RE: [OT] Why did you choose Tomcat? (FKA: Re: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.)

2003-11-25 Thread Roeland Meyer
> From: Ben Souther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:20 PM

> Just out of curiosity, why did you choose Tomcat, or any OSS
> app, over .NET
> (and no, this isn't an attempt to start another thread about
> J2EE vs .NET)?
> You've stated that:
> 1.) That you are deploying on WinXXX and, more specifically, IIS.
> 2.) That you are specifically prohibited from hacking the
> source code.  (IMHO:
> that's where the "WTFs" belong)

In a nutshell, the simple answer is that .NET is NOT portable away from the
MickeySoft environment. Don't get me wrong here, MS finally came up with a
server that has a hope of working under production conditions. However, it
only has a hope. There are many reasons why Unix systems are superior,
long-term, and it would be way off-topic, not to mention preaching to the
choir, to go into them here.

A secondary answer is that Tomcat is the reference implementation of J2EE.
My directives are in that direction. I'm in a political situation where I am
outnumbered but, not yet, out voted. The policies are that we only build to
reference standards, regardless of what we are building it needs to be
portable, for various definitions of portability.

In order to win my point I have to prove viability of the Tomcat AppServer
over .NET. Basically, it's a java v. .NET battle. The target market for Java
is larger than the target market for NET, as it also includes .NET supported
systems. This is my strongest point. Further, most-likely clients are
running some form of *nix exclusively. For us, what I'm doing is a
worst-case scenerio namely; Win2K IIS/Tomcat v. MS .NET, we're going to get
pointy questions along that line too. Sort of like what you're asking here.
Yes, WTF applies and that was my initial reaction.

I'm quite well aware of OSS, Cathedral/Bazaar, etc. I supported Samba, I was
a Caldera Linux VAR once (to my recent regret a la SCO), and was very
involved in Internet DNS warz and other political issues. I've also been
doing C++ since '87. My big gripe about the entire Java universe is the need
to rename things in an incomprehensible manner, just to be different
apparently. When one doesn't know the new names, one gets terribly insulted
and put down upon. Excuse me, I was doing O-O when many here hadn't even had
their first date yet (a small wager there). But, that's another story.

> What's amazing is that, in your case, this approach worked
> very well.  You
> insulted the product, the documentation, and all the people
> who have spent
> their own time and energy participating in this list enough
> that someone
> who's very knowledgeable got defensive enough to want to
> prove you wrong and
> and not only pointed you to the documentation but answered a
> lot of questions
> directly.

I'm sorry if anyone took offence to my note, but those were things that
needed to be said. Early release, yeah. But, wrong dox need to be expunged
ruthlessly. Just like bad code. Remember the old 'ego-less' school of
programming? I'm one of those. I also had to crack some of the arrogance
here. Yes, this reveals a certain arrogance on my part. But, I did start off
asking  politely and then I did publish my letter in a polite fashion. I do
practice 'tit for tat', religiously. I will never take the offensive but, I
will always return fire when fired upon.

I did get some very good info albeit not quite complete, when I get
everything done AND I know it works, I'll submit the changes and
recommendations to the current doc, as recompense to the project. Definitely
the Workers How-To needs revisions and the ISS How-To needs work as well.
Any references to JNI, until the JNI dox are updated, should be dropped.

My specific thanks to Tom Lyle for That's how the
IIS How-To should read.

Now I'll have to go back and read Chuck's response. It looks like I owe him
that courtesy. On other fronts, I try to avoid having to ask question in the
first place. I'd already been fighting with this for a week before I even
subscribed to this list. I *have* perused all the dox I could get my hands

Part of RTFM should include the name of the FM to R!

R O E L A N D  M J   M E Y E R
Neuchatel, Switzerland
Yahoo Messenger: roeland_meyer

Running Tomcat 4.1.29 under Windows 2K Advanced Server.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[OT] Why did you choose Tomcat? (FKA: Re: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.)

2003-11-24 Thread Ben Souther

Just out of curiosity, why did you choose Tomcat, or any OSS app, over .NET 
(and no, this isn't an attempt to start another thread about J2EE vs .NET)?

You've stated that:
1.) That you are deploying on WinXXX and, more specifically, IIS. 

