Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-06 Thread Milt Epstein

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Dmitri Colebatch wrote:

> I think the big problem with splitting the list is that everyone is
> going to be interested in their own little niche.  I for instance
> learn nothing by answering many questions that I answer, but I do
> learn things from reading other answers.  If the list was split, I
> would (potentially) have the option to only see the messages that I
> would learn from.  This disadvantages other people on the list.  And
> this is going to occur at all levels.  Even relative newbies should
> be capable of answering some questions that they have just dealt
> with the day before.

I can see what you're saying, but I see a couple of problems with
this.  First, it's like forcing people to do something that they
would/could/should have the option of doing themselves anyway.  You're
making it sound like people should have to read everything so that
they wouldn't miss anything where they might be able to help.  Well,
of course, if there was a split, people who wanted to do this could
still do this.  And you shouldn't force people to do this.

More practically, I don't think it's the most effective way to achieve
your goal (more participation from people who have the answers).  With
a single high volume list, I believe people will tend to skim/skip
more things, and perhaps even drop off the list totally.  With a lower
volume list, they might very well participate in the way you're
suggesting -- albeit only on a subset of posts.  But greater
participation on a subset of posts may work out better than less
participation on all the posts.  For example, I see myself skipping a
ton of posts because I just don't have the time; if the volume were
smaller, and the scope more relevant to my interests/expertise, I
would definitely participate more.  (Granted that coming up with a
split that will facilitate this is not trivial.  But it may be worth

Basically, you want to make it easy and worthwhile for the more
experienced people to participate, and I think a split -- a good split
-- will do this.

> If we want to reduce traffic surely a digest is the option.  The
> JBoss list has a _lot_ more traffic than this one, and I am able to
> receive that in digest mode quite happily.

As has been pointed out, there is already a digest option.  And this
must be a personal thing, because I would absolutely detest getting
such a high volume list as a digest and couldn't imagine reading it
that way.

> On Fri,  6 Jul 2001 15:45, Jeff Kilbride wrote:
> > Even if the list is not split into these specific sub-topics, I would
> > certainly like to see it split along Windows/Unix lines. I use Unix
> > exclusively and I skip over 99% of the Windows questions, because I don't
> > have any experience with Tomcat on that platform. I'm sure Windows users
> > feel the same way about Unix related questions.
[ ... ]

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-06 Thread Jim Cheesman

At 11:11 AM 06/07/01, you wrote:
>   I've been on the list about eight months and I'm not sure
>I agree that splitting it will alleviate the volume problem.
>I'm rather afraid that I would end up subscribed to 2 or 3
>high volume lists rather than one. I imagine that we would
>see a lot of multiple posts across the lists.
>Previous suggestions for how the list could be split seem to me to fall into
>three categories
>1) By platform
>2) By competence (i.e. newbie list, advanced user list)
>3) By category of problem

I fully agree - the only way I could see to divide this list that makes any 
sense would be installation/post-installation - though, again, where would 
"tomcat as service" type posts go?

It is a very high volume list, but with a threaded mail reader that can be 
dealt with - most (gui-based) readers allow one to order by subject, and 
hence delete by subject...

The information I've learnt here has been invaluable, and certainly I find 
replying to the odd "newbie" post makes up for the guilty feeling I get for 
not contributing more actively to the project ;)



   *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
  Always be on the 
lookout for conspicuousness.

RE: List traffic et al

2001-07-06 Thread Saurabh Shukla

I TOTALLY agree with this, deviding will not be helpful.

Rather let all of us try to reduce volume(both in size and number), it does
not require much effort.

Lets just try to follow the following.

- Please go through the archives and docs before posting a question. The
members should also refrain from answering questions which are there in the
docs, please refer the docs would be
the best reply.

- Do not post messages in non text format such as HTML, Doc or RTF.

- Do not post attachments to the list (such as vCards, ms-tnef etc.)

- Use a meaningful subject.  A single word like ``Help!'' doesn't help
in understanding the nature of the problem, and may be skipped by a
person who may actually have been able to help you. It also will be helpful
ignoring the issues in whcih an individual is not interested.

- Change the subject if you're changing the content of a thread drastically.

