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>my config:
>OS: WinNt4.0 SP6
>Apache Server 1.3.19
>jakarta-Tomcat 3.2.1
>i want to install JSSE
>so i followed the instructions in the "tomcat\conf\server.xml" file
>-- cut --
>         <!--
>            Uncomment this for SSL support.
>             You _need_ to set up a server certificate if you want this
>             to work, and you need JSSE.
>             1. Add JSSE jars to CLASSPATH
>             2. Edit java.home/jre/lib/security/java.security
>                Add:
>                security.provider.2=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider
>             3. Do: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
>                RSA is essential to work with Netscape and IIS.
>                Use "changeit" as password. ( or add keypass attribute )
>                You don't need to sign the certificate.
>             You can set parameter keystore and keypass if you want
>             to change the default ( user.home/.keystore with changeit )
>          -->
>         <!--
>         <Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
>             <Parameter name="handler"
>             <Parameter name="port"
>                 value="8443"/>
>             <Parameter name="socketFactory"
>                 value="org.apache.tomcat.net.SSLSocketFactory" />
>         </Connector>
>         -->
>-- cut --
>so i downloaded jsse-1_0_2-do.zip and copied the jar files to my
>JAVA_HOME/Lib and added the files in the "tomcat.bat" file to CLASSPATH.
>in the "java.security" there was following entry:
>which i have replaced
>after that i did:
>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
>than i uncommented the following part in the server.xml file:
>         <Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
>             <Parameter name="handler"
>             <Parameter name="port"
>                 value="8443"/>
>             <Parameter name="socketFactory"
>                 value="org.apache.tomcat.net.SSLSocketFactory" />
>         </Connector>
>I restarted the computer. i started apache server - it runs. but when i
>start tomcat. tomcat stops without an error message.
>tomcat only runs when i comment the upper part in the server.xml file. but
>then i can't connect on port 8443
>did i forget something for using JSSE?
>Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
>FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>
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