2.) That you are specifically prohibited from hacking the source code.  (IMHO:  
that's where the "WTFs" belong)

3.) Although you didn't didn't say so specifically, it's plain to see that you 
are looking for an app server that can be quickly set up and run with a 
minimum amount of effort (reading) on your part.  The reason that I say this 
is that you didn't know what a "context" is.  I have a half a dozen 
Servlet/JSP books on my desk and they all explain what a Servlet Context is 
in the first chapter.  You also mentioned JNI which is not a Tomcat or 
Servlet feature but a component of the core JAVA language.  It's not possible 
that you spent any time learning about JSP/Servlets or Tomcat before jumping 
in and trying to integrate the app server with IIS.

It sounds like you're a perfect candidate for a pre-packaged, commercial 
platform, like .NET, which allows you to purchase support.  There are also 
plenty of commercial J2EE app servers out there, with a wide range of price 
and support options.  Either way, you will get a specific list of what 
platforms and products are supported and you can rightly EXPECT to get 
explicit, step by step instructions for installation and integration.

One of the biggest difference between Open Source Software (OSS) and 
commercial software is the release cycle.  A common motto in OSS is "Release 
Early and Release Often".  Compare the number of releases that Tomcat has had 
with any commercial app server.  It's dizzying.  There are many advantages to 
this.  Bugs and security issues get fixed and integrated much faster, useless 
features get phased out much more quickly, and OSS projects like Tomcat are 
usually ahead of commercial products when it comes to features.  How many 
other java app servers support the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specs?

All this, however, comes at a cost.
In the commercial world, software product releases are often held back until 
the documentation is "complete".  In any OSS project it is generally expected 
that the documentation will lag behind the core functionality.  Most people 
who get involved with OSS expect to have to roll up their sleeves and learn 
about the product (at least a little) in order to start using it.  Often the 
best documentation isn't written by the developers, it's written by people 
like yourself, who've gone through an installation, got stuck, got help, and 
then decided to give back to the community by writing a HOWTO that explains 
the procedure from an end user's perspective.

In other words, with commercial software, you pay for support. With OSS you 
earn it.   Nobody on this list is being paid to answer your questions.  The 
people who do either do so because, they believe in the product and they want 
to see it used, or because in doing so, they learn more about the product. 
Some of the questions posted today have been answered by committers 
(developers who have taken part in building Tomcat). Try getting help from 
one of the developers of IIS.  Is it reasonable to expect senior developers 
to take time to answer basic questions such as "What is JNI?" or "What is a 
context?"?  By asking such questions, you have, in effect, said "I'm not 
interested in doing the work needed to understand this technology. I want to 
jump into the advanced topics and I expect someone else to write 
documentation that takes me by the hand and walks me through everything, step 
by step without any expectation that I have the prerequisite knowledge to be 
doing so in the first place  AND.. if it doesn't do so, it's a 'pile of 

What's amazing is that, in your case, this approach worked very well.  You 
insulted the product, the documentation, and all the people who have spent 
their own time and energy participating in this list enough that someone 
who's very knowledgeable got defensive enough to want to prove you wrong and 
and not only pointed you to the documentation but answered a lot of questions 

I wouldn't count on getting continued support that way. 

If you missed it, there was a link to this essay on the page with the links to 
this list. 
I would suggest that you read it, read up on both JSP/Servlet technology, and 
read up on OSS in general and seriously consider whether you want to use an 
OSS product or whether you would be better off paying for a commercial 

If you choose to go with Tomcat, welcome aboard. I think you'll find it to be 
a great app server at a great price.  Either way, I would really like to know 
what made you choose Tomcat and why you wanted to integrate it with IIS.  I'd 
also like to know why, specifically, you are so against using .NET.


On M

Re: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

2003-11-24 Thread Christopher Schultz

Before I sound too much like byting the hand that feeds, let me thank you
for the useful information that you have provided.
Fair enough. Although we must be in different time zones, 'cause I 
definately didn't write that at 4:26 AM :)

For one thing, whether you guys know it or not, Java is competing against MS
.NET. I surfaced specific issues that need to be covered. I have a case
where the requirements are Win2K and IIS. Neither Linux nor Apache are
viable options, although I've argued for, at least, Apache.
Okay, let's fix the docs for IIS. What have you found. I was objecting 
to the lack of useful information (other than to point out problems) in 
your post. Please post the *correct* information, and you're more likely 
to get the problem fixed.

We hear "your stuff sucks" a lot, and that doesn't exactly motivate 
anyone to make those people happy.

I'm doing good
to get Tomcat, okay? I don't want to do C# as that doesn't port more than 5
micro-inches from the MS platforms.
The mom project works pretty well. It even comes with a 
servlet-container-type thing.