- Remove extras when quoting.  If the quoted message contained a
standard list trailer or a long signature, do remove it in your

- Give enough information to help your reader to help you if you're
posting about a problem.  Statements like, ``My Apache doesn't work''
are useless since they give no description of the problem, no idea
about the methods you tried to identify the problem, and no
information (logs, etc) which could help in diagnosing the problem.
Give enough information (how did you set it up, what did you do to
test it, what was the exact output, what did the logs contain, what
versions of software/hardware were you using, etc) to enable remote

- Research your facts before you post solutions to the list.  If
you're not sure of the solution to a problem, either do not post, or
first make sure of all the steps and then post.  If you cannot make
sure, state very clearly in the message that you're not sure and that
the user is trying your solution at his/her own risk.  No solution is
preferable to a wrong solution, which may cause immense damage.

For more info please read.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Robson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: List traffic et al

  I've been on the list about eight months and I'm not sure
I agree that splitting it will alleviate the volume problem.
I'm rather afraid that I would end up subscribed to 2 or 3
high volume lists rather than one. I imagine that we would
see a lot of multiple posts across the lists.

Previous suggestions for how the list could be split seem to me to fall into
three categories
1) By platform
2) By competence (i.e. newbie list, advanced user list)
3) By category of problem

Splitting the list on basis of platform strikes me as little perverse
for a java based technology. However I recognise there are
substantive issues because different platform = different web server.
And I guess it would mean no more 'out of environment space'
and 'how do i run tomcat as a service' posts but I already manage to filter
most of these out anyway. My main concern would be that I'd be effectively
cutting off a valuable section of the tomcat community. Whose to say
the person capable and willing to solve my problem isn't running NT?
And conversly why should i only post solutions to people who happen
to be running the same OS as me?

Problem with dividing on competence is that it is not clear how attractive
a newbie list would be. Would people subscribe to a list made up of
people  who by definition are unlikely to know the answer to your question?
Also aren't we trying to foster a strong community of tomcat/servlet
developers. We would hardly be doing that by cutting newbies off
from the 'experts'. After all what is going to happen? Newbies will post
to their list, wait , not get an answer and repost to the advanced users
list. Not a very encouraging introduction to tomcat.

Dividing by category of problem seems to me the suggestion with the
most merit. However here again I'm not convinced. I just think it would be
incredibly difficult to get the right categories. Problems by their nature
tend to cut across such neat boundaries. And half the time you don't
know what category your problem fits into; that's why you have a problem.
Suppose I'm trying to set up SSL. Potentially this is going to fall into
all three of the categories that Sam has suggested. So again I think
we are going to get multiple redundant posts and I think we completly
cloud the issue of where to look for help.

So what is to be done. It seems to me that good documentation projects
(such as the tomcat book at sourceforge) offer the best hope for cutting
the volume on this list. I know there is a big problem people posting
problems which have been dealt with many, many times (sometimes
in the same 

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-06 Thread Andrew Robson

  I've been on the list about eight months and I'm not sure 
I agree that splitting it will alleviate the volume problem.
I'm rather afraid that I would end up subscribed to 2 or 3 
high volume lists rather than one. I imagine that we would
see a lot of multiple posts across the lists.

Previous suggestions for how the list could be split seem to me to fall into 
three categories
1) By platform
2) By competence (i.e. newbie list, advanced user list)
3) By category of problem

Splitting the list on basis of platform strikes me as little perverse
for a java based technology. However I recognise there are
substantive issues because different platform = different web server.
And I guess it would mean no more 'out of environment space'
and 'how do i run tomcat as a service' posts but I already manage to filter
most of these out anyway. My main concern would be that I'd be effectively
cutting off a valuable section of the tomcat community. Whose to say
the person capable and willing to solve my problem isn't running NT?
And conversly why should i only post solutions to people who happen
to be running the same OS as me?

Problem with dividing on competence is that it is not clear how attractive
a newbie list would be. Would people subscribe to a list made up of
people  who by definition are unlikely to know the answer to your question?
Also aren't we trying to foster a strong community of tomcat/servlet
developers. We would hardly be doing that by cutting newbies off 
from the 'experts'. After all what is going to happen? Newbies will post 
to their list, wait , not get an answer and repost to the advanced users
list. Not a very encouraging introduction to tomcat.

Dividing by category of problem seems to me the suggestion with the 
most merit. However here again I'm not convinced. I just think it would be 
incredibly difficult to get the right categories. Problems by their nature 
tend to cut across such neat boundaries. And half the time you don't 
know what category your problem fits into; that's why you have a problem.
Suppose I'm trying to set up SSL. Potentially this is going to fall into 
all three of the categories that Sam has suggested. So again I think 
we are going to get multiple redundant posts and I think we completly
cloud the issue of where to look for help.  

