I'm assuming you're using tomcat 4.x.  Hopefully 4.1.27.

>I am new at using Tomcat and have a basic question. I have gone through
>config files but haven't been able to find out where to set the default
>catalina_home directory. I have a web application that is set to

CATALINA_HOME is set as an environment variable.  If not set, it is
autodetected to be the directory above the one containing the
startup/shutdown scripts.

>I would like to set Tomcat to see that directory and use it as default
>serving this webapp.

You can set the webapp's docBase using that attribute in the <Context>
element for your webapp in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml.
Alternatively, you can set the Host's appBase from which all docBases
for the host are derived in the <Host> element in server.xml.  Read the
configuration reference in the tomcat docs for more details.

>The main problem is that the application has its own directory
>makes calls to it accordingly. Sometimes including the entire c:\webapp
>(I didn't develop the app). So I think that changing the Tomcat default
>directory would be easier than reworking all the links throughout the

You might be right about the relative ease of changing.  It depends on
how exactly the webapp is coded.  If it's consistent in its code, you
might be able to change things quickly using Perl or a similar tool.

>I am new to java/jsp development, so right now I am kinda winging it
>learning as I go. Any information on where to look in the documentation
>solve this problem would be great because I haven't found it yet. Or,
>there is a simple solution, the answer would be great as well.

One lesson is not to code webapps like your current one, but instead use
the directory structure outlined in the tomcat app developer's guide:

Specifically, try to use relative links wherever possible, don't include
the webapp's name, host name, or port in a hard-coded way in any links.

Yoav Shapira

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