Actually, I would gladly [submit patches, etc.]. I am considering compiling my notes 
subbmital after I get this stuff working.
Excellent! I look forward to reading the updated documents.

Do you mean this HOWTO:

Yep and these are the offending lines;

--- - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by
the workers (Tomcat processes). A sample can be found
under the conf directory. - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers. A
sample can be found under the conf directory as
You are completely right. Those files do not exist in the distros. 
However, you are looking in the wrong distro. Unfortunately, the 
'distro' that I would suggest is *NOT* the Tomcat distro. It's the 
tomcat-connectors distro. The source distro has the source of the isapi 
redirector. Unfortunately, this archive does not (as promised) contain 
example files. The pre-built isapi_redirector.dll file comes without an 
archive, and without those example files in the download directory :(

The ajp12  has been deprecated  with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use
instead ajp13  which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x,
4.1.x and 5.
Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
If you'd truely read my email then you'd have noticed that I never mentioned
ajp13. I had already read and understood that part. The isue isn't
documented changes, the issues are changes that aren't documented. A slight
You said the documents hadn't been updated since Tomcat 3.3. That 
passage clearly indicates that they have been (since they mention both 
Tomcat 4.1, 4.2 and 5.x).

> [I can't figure out workers, and I find the workers HOWTO to be
> worthless. By the way, what is a worker?]
BTW, your quoted portion is not anything that I wrote. I just checked.
That's true: that's why it's in []s

It explains pretty much every line of the file.

Yes, with incorrect data.
Really? You said you didn't understand worker types and properties. 
Every type is documented:

ajp12 - old skool not supported by 4.x and later
ajp13 - new skool, also supported by 3.3, so forget ajp12
jni - uses JNI to communicate directly with Tomcat
lb - load-balances across multiple Tomcat instances
Choose one: do you need load balancing? Do you want to use JNI (if you 
don't know what it is, then you don't want to use it)? If not, go with 

I think [the apparently crappy HOWTO is] a better guideline that the source code for 
don't you think?

Hacking the sources is something I am specifically prohibited from doing.
Is this your company policy? You're not allowed to find anything out 
except by reading documentation shipped with a package?

Also, with that error rate, it is better to not have it and admit that IIS
isn't supported, rather than embarras one's self by exhibiting such
problems. This is a quality issue at this point.
You're right, the IIS HOWTO isn't as step-by-step as it should be.

(Before I go on, I'll mention that there's a complete example
workers.prperties file included in the "Worker HOWTO".
No there isn't.
Yes, there is. Click on this link:

Then, press the "end" button on your keyboard. Voile! A full example file. You can even copy-and-paste it, then modify it.

I'll make a bet that you haven't even unpacked the Tomcat
4.1.29 binary distro for Win32, eh?
You're got me, there. I've only unpacked the 4.1.27 binary distro on win32.

Nowhere in there, does it exist.
Again, doesn't belong to Tomcat -- it belongs to the 
connector project. They are separate. Tomcat also doesn't include the 
JNI headers required to compile C++ code wrapped b

RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

2003-11-24 Thread Januski, Ken
It's hard not to think that there's a lot of misspent energy here. Many
people have problems setting up Tomcat, esp. with IIS, and I'm one of them.
In fact I had a thread that went on for 50+ messages before it got solved.
But generally most people to get their problems resolved. The original
message is so long that I doubt that most people have the energy to go
through it and respond. This really isn't a matter of what should be or what
shouldn't but just of practicality. It doesn't seem to me that this is a
practical way to get your problems solved.

I'm sure others that know far more than me and are more vocal in this forum
will respond as well. But this my 2 cents on the subject.


-Original Message-
From: Tom Lyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 5:00 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

Jesus, what a way to start a Monday morning. Is there really any point in
shouting at each other like this? If you've still not got Tomcat working
with IIS try this: I followed that
and got it all working.

