If you're using the top command, those are not processes, they're
threads within the same (one) JVM process.  That's normal and expected.
The threads may be active (servicing a request), or idle waiting for
one.  In the idle state, they consume negligible system resources.

To configure how many threads Tomcat creates, check out the
maxThread/minThreads/maxSpareThreads and related parameters on the
Connector element in Tomcat's Configuration Reference documentation.

Yoav Shapira http://www.yoavshapira.com

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrew Garrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:24 PM
>Subject: Lots of seemingly dead tomcat processes
>Hi All.
>I've got a bit of an issue with a tomcat installation - I have an ever
>increasing number of processes, and the system users complain of
>intermittant slow performance.  When a particular request is taking a
>long time (generally not responding at all - timing out after a couple
>of minutes) a page-refresh will generally generate a response in a
>normal time frame (on the order of 1-2 seconds).  To me, this is
>symptomatic of a particular request hitting a dead tomcat process,
>while the refresh (being a different request) hits a different tomcat
>process, which responds in a more normal time.
>I'm a sys-admin type, not a developer, and my tomcat-foo is reasonably
>weak (but getting stronger, the more I do with it, of course).
>The system is running on a dual processor 2.8 GHz Xeon box, with 4 gig
>Base OS is Debian GNU/Linux
>I'm using the JRockit JVM, and Tomcat 5.0.27
>The JVM and tomcat are in a chroot jail
>The tomcat server is making SOAP calls to another machine, and talking
>directly to an MS-SQL box - both the machine to which it makes the
>SOAP calls and the MS-SQL box show no indications of load.
>When tomcat is freshly restarted, I have 44 tomcat processes (ps ax |
>grep jrockit | wc -l).  Over time (a number of days) this increases,
>until it hits around 245 processes, and it goes no higher than this.
>What I'm looking for is some sort of solution - either some tomcat
>setting I'm unfamiliar with that might be causing this, or some way
>outside of Tomcat
>I can put a band-aid style fix in place - restarting tomcat every X
>days, but that's uglier than I'd like - I'd far rather identify and
>fix the problem, than do scheduled restarts.
>Any assistance or suggestions that any kind soul can offer would be
>greatly appreciated.
>They sicken of the calm;              http://scroll.redemption.co.nz/
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