Where did you put your html file?  It looks like you're trying to get your
html from the root of tomcat.  if you put your file in your own webapp, you
should try 
http://localhost/yourwebapp/zyx.html <http://localhost/yourwebapp/zyx.html>
NOT http://localhost/zyx.html <http://localhost/zyx.html> .
Hope this will solve your problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Qilong Lu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 7:22 AM
Subject: just to be able to browse the Tomcat default page 

Dear Sir or Madam,
Good morning. I am a new student of Tomcat. My computer
is M.S. WindowsXP. I downloaded and installed Tomcat
successfully. I wrote a simple HTML web page (see the 
attacted file) and put it in Tomcat. But it cann't be browsed.
I try to put it in different directory in Tomcat, but the Tomcat
reaction is same, see the follows.
Before I write email to you, I read Tomcat FAQ at jGuru, no
answer mutch my problem. the FAQ-o-matic pages cann't 
be accessed, maybe some one is updating these pages.
I am a brand new student, just like a dummy, please 
take a special care to me. I am waiting for your answer. 
                   Qilong Lu

HTTP Status 404 - /zyx.html


type Status report

message /zyx.html

description The requested resource (/zyx.html) is not available.


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