Tomcat isn't as well documented as it might be (for reasons that have
already been stated) but theres really no reason to start having a go at

Peace people,


> -Original Message-
> From: Roeland Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 November 2003 09:43
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.
> Before I sound too much like byting the hand that feeds, let me thank you
> for the useful information that you have provided.
> > From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:26 AM
> and I will make due allowances for the time of your response as well. Late
> nights can make one more than a bit tense.
> >  > > You don't pretend to win the coveted Whiner Of The Month award
> >  > > with this, I hope. There's a lot of competition, you know.
> >
> > I think this post gets my vote for this coveted award. Everyone: you
> > have only 7 days left to submit your entries!
> For one thing, whether you guys know it or not, Java is competing
> against MS
> .NET. I surfaced specific issues that need to be covered. I have a case
> where the requirements are Win2K and IIS. Neither Linux nor Apache are
> viable options, although I've argued for, at least, Apache. I'm doing good
> to get Tomcat, okay? I don't want to do C# as that doesn't port
> more than 5
> micro-inches from the MS platforms. This sort of stuff makes it
> hard to sell
> Tomcat.
> > > There are three section to this email;
> > > 'General Complaints', 'IIS HOW-TO', and 'Workers HOW-TO'.
> >
> > No, you have one section: complaining about everything. I mistakenly
> > read the whole post, thinking that there woud, in fact, be an "IIS
> > HOWTO" and "Workers HOWTO" contained somewhere within. Alas,
> > there was not.
> No, I went item-by-item thorugh the dox that were shipped with
> the product.
> Often I was looking at
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html or
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/iishowto.html. I was making
> the case that both of those documents need to be either fixed or removed
> from the distribution. In fact, I stated that plainly. You must not have
> read that.
> > > General complaints: (in no particular order)
> >
> > I recognize that there are shortcomings in the documentation. You do
> > realize that pretty much nobody gets paid to write this
> > stuff, right? If
> > you have spent a significant amount of time figuring
> > something out, why
> > not help out with the project and submit either a replacement
> > document
> > for IIS/Tomcat or a patch to any existing documentation?
> Actually, I would gladly do so. I am considering compiling my notes for
> subbmital after I get this stuff working. I *really* don't want
> to do .NET.
> > > IIS HOW-TO:
> > >
> > > 1) Obviously, all references to Workers HOW-TO
> > > point to a defective document, as shown in the
> > > section on the workers HOW-TO.
> >  >
> >  > [snip]
> >  >
> >  > Workers HOW-TO:
> >  >
> >  > This was obviously written for Tomcat 3 and never
> >  > updated for Tomcat 4.1.29.
> >
> > Do you mean this HOWTO:
> >
> >
> Yep and these are the offending 

RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

2003-11-24 Thread Tom Lyle
Jesus, what a way to start a Monday morning. Is there really any point in
shouting at each other like this? If you've still not got Tomcat working
with IIS try this: I followed that
and got it all working.

Tomcat isn't as well documented as it might be (for reasons that have
already been stated) but theres really no reason to start having a go at

Peace people,


> -Original Message-
> From: Roeland Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 November 2003 09:43
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.
> Before I sound too much like byting the hand that feeds, let me thank you
> for the useful information that you have provided.
> > From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:26 AM
> and I will make due allowances for the time of your response as well. Late
> nights can make one more than a bit tense.
> >  > > You don't pretend to win the coveted Whiner Of The Month award
> >  > > with this, I hope. There's a lot of competition, you know.
> >
> > I think this post gets my vote for this coveted award. Everyone: you
> > have only 7 days left to submit your entries!
> For one thing, whether you guys know it or not, Java is competing
> against MS
> .NET. I surfaced specific issues that need to be covered. I have a case
> where the requirements are Win2K and IIS. Neither Linux nor Apache are
> viable options, although I've argued for, at least, Apache. I'm doing good
> to get Tomcat, okay? I don't want to do C# as that doesn't port
> more than 5
> micro-inches from the MS platforms. This sort of stuff makes it
> hard to sell
> Tomcat.
> > > There are three section to this email;
> > > 'General Complaints', 'IIS HOW-TO', and 'Workers HOW-TO'.
> >
> > No, you have one section: complaining about everything. I mistakenly
> > read the whole post, thinking that there woud, in fact, be an "IIS
> > HOWTO" and "Workers HOWTO" contained somewhere within. Alas,
> > there was not.
> No, I went item-by-item thorugh the dox that were shipped with
> the product.
> Often I was looking at
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html or
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/iishowto.html. I was making
> the case that both of those documents need to be either fixed or removed
> from the distribution. In fact, I stated that plainly. You must not have
> read that.
> > > General complaints: (in no particular order)
> >
> > I recognize that there are shortcomings in the documentation. You do
> > realize that pretty much nobody gets paid to write this
> > stuff, right? If
> > you have spent a significant amount of time figuring
> > something out, why
> > not help out with the project and submit either a replacement
> > document
> > for IIS/Tomcat or a patch to any existing documentation?
> Actually, I would gladly do so. I am considering compiling my notes for
> subbmital after I get this stuff working. I *really* don't want
> to do .NET.
> > > IIS HOW-TO:
> > >
> > > 1) Obviously, all references to Workers HOW-TO
> > > point to a defective document, as shown in the
> > > section on the workers HOW-TO.
> >  >
> >  > [snip]
> >  >
> >  > Workers HOW-TO:
> >  >
> >  > This was obviously written for Tomcat 3 and never
> >  > updated for Tomcat 4.1.29.
> >
> > Do you mean this HOWTO:
> >
> >
> Yep and these are the offending lines;
> ---
> - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by
> the workers (Tomcat processes). A sample can be found
> under the conf directory.
> - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers. A
> sample can be found under the conf directory as
> well.
> ---
> Neither nor are
> shipped with the
> product, contrary to what is clearly written insaid dox.
> > It specifically mentions the changes since Tomcat 3.3 (with
> > respect to
> > 4.x and 5.x). Here's an example:
> >
> > "
> > The ajp12  has been deprecated  with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use
> > instead ajp13  which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x,
> > 4.1.x and 5.
> >
> > Of course Tom

RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

2003-11-24 Thread Roeland Meyer
Before I sound too much like byting the hand that feeds, let me thank you
for the useful information that you have provided.

> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:26 AM

and I will make due allowances for the time of your response as well. Late
nights can make one more than a bit tense.

>  > > You don't pretend to win the coveted Whiner Of The Month award
>  > > with this, I hope. There's a lot of competition, you know.
> I think this post gets my vote for this coveted award. Everyone: you
> have only 7 days left to submit your entries!

For one thing, whether you guys know it or not, Java is competing against MS
.NET. I surfaced specific issues that need to be covered. I have a case
where the requirements are Win2K and IIS. Neither Linux nor Apache are
viable options, although I've argued for, at least, Apache. I'm doing good
to get Tomcat, okay? I don't want to do C# as that doesn't port more than 5
micro-inches from the MS platforms. This sort of stuff makes it hard to sell

> > There are three section to this email;
> > 'General Complaints', 'IIS HOW-TO', and 'Workers HOW-TO'.
> No, you have one section: complaining about everything. I mistakenly
> read the whole post, thinking that there woud, in fact, be an "IIS
> HOWTO" and "Workers HOWTO" contained somewhere within. Alas,
> there was not.

No, I went item-by-item thorugh the dox that were shipped with the product.
Often I was looking at
http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html or
http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/iishowto.html. I was making
the case that both of those documents need to be either fixed or removed
from the distribution. In fact, I stated that plainly. You must not have
read that.

> > General complaints: (in no particular order)
> I recognize that there are shortcomings in the documentation. You do
> realize that pretty much nobody gets paid to write this
> stuff, right? If
> you have spent a significant amount of time figuring
> something out, why
> not help out with the project and submit either a replacement
> document
> for IIS/Tomcat or a patch to any existing documentation?

Actually, I would gladly do so. I am considering compiling my notes for
subbmital after I get this stuff working. I *really* don't want to do .NET.

> >
> > 1) Obviously, all references to Workers HOW-TO
> > point to a defective document, as shown in the
> > section on the workers HOW-TO.
>  >
>  > [snip]
>  >
>  > Workers HOW-TO:
>  >
>  > This was obviously written for Tomcat 3 and never
>  > updated for Tomcat 4.1.29.
> Do you mean this HOWTO:

Yep and these are the offending lines;

--- - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by
the workers (Tomcat processes). A sample can be found
under the conf directory. - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers. A
sample can be found under the conf directory as

Neither nor are shipped with the
product, contrary to what is clearly written insaid dox.

> It specifically mentions the changes since Tomcat 3.3 (with
> respect to
> 4.x and 5.x). Here's an example:
> "
> The ajp12  has been deprecated  with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use
> instead ajp13  which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x,
> 4.1.x and 5.
> Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
> "

If you'd truely read my email then you'd have noticed that I never mentioned
ajp13. I had already read and understood that part. The isue isn't
documented changes, the issues are changes that aren't documented. A slight

>  > [I can't figure out workers, and I find the workers HOWTO to be
>  > worthless. By the way, what is a worker?]
> I find that this document is very helpful for these types of
> questions:
> howto.html

Is that anything like
http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html ?
If so, then go back and re-read my email for a section-by-section list of
BTW, your quoted portion is not anything that I wrote. I just checked.

> It explains pretty much every line of the file.

Yes, with incorrect data.

> >  I hit 10 errors and
> > stopped logging. These indicate huge problems and
> > this document should have never been included in
> > the Tomcat 4.1.29 release. Not even as a guidline.
> > It is more misleading than useful.
> I think it's a better guideline that the source code for the
> connector,
> don't you think?

Hacking the sources is something I am specifically prohibited from doing.
Also, with that error rate, it is better to not have it and admit that IIS
isn't supported, rather than embarras one's self by exhibiting such
problems. This is 

Re: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.

2003-11-23 Thread Christopher Schultz

From an unrelated thread:

> > You don't pretend to win the coveted Whiner Of The Month award
> > with this, I hope. There's a lot of competition, you know.
I think this post gets my vote for this coveted award. Everyone: you 
have only 7 days left to submit your entries!

There are three section to this email; 
'General Complaints', 'IIS HOW-TO', and 'Workers HOW-TO'.
No, you have one section: complaining about everything. I mistakenly 
read the whole post, thinking that there woud, in fact, be an "IIS 
HOWTO" and "Workers HOWTO" contained somewhere within. Alas, there was not.

General complaints: (in no particular order)
I recognize that there are shortcomings in the documentation. You do 
realize that pretty much nobody gets paid to write this stuff, right? If 
you have spent a significant amount of time figuring something out, why 
not help out with the project and submit either a replacement document 
for IIS/Tomcat or a patch to any existing documentation?


1) Obviously, all references to Workers HOW-TO
point to a defective document, as shown in the
section on the workers HOW-TO.
> [snip]
> Workers HOW-TO:
> This was obviously written for Tomcat 3 and never
> updated for Tomcat 4.1.29.
Do you mean this HOWTO:


It specifically mentions the changes since Tomcat 3.3 (with respect to 
4.x and 5.x). Here's an example:

The ajp12  has been deprecated  with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use 
instead ajp13  which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x, 
4.1.x and 5.

Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
> [I can't figure out workers, and I find the workers HOWTO to be
> worthless. By the way, what is a worker?]
I find that this document is very helpful for these types of questions:

It explains pretty much every line of the file.

 I hit 10 errors and
stopped logging. These indicate huge problems and
this document should have never been included in
the Tomcat 4.1.29 release. Not even as a guidline.
It is more misleading than useful.
I think it's a better guideline that the source code for the connector, 
don't you think?

1) Completely skips the obvious first steps: -
From the "Worker HOWTO" referenced eariler:

worker.list =
There's even an example!

Step 2:

After defining the workers you can also specify properties for them. 
Properties can be specified in the following manner:

(Before I go on, I'll mention that there's a complete example 
workers.prperties file included in the "Worker HOWTO".

2) Introduction is completely accurate yet,
completely inadequate. What is the relationship of
a worker instance to a URL?
There is none. You have to map these yourself. You do this in the 
configuration for your specific web server. Check the "IIS Howto" 
(mentioned previously):

Adding a context to the ISAPI redirector is simple, all you need to do 
is to edit your and to add a line that looks like:

> What is a Tomcat context?

You're kidding, right? You're trying to couple IIS to Tomcat and you 
need a Context tutorial?

Where is the referal to a document that
can explain these things ( the file "Tomcat: A
Minimalistic User's Guide", is not found)?

4) "Workers Type" is almost meaningless in light
of item 3. Sometimes, stating the obvious, at
least once, is a good thing.
How about this for obvious: (from the Workers HOWTO)

worker . worker name . type = Where worker name is the name 
assigned to the worker and the worker type is one of the four types 
defined in the table (a worker name may not contain any space (a good 
naming convention for queue named should follow the Java variable naming 

# Defines a worker named "local" that uses the ajpv12 protocol to
# forward requests to a Tomcat process.
# Defines a worker named "remote" that uses the ajpv13 protocol to
# forward requests to a Tomcat process.
# Defines a worker named "fast" that uses JNI to forward requests to
# a Tomcat process.
# Defines a worker named "loadbalancer" that loadbalances several
# Tomcat processes transparently.
Looks pretty straightforward to me. Which style of connector do you want 
to use? JNI? LoadBalanced? Not sure? Well, remember back in the IIS HOWTO:

Who support ajp protocols ?
The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x.

The ajp12 has been deprecated with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use 
instead ajp13 which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x, 
4.1.x and 5.

Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
That sounds like a great case for using the "ajp13" type.

5) "Setting Worker Properties" Same complaint as
item 4.
As you so freq