So what is to be done. It seems to me that good documentation projects
(such as the tomcat book at sourceforge) offer the best hope for cutting
the volume on this list. I know there is a big problem people posting 
problems which have been dealt with many, many times (sometimes
in the same day!). I just don't know what  you do about it other than 
regular reminders to check the archives before posting. And it is fairly
clear that doesn't work.

Last point: This list has saved my bacon a couple of times in the last 
eight months. As irritating as the high volume can be I think it is 
still very valuable in its current form.



On Fri, 06 Jul 2001, you wrote:
> I'm not sure that I agree with the idea that I have to wade through all
> these messages "for the good of the list". As I said, I have no experience
> with Tomcat on Windows, so I'm not interested in Windows specific issues nor
> can I help to solve them. Splitting along platform lines should retain a
> relatively good mix of newbies and experienced developers in each list, so I
> don't see the problem you are pointing out.
> In any event, even if the list is split on basic vs. advanced topics,
> advanced users who wanted to help the community could subscribe to all
> lists. I don't think it's necessarily "bad" to want to subscribe only to the
> lists you feel you can learn from. I've been lurking and posting for about 9
> months now and it seems that the same basic group of people answer a
> majority of the questions. I used to answer a lot more than I do now, but
> I'll admit that I get pretty frustrated answering the same questions over
> and over when I know the answers can be easily found in the archive. Is it
> selfish or bad of me to skip over questions I used to answer, or should more
> responsibility be placed on the person asking the question? (rhetorical,
> because there's no way to control whether or not people actually search the
> archives before posting...)
> A digest version is already available for this list.
> --jeff
> > From: Dmitri Colebatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 16:03:14 +1000
> > Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> > 
> > I think the big problem with splitting the list is that everyone is going to
> > be interested in their own little niche.  I f

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-05 Thread Dmitri Colebatch


On Fri,  6 Jul 2001 16:38, Jeff Kilbride wrote:
> Splitting along platform lines should retain
> a relatively good mix of newbies and experienced developers in each list,
> so I don't see the problem you are pointing out.
correct.  I suppose my reply was not so much to your email, more the 
discussion in general.  thats a very valid point you make.

> A digest version is already available for this list.
sorry - I didn't know.  I should RTFM!  (o:


> --jeff
> > From: Dmitri Colebatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 16:03:14 +1000
> > Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> >
> > I think the big problem with splitting the list is that everyone is going
> > to be interested in their own little niche.  I for instance learn nothing
> > by answering many questions that I answer, but I do learn things from
> > reading other answers.  If the list was split, I would (potentially) have
> > the option to only see the messages that I would learn from.  This
> > disadvantages other people on the list.  And this is going to occur at
> > all levels.  Even relative newbies should be capable of answering some
> > questions that they have just dealt with the day before.
> >
> > If we want to reduce traffic surely a digest is the option.  The JBoss
> > list has a _lot_ more traffic than this one, and I am able to receive
> > that in digest mode quite happily.
> >
> > anyway, my 2c
> >
> > cheesr
> > dim
> >
> > On Fri,  6 Jul 2001 15:45, Jeff Kilbride wrote:
> >> Even if the list is not split into these specific sub-topics, I would
> >> certainly like to see it split along Windows/Unix lines. I use Unix
> >> exclusively and I skip over 99% of the Windows questions, because I
> >> don't have any experience with Tomcat on that platform. I'm sure Windows
> >> users feel the same way about Unix related questions.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> --jeff
> >>
> >>> From: "Hemant Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Organization: Supportscape Inc.
> >>> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:39:13 +0530
> >>> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> >>>
> >>> HI:
> >>> Heartly agree with yur idea and before this also i keep on getting
> >>> agree with same kind of ideas but i just dont know who is the moderator
> >>> of this group and how this can be acheived.
> >>> Regards
> >>> Hemant
> >>> - Original Message -
> >>> From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:41 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> >>>
> >>>> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:
> >>>>> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
> >>>>> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
> >>>>> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
> >>>>> whole:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects
> >>>>> them 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
> >>>>> 3.) Webserver integration issues
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
> >>>>> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
> >>>>> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
> >>>>> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
> >>>>> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
> >>>>> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
> >>>>> me.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
> >>>>> missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
> >>>>> work though all the posts
> >>>>
> >>>> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
> >>>> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
> >>>> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
> >>>> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
> >>>> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
> >>>> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
> >>>> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
> >>>> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
> >>>> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
> >>>> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.
> >>>>
> >>>> Milt Epstein
> >>>> Research Programmer
> >>>> Software/Systems Development Group
> >>>> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
> >>>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-05 Thread Jeff Kilbride

