It seems like what you want to do is workable.  I would guess that
for some reason you are not using two different server.xml files, which
means that the second instance of Tomcat is using the same ports as the
first and then failing when it tries to gain these ports.  (You could verify
this by looking at the jvm.stdout/.stderr files generated.)

        Make sure that the second file uses the correct
server.xml file.  In my version, its like 99.  Soemthing like:
should be 


-----Original Message-----
From: Fontanelli Andrea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 11:31 AM
Subject: Jakarta NT Service: how to execute several Tomcat instances

        We are tomcat users and we developing a Java web application. 
        We would have two Jakarta services, one for production environment
and the other for the development environment.
        Our environment is composed like this:

*       IIS web server 
*       Tomcat 3.2  
*       O.S. Windows 2000

        We created two Jakarta services, following the setup notes ("Advance
Setup" paragraph) in the section "Working with the Jakarta NT Service", but
seems that only one Jakarta service is running at runtime. 
        When I try to start the services, the second one return to "stopped
status" after few seconds, so we never have both services running at the
same time.  

        Probably there is something in the "Advance setup" that we
misunderstand: what exactly means "install Tomcat service twice and under
two different name" ?

        Do we have to rename the jk_nt_service to two different names or
        jk_nt_service - I <name of service> <path of>
(with two different name of service/path of is enough? 

        Do you have any examples we could follow to reach our goal ?

        Thanks in advance for your help.

        Best Regards   

Andrea Fontanelli

Sviluppo Sistemi Professionali
Sema S.p.A.
Via G. Jervis, 77 - Ivrea (TO)

Tel:      +39.0125.523249
Fax:     +39.0125.522146

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