Anyone knows why this happens: 

The application(Apache.exe), generated an application error.  The error
occurred on  9/29/2002 @  7:43:49.968.  The exception generated was c0000005
at address 0x00a41f2f (<nosymbols>) 

The Environment is:
Apache_1.3.9 with mod_ssl_2.4.9-openssl_0.9.4
JDK 1.3.1_03
NT 4.0 SP6

One thing noteworthy is that we recently upgraded the JDK version from
JDK1.2.2_006 to JDK1.3.1_03, and we recently started to use fop-0.20.4 from
within our servlets.   

Don't know if they could cause this type of problems. 


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