This is my first time ever being on a mailing list, so please forgive me mistakes, if 
I do some...

I nearly got crazy while compiling "jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.5-src" to get 
mod_jk.so on my Solaris 8 SPARC. I found many HowTo's, but none did work, I always got 
following error message: (after I did the configure, of course)
-->>make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 21: Unexpected end of line seen<<--
I took a look to "Makefile" in 
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.5-src/jk/native/apache-1.3, an made following change:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] # vi Makefile

        -->>JK_DIR = .. instead of -->> JK_DIR := ..

BUILD_DIR = ${JK_DIR}/../build/jk/apache13

Now I receive a different error:
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `mod_jk.lo'

I didn't find any hint at google, so has anyone of you had a similar problem?

--> I also took a look to the source code after unpacking, an recognised that the 
"Makefile.in" has the ":" at the same place,<--

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