Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-03-01 Thread software
Hi, tahnks for you help,
We actually running Java Applications with JDBC connectios to the 
databases, we have in this moment 13 application more or less, and one 
of the this application is on our website, we've received connections 
from any sites of the internet, and we are interesting to get tunnig in 
ours Tomcats.

Christopher Schultz wrote:


If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory 
is over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or 
not working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in 
this server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks

You have to understand something about Linux memory: it never gives it 
up. So, even though 'top' reports that your box has very little free 
physical memory, that doesn't mean that it's all being used.

When the kernel obtains memory on behalf of a process, it doesn't go 
back into 'free' when the process fees it or dies. I know it's a 
little weird.

However, you do have a reasonable complaint: the app seems sluggish, 
and with that hardware, it shouldn't be.

Again: what are you running? If your code fires off 500 threads every 
time a request comes in, then maybe you shoudl rethink your 
architecture. If it's nothing heavy-hitting, then something else is 
wrong. What else is running on the box?

What benchmarks have you run? Or, are you just complaining about 
wall-clock time? Could your problem be network latency? How far from 
the box are you?


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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-28 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
If that's a typical snapshop of the system load
you havn't any of this problems:

- Memory usage
  As others have pointed out, you have plenty of memory
  (Compared to the need of 2 instances of tomcat with 
   80 to 130MB each)
- CPU Usage
  Both CPU's are idle at over 80 percent. (They are 
  mainly doing nothing) The load also indicates that
  the system is mainly doing nothing.

What may have:

- An application that sits on thread or database locks and is 
  waiting for them to be released (maybe even a deadlock)
- Some external problem:
  - dns lookups don't work
each request is delayed until a dns lookup timeout occurs.
(Disable dnslookups)
  - obscure routing to a database server
each request to the database is routed on strange paths
to be answered. (Have seen configurations where the request
where routed over the internet to reach a lokal database)
- Maybe IO Problems
  The iostate is not shown in the top output.
  (This problem is very unlikely, as this would also influence
  the load numbers)

You have to find out what is causing the performance degration.

You might find following tools usefull to do that:

OS related tools:
  - vmstat
  - iostat
  - netstat
  - strace

java related tools:
  - OptimizeIt
  - JProbe
  - HPJmeter
  - enablic verbose gc in the vm
  - Try to trim down the smallest example webapp that exposes 
the problem.
Try to find out where the time is used. (Measure the time
between a request in the apache accesslog and the corresponding 
call of the servlet) if the time is spnt in the servlet/jsp
include additional log statements to find out where in the 
servlet the problem is caused)
If that doesn't help post the example to the list.
  - Debugger

It's not in the scope of this list to go in more detail for this tools.
But maybe some links may help you to get a start:

BTW: JAVA_OPST is misspelled (should be JAVA_OPTS)
40m is a quite low value for the memory setting.

 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 7:02 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
 JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
 CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
 JAVA_OPST=-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
 CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms30m -Xmx40m
 This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been 
 in the same server
 1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
 220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
 CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
 Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K 
 shrd,   92348K 
 Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free   
 23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
 23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
 23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
 23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
 To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
 Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
 (Have seen to much typos in the past)
 How much memory has your box ?
 What says the cpu load ?
 Can you post the head of the top output
 hat shows the overall memory usage ?
 Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?
 Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't 
 expect that the memory usage is the problem if
 each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the 
 same server the box would need rougly 300 MB 
 (Depending on how much memory is used by other 
 Remember that all threads of the same vm share 
 their memory.
 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i 
 think it 
 doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 
 145 Mb per 
 process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
 memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server
 thanks a lot
 Ralph Einfeldt wrote

RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Hamilton Andrew
So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know that Linux shows
threads as processes using ps?  Are you running out of memory?  A little
more information would be helpful.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and i'm working 
with Ajp13

!-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port value=8007/
Parameter name=max_threads value=30/
Parameter name=max_spare_threads value=20/
Parameter name=min_spare_threads value=5 /


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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Ralph Einfeldt

I not shure which problem you have :

- Why do I have so many processes
  (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)

- Why does the process take this amount of memory
  Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
  servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
  number of active sessions, )

- How can I give the process more memory
  Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
  befor starting tomcat.

