Hi All,
I have just installed Tomcat 5.5.9 on our Dev Server.  I managed with a bit
of work and a few searches on the web to get Tomcat 4.1.x working with MS
SQL Server using JNDI and database pooled connections to work.  This has
been working well for some time now.  However, there is quite a few
advantages for upgrading the current system to Tomcat 5.5, not least of
which, is improvements to the list and functionality of tools that aid with
Java debugging!
I cannot get Tomcat 5.5.9 working with JNDI and MS SQL Server at the moment.
I have already read all the various official docs on JNDI how-to and
searched the web but even after all that and changing various things that
others have recommended, I cannot get the JNDI to work.
Has anyone out there successfully using JNDI with Tomcat and MS SQL Server?
If so please can you put another professional out of there misery!
Many thanks,

Best Regards,


 <http://www.pfizer.co.uk/>    Ian Wylie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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