I'm not sure that I agree with the idea that I have to wade through all
these messages "for the good of the list". As I said, I have no experience
with Tomcat on Windows, so I'm not interested in Windows specific issues nor
can I help to solve them. Splitting along platform lines should retain a
relatively good mix of newbies and experienced developers in each list, so I
don't see the problem you are pointing out.

In any event, even if the list is split on basic vs. advanced topics,
advanced users who wanted to help the community could subscribe to all
lists. I don't think it's necessarily "bad" to want to subscribe only to the
lists you feel you can learn from. I've been lurking and posting for about 9
months now and it seems that the same basic group of people answer a
majority of the questions. I used to answer a lot more than I do now, but
I'll admit that I get pretty frustrated answering the same questions over
and over when I know the answers can be easily found in the archive. Is it
selfish or bad of me to skip over questions I used to answer, or should more
responsibility be placed on the person asking the question? (rhetorical,
because there's no way to control whether or not people actually search the
archives before posting...)

A digest version is already available for this list.


> From: Dmitri Colebatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 16:03:14 +1000
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> I think the big problem with splitting the list is that everyone is going to
> be interested in their own little niche.  I for instance learn nothing by
> answering many questions that I answer, but I do learn things from reading
> other answers.  If the list was split, I would (potentially) have the option
> to only see the messages that I would learn from.  This disadvantages other
> people on the list.  And this is going to occur at all levels.  Even relative
> newbies should be capable of answering some questions that they have just
> dealt with the day before.
> If we want to reduce traffic surely a digest is the option.  The JBoss list
> has a _lot_ more traffic than this one, and I am able to receive that in
> digest mode quite happily.
> anyway, my 2c
> cheesr
> dim
> On Fri,  6 Jul 2001 15:45, Jeff Kilbride wrote:
>> Even if the list is not split into these specific sub-topics, I would
>> certainly like to see it split along Windows/Unix lines. I use Unix
>> exclusively and I skip over 99% of the Windows questions, because I don't
>> have any experience with Tomcat on that platform. I'm sure Windows users
>> feel the same way about Unix related questions.
>> Thanks,
>> --jeff
>>> From: "Hemant Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Organization: Supportscape Inc.
>>> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:39:13 +0530
>>> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
>>> HI:
>>> Heartly agree with yur idea and before this also i keep on getting agree
>>> with same kind of ideas but i just dont know who is the moderator of this
>>> group and how this can be acheived.
>>> Regards
>>> Hemant
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:41 PM
>>> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
>>>> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:
>>>>> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
>>>>> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
>>>>> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
>>>>> whole:
>>>>> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
>>>>> 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
>>>>> 3.) Webserver integration issues
>>>>> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
>>>>> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
>>>>> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
>>>>> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
>>>>> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
>>>>> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-05 Thread Dmitri Colebatch

I think the big problem with splitting the list is that everyone is going to 
be interested in their own little niche.  I for instance learn nothing by 
answering many questions that I answer, but I do learn things from reading 
other answers.  If the list was split, I would (potentially) have the option 
to only see the messages that I would learn from.  This disadvantages other 
people on the list.  And this is going to occur at all levels.  Even relative 
newbies should be capable of answering some questions that they have just 
dealt with the day before.

If we want to reduce traffic surely a digest is the option.  The JBoss list 
has a _lot_ more traffic than this one, and I am able to receive that in 
digest mode quite happily.

