibly simple.

 One thought that comes to mind is, wtf are you *trying* to do
with the second URL?
The page I used for a the sample URL is pretty basic and doesn't 
normally use the GET method. I just used it as an example because it 
is a fairly simple page and just passing a parameter to it on the URL 
shouldn't cause a failure. Passing parameters to any JSP pages causes 
the failure. The page is just a simple form that uses JSTL for some 
content processing. It currently doesn't call a bean directly.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix=c uri=; %
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix=sql uri=; %
headtitleNFL 2003 Contest/title/head
body bgcolor=#ff
font face=Arial
c:if test='${not empty param.username}'
  sql:query var='row'
SELECT * FROM contestants where user_name = ? and password = ?
sql:param value='${param.username}'/
sql:param value='${param.password}'/
c:when test='${row.rowCount == 0}'
  The username and password you entered does not match our
  Please reenter them or a href=signup.jspcreate/a a new 
  c:set var='userName' value='${param.username}' scope='session'/
  c:redirect url='enterpicks.jsp'/

form method=post
table border=1 cellpadding=5
table border=0 width=100%
trtd colspan=2 align=centerSign Inbrbr/td/tr
trtd align=rightUsername: /tdtdinput type=text 
name=username maxlength=15 size=15 value=c:out 
trtd align=rightPassword: /tdtdinput type=password 
name=password maxlength=15 size=15brbr/td/tr
trtd/tdtdinput type=submit value=Sign In/td/tr
trtdIf you don't have a login then you can a 
href=signup.jspsignup here/a./td/tr


The only odd thing on the page is that form method=post doesn't 
have an action attached, but the results are the same if I add an 
action statement to the tag.

 I would also highly recommend using telnet to
port 80 and simulating the two requests, to see exactly what error the
server is sending back to your browser.
How do I send a request through telnet? I can telnet to port 80, but I 
don't know what it is waiting for. If I type in GET I get the index 
page from my default virtual host. If I try typing anything after the 
GET I get  a 400 error.

Try installing a vanilla stand-alone tomcat, and test the second
version with that.  If the problem goes away, then you know you need
to tweak your mod_jk mappings.
I'll setup the stand alone again and see what happens. When you say 
tweak your mod_jk mappings what file are you referring to?

 Further, it was back in 1996 that I last saw this behavior, and I
suspect that today servlets might be smarter about this.
What's interesting is that I remember this same behavior from my last 
job. There we were using Oracle iAS which is based on Apache and 
Orion. I don't remember if they fixed the issue or we just coded 
around it. But it doesn't really matter since I don't work there any 
longer and it doesn't apply to this issue.  ;^)

 Ideally, the next step in troubleshooting this 

Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-01 Thread Jason Bainbridge
On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 03:35, Jeff Knox wrote:
 OK, I moved the server.xml file from the IDE to the production
 instance. Using port 8080 everything works great. I added a connector
 for mod_jk and sure enough it doesn't work. Would the problem be in the
 server.xml, httpd.conf or somewhere else? Here are the two connectors:

I'm guessing your problem is more related to mod_jk itself and not your 
configuration, after a bit of googling it seems a few people had similar 
problems without any luck and given mod_jk isn't recommended any longer you 
might well be best to try mod_jk2, that is what I am using without any 

mod_jk2 does seem a bit fickle to setup though but I didn't have much trouble 
after reading a few howto's and the usual I really should learn how to type 
one day typo's one always seems to make in configuration files.

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team - 

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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-06-01 Thread Jeff Knox
AAAH!  lol

Ok, at first I was using the Warp connector and told to dump it because 
it wasn't supported and mod_jk was the way to go. Now you are telling 
me to go with mod_jk2?! I'll take a look at it. It's times like these 
when I know why I'm a programmer and not a sysadmin.

Thanks for the info,


On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 12:54  PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 03:35, Jeff Knox wrote:
OK, I moved the server.xml file from the IDE to the production
instance. Using port 8080 everything works great. I added a connector
for mod_jk and sure enough it doesn't work. Would the problem be in 
server.xml, httpd.conf or somewhere else? Here are the two connectors:
I'm guessing your problem is more related to mod_jk itself and not your
configuration, after a bit of googling it seems a few people had 
problems without any luck and given mod_jk isn't recommended any 
longer you
might well be best to try mod_jk2, that is what I am using without any

mod_jk2 does seem a bit fickle to setup though but I didn't have much 
after reading a few howto's and the usual I really should learn how 
to type
one day typo's one always seems to make in configuration files.

