Just as a matter of interest, you don't actually need apache to serve out
http requests. tomcat can do that on
its own. Only if you req the features of apache ( performance/config etc )
should you use it.
If your primary interest is servlets/JSP/taglibs etc just use tomcat on its


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Norton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 4:25 PM
Subject: New User help required


I have just started to use Apache and would like to get Tomcat operational =
and I am having some minor problems. I have both tomcat and apache up and =
running and servicing pages as individuals  (http://localhost and =
http://localhost:8080), but am having some problem getting them to run =
together. My set up is

SuSE Linux 7.0

Apache 1.3.12
Tomcat 3.2.1
mod_jk.so (my own compile)

Please could someone post for me (or email me) the contents or an example =
of there httpd.conf file and any other key .conf you feel I may be making =
errors in. This is so that I can see how the tomcat (mod_jk.so) intergrates=
 itself as this seems to be my big stumbling block and dont fully =
understand the available documentation.

many thanks in advance

Jason Norton

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