anyway, my 2c


On Fri,  6 Jul 2001 15:45, Jeff Kilbride wrote:
> Even if the list is not split into these specific sub-topics, I would
> certainly like to see it split along Windows/Unix lines. I use Unix
> exclusively and I skip over 99% of the Windows questions, because I don't
> have any experience with Tomcat on that platform. I'm sure Windows users
> feel the same way about Unix related questions.
> Thanks,
> --jeff
> > From: "Hemant Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Organization: Supportscape Inc.
> > Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:39:13 +0530
> > Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> >
> > HI:
> > Heartly agree with yur idea and before this also i keep on getting agree
> > with same kind of ideas but i just dont know who is the moderator of this
> > group and how this can be acheived.
> > Regards
> > Hemant
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:41 PM
> > Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> >
> >> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:
> >>> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
> >>> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
> >>> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
> >>> whole:
> >>>
> >>> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
> >>> 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
> >>> 3.) Webserver integration issues
> >>>
> >>> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
> >>> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
> >>> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
> >>> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
> >>> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
> >>> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
> >>> me.
> >>>
> >>> I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
> >>> missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
> >>> work though all the posts
> >>
> >> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
> >> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
> >> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
> >> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
> >> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
> >> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
> >> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
> >> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
> >> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
> >> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.
> >>
> >> Milt Epstein
> >> Research Programmer
> >> Software/Systems Development Group
> >> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
> >> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-05 Thread Jeff Kilbride

Even if the list is not split into these specific sub-topics, I would
certainly like to see it split along Windows/Unix lines. I use Unix
exclusively and I skip over 99% of the Windows questions, because I don't
have any experience with Tomcat on that platform. I'm sure Windows users
feel the same way about Unix related questions.


> From: "Hemant Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Supportscape Inc.
> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:39:13 +0530
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> HI:
> Heartly agree with yur idea and before this also i keep on getting agree
> with same kind of ideas but i just dont know who is the moderator of this
> group and how this can be acheived.
> Regards
> Hemant
> - Original Message -
> From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:41 PM
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
>> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:
>>> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
>>> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
>>> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
>>> whole:
>>> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
>>> 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
>>> 3.) Webserver integration issues
>>> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
>>> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
>>> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
>>> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
>>> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
>>> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
>>> me.
>>> I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
>>> missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
>>> work though all the posts
>> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
>> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
>> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
>> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
>> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
>> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
>> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
>> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
>> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
>> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.
>> Milt Epstein
>> Research Programmer
>> Software/Systems Development Group
>> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-05 Thread Hemant Singh

Heartly agree with yur idea and before this also i keep on getting agree
with same kind of ideas but i just dont know who is the moderator of this
group and how this can be acheived.
- Original Message -
From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: List traffic et al

> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:
> > Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
> > get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
> > that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
> > whole:
> >
> > 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
> > 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
> > 3.) Webserver integration issues
> >
> > I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
> > like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
> > wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
> > 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
> > and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
> > however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
> > me.
> >
> > I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
> > missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
> > work though all the posts
> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.
> Milt Epstein
> Research Programmer
> Software/Systems Development Group
> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Milt wrote:

> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.

perhaps if we came up with a general consensus as to how to split the lists,
we might get more of a response? As a first draft proposal, what about the
following division:

tomcat-config - for deploying webapps (web.xml, war files), working with
server.xml, running on various platforms etc
tomcat-integration - for working with other webservers, EJB containers,
databases etc.

Please feel free to comment


Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Milt Epstein

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:

> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
> whole:
> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
> 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
> 3.) Webserver integration issues
> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
> me.
> I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
> missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
> work though all the posts

This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

> I think tomcat is a really good product, but for me it did take time to
> figure out how the various config files, and their (initially) unwieldy
> syntax works.
> I no longer consider the tomcat configuration syntax unwieldy, but for a
> newbie it can be hard to understand.

My single bigest complaint is that when there is a problem with the syntax
(e.g. in web.xml) the error is typically not very informative. This in
itself leads to allot of problems.


Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread pete

Perhaps what would be useful here is some type of moderation system for 
threads on the list that so people who find those topics that are most 
helpful - i.e. don't seem to be covered elsewhere in the existing docs, 
can be identified and flagged for inclusion in the 'official' docs.

It could be as simple as replying to a list topic with a(where rating was a score out of 5 stating how helpful the 
thread was) tag or something in the subject and the mailing list 
processor could send it to someone who could collate the threads etc.

There is probably a better way to do this, but hey, it's been a long day :)

I think the list represents excellent value in and of itself, however, 
and generally people only turn to the list if other sources of 
information come up short, or are not clear enough.

I think tomcat is a really good product, but for me it did take time to 
figure out how the various config files, and their (initially) unwieldy 
syntax works.

I no longer consider the tomcat configuration syntax unwieldy, but for a 
newbie it can be hard to understand.