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team -
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RE: Forms and JSPs Apache Thread Crash

2003-06-01 Thread Allen Williams

Could you post your config files?  httpd.conf, worker2.conf, jk2.conf, and
server.xml (or, just point to where they are; I'll be glad to do the
download work).  I've been through a few how- tos as well and had multiple
people here offer suggestions, with no success.  Are you using WinNT?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Bainbridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 3:54 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Forms and JSPs

 On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 03:35, Jeff Knox wrote:
  OK, I moved the server.xml file from the IDE to the production
  instance. Using port 8080 everything works great. I added a connector
  for mod_jk and sure enough it doesn't work. Would the problem be in the
  server.xml, httpd.conf or somewhere else? Here are the two connectors:

 I'm guessing your problem is more related to mod_jk itself and not your
 configuration, after a bit of googling it seems a few people had similar
 problems without any luck and given mod_jk isn't recommended any
 longer you
 might well be best to try mod_jk2, that is what I am using without any

 mod_jk2 does seem a bit fickle to setup though but I didn't have
 much trouble
 after reading a few howto's and the usual I really should learn
 how to type
 one day typo's one always seems to make in configuration files.

 Jason Bainbridge
 KDE Web Team -

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Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Jeff Knox
Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST 
method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat 

Any ideas out there?



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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Jason Bainbridge
On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
 Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
 method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat

Yup I am using it in work's intranet application but with Apache 2.0.44  
Tomcat 4.1.24, I also use GET on a few forms without any problems. :)

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team - 

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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Jeff Knox
Hmm, I just realized something I didn't mention -- the pages in 
question work in the development environment (Sun ONE Studio). The 
development environment uses it's own instance of Tomcat to parse the 
pages. When I push the files over to the production environment it 
fails. This leads me to believe that it's a configuration issue, but I 
don't have a clue as to what would cause a failure at this point. 
Both of the above URLs work from within the IDE while the second one 
fails in the production environment. And when it fails it says it can't 
find the server! Where might I look to figure out what the difference 

Both instances are running on the same physical box. The working 
version runs in Tomcat under the IDE. The failing one runs in an 
Apache/Tomcat setup using mod_jk to handle the JSP requests.

Thanks again,


On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 05:43  PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat
Yup I am using it in work's intranet application but with Apache 
Tomcat 4.1.24, I also use GET on a few forms without any problems. :)

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team -
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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Justin Ruthenbeck
What happens if you just hit Tomcat directly instead of going through 
Apache on your production system?

At 05:57 PM 5/30/2003, you wrote:
Hmm, I just realized something I didn't mention -- the pages in question 
work in the development environment (Sun ONE Studio). The development 
environment uses it's own instance of Tomcat to parse the pages. When I 
push the files over to the production environment it fails. This leads me 
to believe that it's a configuration issue, but I don't have a clue as to 
what would cause a failure at this point. Examples:
Both of the above URLs work from within the IDE while the second one fails 
in the production environment. And when it fails it says it can't find the 
server! Where might I look to figure out what the difference is?

Both instances are running on the same physical box. The working version 
runs in Tomcat under the IDE. The failing one runs in an Apache/Tomcat 
setup using mod_jk to handle the JSP requests.

Thanks again,


On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 05:43  PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat
Yup I am using it in work's intranet application but with Apache 2.0.44 
Tomcat 4.1.24, I also use GET on a few forms without any problems. :)
Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team -
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Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Jeff Knox
I will have to enable Tomcat on that port again to give it a try.

I am also getting the following error in the catalina.out file:

   [Ajp13] bad read: -103


On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 06:35  PM, Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:

What happens if you just hit Tomcat directly instead of going through 
Apache on your production system?

At 05:57 PM 5/30/2003, you wrote:
Hmm, I just realized something I didn't mention -- the pages in 
question work in the development environment (Sun ONE Studio). The 
development environment uses it's own instance of Tomcat to parse the 
pages. When I push the files over to the production environment it 
fails. This leads me to believe that it's a configuration issue, but 
I don't have a clue as to what would cause a failure at this point. 
Both of the above URLs work from within the IDE while the second one 
fails in the production environment. And when it fails it says it 
can't find the server! Where might I look to figure out what the 
difference is?