 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
 Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
 is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
 grep java  
 command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
 21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
 21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
 21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
 21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
 looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
 className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and 
 i'm working 
 with Ajp13
 !-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
 Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
 Parameter name=handler 
 Parameter name=port value=8007/
 Parameter name=max_threads value=30/
 Parameter name=max_spare_threads value=20/
 Parameter name=min_spare_threads value=5 /
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Trenton D. Adams
If you weren't aware of what Hamilton mentioned, try a ps awxu --forest |
grep java, and you will get a listing of processes with their child threads
in a tree view.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hamilton Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 9:44 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Help tomcat problem with memory
 So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know 
 that Linux shows threads as processes using ps?  Are you 
 running out of memory?  A little more information would be helpful.
 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
 Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
 loadbalancer is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using 
 the ps -ef | grep java command  i've saw many java process  
 justa like these:
 21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
 21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
 21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
 21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
 looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
 className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and 
 i'm working 
 with Ajp13
 !-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation 
 -- Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
 Parameter name=handler 
 Parameter name=port value=8007/
 Parameter name=max_threads value=30/ Parameter 
 name=max_spare_threads value=20/ Parameter 
 name=min_spare_threads value=5 / /Connector
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subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed.

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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread SH Solutions
So what's your problem?  

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer is
woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java command
i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and i'm working 
with Ajp13

!-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- Connector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port value=8007/
Parameter name=max_threads value=30/ Parameter
name=max_spare_threads value=20/ Parameter name=min_spare_threads
value=5 / /Connector


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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Hi, my problem is that the performance of my server linux redhat 7.3  is 
down because when a try to get acceso to some application (for java) in 
my webserver i have to wait a lot of time, somtimes i've got acces 
sometime it didn't happen ... when i use ps -ef | grep java i getting 
many proccess with java using more or less 145 MB of my memory and i 
have in this moment 105 proccess using 145 MB.

Thanks for you help

Hamilton Andrew wrote:

So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know that Linux shows
threads as processes using ps?  Are you running out of memory?  A little
more information would be helpful.
-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and i'm working 
with Ajp13

!-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port value=8007/
Parameter name=max_threads value=30/
Parameter name=max_spare_threads value=20/
Parameter name=min_spare_threads value=5 /


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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the memory that 
they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

I not shure which problem you have :

- Why do I have so many processes
 (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)
- Why does the process take this amount of memory
 Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
 servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
 number of active sessions, )

- How can I give the process more memory
 Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
 befor starting tomcat.

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and 
i'm working 
with Ajp13

!-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port value=8007/
Parameter name=max_threads value=30/
Parameter name=max_spare_threads value=20/
Parameter name=min_spare_threads value=5 /


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Kannan Sundararajan
that is your vm settings?

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 12:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the memory that 
they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot

Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

I not shure which problem you have :

- Why do I have so many processes
  (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)

- Why does the process take this amount of memory
  Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
  servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
  number of active sessions, )

- How can I give the process more memory
  Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
  befor starting tomcat.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and 
i'm working 
with Ajp13

!-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port value=8007/
Parameter name=max_threads value=30/
Parameter name=max_spare_threads value=20/
Parameter name=min_spare_threads value=5 /


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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Ralph Einfeldt

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?

What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?

Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't 
expect that the memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the 
same server the box would need rougly 300 MB 
(Depending on how much memory is used by other 

Remember that all threads of the same vm share 
their memory.

