Put the new REALM you make in server/lib (if jar) or in server/classes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jakarta Tomcat Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 14:40
Subject: security filter & Realm class file location

Subject: security filter & Realm class file location
From: Torgeir Veimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm working on a security filter that takes a tomcat Realm definition 
exactly as in server.xml. However, I'm facing the problem that the Realm 
& RealmBase classes (which most realms subclass) is defined in 
server/lib/catalina.jar, which is not available to filters located 
within a webapp.

Is my best option to include both Realm & RealmBase classes in the 
filter jar itself, or are there better options?


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