Both instances are running on the same physical box. The working 
version runs in Tomcat under the IDE. The failing one runs in an 
Apache/Tomcat setup using mod_jk to handle the JSP requests.

Thanks again,


On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 05:43  PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
method and not the GET method? I am using Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat
Yup I am using it in work's intranet application but with Apache 
Tomcat 4.1.24, I also use GET on a few forms without any problems. :)

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team -
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Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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Re: Forms and JSPs

2003-05-31 Thread Steven J. Owens
On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 05:57:25PM -0700, Jeff Knox wrote:
 Hmm, I just realized something I didn't mention -- the pages in 
 question work in the development environment (Sun ONE Studio). The 
 development environment uses it's own instance of Tomcat to parse the 
 pages. When I push the files over to the production environment it 
 fails. This leads me to believe that it's a configuration issue, but I 
 don't have a clue as to what would cause a failure at this point. 
 Both of the above URLs work from within the IDE while the second one 
 fails in the production environment. And when it fails it says it can't 
 find the server! Where might I look to figure out what the difference 

 Hm... lacking a *lot* of information here, it's impossible to say
what's happening.  What exactly are you seeing?  

 I tried to load both URLs, the second URL doesn't load.  I tried
to troubleshoot this by telnetting to, port 80, and
simulating an HTTP GET request to get the login page, but *that*
didn't work for either URL.

 One thought that comes to mind is, wtf are you *trying* to do
with the second URL?  

 Unless the login.jsp is coded to grab the username parameter from
the GET request and use it to pre-populate the login form, the second
URL should, at best, just produce the blank login form.  Maybe you
should post your JSP source.
 Both instances are running on the same physical box. The working 
 version runs in Tomcat under the IDE. The failing one runs in an 
 Apache/Tomcat setup using mod_jk to handle the JSP requests.
 This last detail (mod_jk) definitely points to a mapping issue.
Try installing a vanilla stand-alone tomcat, and test the second
version with that.  If the problem goes away, then you know you need
to tweak your mod_jk mappings. 

 On Sat, 31 May 2003 08:30, Jeff Knox wrote:
 Has anybody ever seen JSP pages that work with forms using the POST
 method and not the GET method? 

 Just for the record, I have never seen this.  It's conceivably
possible, depending much on the JSP compiler, but unlikely.  If it
were going to happen, it would be like this:

 The JSP generates a servlet.  Normally when you code your own
servlet, you define one or more of the HTTP request types (GET, POST,
HEAD, etc).  A given request type has a specified method implemented
on the servlet (doPost(), doGet(), doHead(), etc).  If you then
atttempt one of the unimplemented requests with that servlet, you
would get an error.

 So, conceivably your JSP might generate a servlet that only has
one of doGet() or doPost() implemented.  However, I have no idea how
this is defined in the JSP spec, so I would not assume this is

 Further, it was back in 1996 that I last saw this behavior, and I
suspect that today servlets might be smarter about this.  I *know* for
a fact that if you use a POST but you define the
ACTION=;, the bar=baz parameter will carry
through.  This sort of fact, though strictly speaking unrelated,
suggests that the JSP compiler might be equally smart about generating
both doPost() and doGet() methods.

 Having said all of this, your question above, and the further
example URLS you post, do not agree.  There's nothing in the examples
you posted, or the further description of the problem, that suggests
that you're actually seeing a JSP that works wtih a POST but not a
GET.  It's just suggesting that your mapping or your JSP is incorrectly
defined, so that the username parameter trips things up.
 Ideally, the next step in troubleshooting this would be to look
at your logs and see exactly what requests mod_jk is forwarding, and
exactly what error tomcat is reporting when you request the second

 I would also highly recommend using telnet to
port 80 and simulating the two requests, to see exactly what error the
server is sending back to your browser.  I tried a moment ago, but I'm
apparently too tired or too drunk to even get the first URL

 Good luck.

Steven J. Owens

I'm going to make broad, sweeping generalizations and strong,
 declarative statements, because otherwise I'll be here all night and
 this document will be four times longer and much less fun to read.
 Take it all with a grain of salt. - Me at

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