I am trying to debug JNDI resources as described at the jakarta.apache 
documentation pages at:


I should add that I have already successfully done this on Solaris and 
Linux.  However, when I try the exact same setup on Mac OS X, I am getting 
a naming exception when I try to access the database.

What I am trying to do is use a data source with connection pooling.  I 
have copied the server.xml and web.xml files exactly from my solaris box, 
where it works fine.  The database is the same (mysql).

I can access the database fine from within a servlet if I go directly with 
the DriverManager.  It is the data source that doesn't work.

I can't figure out at all what might be different about OS X...  It seems 
so generic.

I have quoted portions of the server.xml and web.xml below.

I would be most grateful for any suggestions...

Paul Phillips

Here is the relevant portion of the web.xml file:

Resource reference to a factory for java.sql connection
instances that may be used for talking to a particular database
that is configured in the server.xml file.

Here is the relevant portion of the server.xml file.

(from within a context)

             <Resource name="jdbc/theDB" auth="Container"
             <ResourceParams name="jdbc/theDB">

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