Bump: Loss of Subject/AccessControlContext in JSTL

2005-09-13 Thread Michiel Toneman

Hi All,

Is the below issue completely and utterly uninteresting and boring, or 
should I just go ahead and file a bugreport?



We've been tracking a nasty issue in our web application when using
Tomcat 5.0.28 and JSTL.

If we call a method from JSTL, any code that tries to access the
AccessControlContext behaves differently than it would if called
directly in a JSP using plain java.


If we have a utility method in our dataBean that returns the (JAAS)
Subject using
Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()), the syntax:

   %= dataBean.getSubjectFromContext() %

returns the Subject whereas:


returns null

This is quite unexpected behaviour and seems to be caused by the call to:


which uses AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction)
rather than AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction,
AccessControlContext) to evaluate the EL syntax.

I think that changing:

   retValue = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){

To: retValue = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){
   }, AccessController.getContext()

should solve this.

Can someone please have a look at this?



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Loss of Subject/AccessControlContext in JSTL

2005-09-06 Thread Michiel Toneman

We've been tracking a nasty issue in our web application when using 
Tomcat 5.0.28 and JSTL.

If we call a method from JSTL, any code that tries to access the 
AccessControlContext behaves differently than it would if called 
directly in a JSP using plain java.


If we have a utility method in our dataBean that returns the (JAAS) 
Subject using

Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()), the syntax:

   %= dataBean.getSubjectFromContext() %

returns the Subject whereas:


returns null

This is quite unexpected behaviour and seems to be caused by the call to:


which uses AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction) 
rather than AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction, 
AccessControlContext) to evaluate the EL syntax.

I think that changing:

   retValue = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){

To: retValue = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){
   }, AccessController.getContext()

should solve this.

Can someone please have a look at this?



Michiel Toneman  Software Engineer   Bibit Global Payment Services
Regulierenring 10  3981 LB  Bunnik   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel. +31-30-6595168  Fax +31-30-6564464  http://www.bibit.com/

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