I left a really bad typo in this message. Here's the fixed version:

I just dropped a clean install of 5.0.25 onto Windows Server 2003, and I
did not install ask for a service from the installer. I don't have
'start and stop tomcat' links in my Start menu at all.

I then tried to run 'TOMCAT_ROOT\bin\catalina run'

to test out my configuration.

It didn't locate the JRE. Unfortunately for me, this caused my entire
command prompt window to *disappear*, instead of just spewing the error
message and returning to command level. 

Adding a JAVA_HOME setting to setenv.bat cured the problem. However, the
disappearing window is rather unkind. A bug? The use of 'exit' in
setclasspath.bat, which is 'called' is what causes this problem, I
think. Setclasspath should set something to indicate success or failure
which can be checked by catalina.bat. 

Meanwhile, according to the GUI for configuring tomcat, it has picked up
the default installation of the JRE in c:\program files. Should that be
visible to any of the command-line mechanisms for launching tomcat, or
is that purely for services?

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