> Paul Wrote:
>> well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>> there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?
> Thanks for that Paul. I kind of stopped using the Sun Java forums because
> they weren't much use, but after looking at the archives these look pretty
> good. Incidently  I found a good archive of them (and others) at
> sam

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Sounds good. Aren't there online tools for creating FAQ's via a web-front
Of course, there are always going to be the people who ask first, read the
documents later :-)

- Original Message -
From: "Emir Alikadic (ADNOC IS&T)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: List traffic et al

> Why don't we then monitor the list for a while and figure out the exact
> questions that keep on coming up.  We can then create an FAQ for the list
> and post it somewhere (maybe Jakarta Project would host it) and we can
> direct all "newbies" there.
> We can then retain [what I perceive is] the purpose of this list, while
> reducing (dramataically) the volume of correspondence.
> How's that?
> Emir.

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Paul Wrote:

> well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?

Thanks for that Paul. I kind of stopped using the Sun Java forums because
they weren't much use, but after looking at the archives these look pretty
good. Incidently  I found a good archive of them (and others) at


RE: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread

Why don't we then monitor the list for a while and figure out the exact
questions that keep on coming up.  We can then create an FAQ for the list
and post it somewhere (maybe Jakarta Project would host it) and we can then
direct all "newbies" there.

We can then retain [what I perceive is] the purpose of this list, while
reducing (dramataically) the volume of correspondence.

How's that?


-Original Message-
From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: List traffic et al

Emir wrote:

> List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; thus, issues such
> as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> of this list.
> Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more often, given as you
> say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> perchance share your knowledge with us?
> The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to the community,
> not only TAKING...
> My 2 cents.

I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just that I've got
tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if I answered
every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any work done (like
most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains that general
discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, which leads me to
believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet mailing list. Now
this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd admit, and if
anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a related note I know
for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% general taglib
discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might be some scope
for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and one covering
integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers etc). Its just that
given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest me (and the
things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting lost. Also the
generla configuration issues are typically for the newer users, whilst more
advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern those people who
are more familiar with Tomcat.
By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that still care about
both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of daily posts..


RE: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Paul Foxton

well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]

perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?

> -Original Message-
> From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 July 2001 11:24
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> Emir wrote:
> > List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; 
> thus, issues such
> > as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> purpose
> > of this list.
> >
> > Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more 
> often, given as you
> > say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> > perchance share your knowledge with us?
> >
> > The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to 
> the community,
> > not only TAKING...
> >
> > My 2 cents.
> I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just 
> that I've got
> tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if 
> I answered
> every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any 
> work done (like
> most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
> questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
> tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
> moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains 
> that general
> discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, 
> which leads me to
> believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet 
> mailing list. Now
> this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd 
> admit, and if
> anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
> servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a 
> related note I know
> for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% 
> general taglib
> discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
> As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might 
> be some scope
> for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and 
> one covering
> integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers 
> etc). Its just that
> given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest 
> me (and the
> things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting 
> lost. Also the
> generla configuration issues are typically for the newer 
> users, whilst more
> advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern 
> those people who
> are more familiar with Tomcat.
> By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
> intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that 
> still care about
> both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
> cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
> something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of 
> daily posts..
> sam

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Emir wrote:

> List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; thus, issues such
> as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> of this list.
> Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more often, given as you
> say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> perchance share your knowledge with us?
> The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to the community,
> not only TAKING...
> My 2 cents.

I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just that I've got
tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if I answered
every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any work done (like
most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains that general
discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, which leads me to
believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet mailing list. Now
this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd admit, and if
anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a related note I know
for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% general taglib
discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might be some scope
for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and one covering
integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers etc). Its just that
given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest me (and the
things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting lost. Also the
generla configuration issues are typically for the newer users, whilst more
advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern those people who
are more familiar with Tomcat.
By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that still care about
both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of daily posts..


RE: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread

List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; thus, issues such
as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the purpose
of this list.

Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more often, given as you
say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
perchance share your knowledge with us?

The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to the community,
not only TAKING...

My 2 cents.



-Original Message-
From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 1:47 PM
Subject: List traffic et al

Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely get
involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me that there
sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a whole:

1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
2.) General tomcat configuration issues
3.) Webserver integration issues

I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people like
Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just wondering if
there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into 2 or 3 lists?
Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up and running and so
don't care too much about that end of things, however the servlet/jsp
development issues is more interesting to me.

I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm missing
some interesting topics because I don't have the time to work though all the