 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
 doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
 process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
 memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server
 thanks a lot
 Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Trenton D. Adams
The 145 is the entire JVM memory usage.  It just shows up on every thread as
145M.  It's not actually using that much per thread.

ps awxu --forest | grep java will show all the threads, along with their
parent.  You might notice that the parent and children all show the same

 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:01 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Hi, my problem is that the performance of my server linux 
 redhat 7.3  is down because when a try to get acceso to some 
 application (for java) in my webserver i have to wait a lot 
 of time, somtimes i've got acces sometime it didn't happen 
 ... when i use ps -ef | grep java i getting many proccess 
 with java using more or less 145 MB of my memory and i have 
 in this moment 105 proccess using 145 MB.
 Thanks for you help
 Hamilton Andrew wrote:
 So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know 
 that Linux 
 shows threads as processes using ps?  Are you running out 
 of memory?  
 A little more information would be helpful.
 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
 Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High
 Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
 is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
 grep java 
 command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
 21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
 21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
 21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
 21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
 21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
 looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms 
 and use the 
 className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector   and 
 i'm working 
 with Ajp13
 !-- A pooled AJPV12 Connector for out-of-process operation -- 
 Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
 Parameter name=handler 
 Parameter name=port value=8007/
 Parameter name=max_threads value=30/ Parameter 
 name=max_spare_threads value=20/ Parameter 
 name=min_spare_threads value=5 / /Connector
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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST=-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms30m -Xmx40m
This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   92348K 
Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  706776K 

23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?
What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?
Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't 
expect that the memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the 
same server the box would need rougly 300 MB 
(Depending on how much memory is used by other 

Remember that all threads of the same vm share 
their memory.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:


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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST=-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms30m -Xmx40m
Your app seems to be taking more than 30m, eh? Try 30M -- it might 
be case sensitive. Although the VM and Tomcat might not even be able to 
load and get anything done in that little memory.

This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
Your load average looks great. What's the problem?

CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   92348K 
You've got a dual-CPU machine with a gig of RAM and your app is 
responding slowly? What are you running?

Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  706776K 
Your swap hasn't been touched. Unless you have a totally braindead app, 
something is terribly wrong if it's really not responding.

Have you hooked up a profiler to your app?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks

Thanks a lot for you help
software wrote:

Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST=-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms30m -Xmx40m
This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   
92348K buff
Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  
706776K cached

23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?
What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?
Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't expect that the 
memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the same server the 
box would need rougly 300 MB (Depending on how much memory is used by 
other processes)

Remember that all threads of the same vm share their memory.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb 
per process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:


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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread George Sexton
Why don't you find someone who understands memory usage for your
operating system and have them explain the output of your commands to

You have 700+MB being used as file cache. Your system is under no memory

Your app is slow because

1)  It's compiling JSPs, and this takes some overhead on the first


2)  You are hitting a database and not using connection pooling.
This can kill performance.


3)  Your application is badly written.

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks

Thanks a lot for you help

software wrote:

 Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
 JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
 CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
 JAVA_OPST=-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
 CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms30m -Xmx40m

 This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed

 in the same server

 1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
 220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
 CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
 Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   
 92348K buff
 Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  
 706776K cached

 23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
 23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
 23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
 23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
 23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java

 Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

 To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
 Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
 (Have seen to much typos in the past)
 How much memory has your box ?

 What says the cpu load ?

 Can you post the head of the top output
 hat shows the overall memory usage ?

 Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

 Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't expect that the 
 memory usage is the problem if
 each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the same server the 
 box would need rougly 300 MB (Depending on how much memory is used by

 other processes)

 Remember that all threads of the same vm share their memory.


 -Original Message-
 From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
 Importance: High

 Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it

 doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb 
 per process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
 memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

 thanks a lot

 Ralph Einfeldt wrote:


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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks
You have to understand something about Linux memory: it never gives it 
up. So, even though 'top' reports that your box has very little free 
physical memory, that doesn't mean that it's all being used.

When the kernel obtains memory on behalf of a process, it doesn't go 
back into 'free' when the process fees it or dies. I know it's a little 

However, you do have a reasonable complaint: the app seems sluggish, and 
with that hardware, it shouldn't be.

Again: what are you running? If your code fires off 500 threads every 
time a request comes in, then maybe you shoudl rethink your 
architecture. If it's nothing heavy-hitting, then something else is 
wrong. What else is running on the box?

What benchmarks have you run? Or, are you just complaining about 
wall-clock time? Could your problem be network latency? How far from the 
box are you?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature