Good luck ;)  Try running tomcat with one webapp at a time, i.e.
un-deploy the others.  If they're all running within the same JVM, I
don't know how you'd distinguish them.

Also, be careful to distinguish between top and/or the task manager, and
java's Runtime.totalMemory() and .freeMemory() calls.  The java Runtime
ones will always be less, as the top/task manager include OS overhead
memory.  But if you're performance tuning with the java heap, the java
Runtime is what you tune for.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Will Glass-Husain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 5:57 PM
>Subject: memory usage by webapp
>Is there any way to tell how much memory a particular webapp is using?
>know I can get the memory usage for the Tomcat's JVM  as a whole with
>in Linux and the Task Manager in Windows.  (I'm running Windows, I must
>confess).    But I have multiple webapps and would like to see how much
>memory each one is using.
>Thanks in advance, WiLL
>Forio Business Simulations
>Will Glass-Husain
>(415) 440-7500 phone
>(415) 235-4293 mobile

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