I would start with:


which documents changes to Tomcat 3.3 from Tomcat 3.2.x.
Install a complete copy of Tomcat 3.3.1 and either
copy your web applications over, or refer to:


on how to serve your 3.1.1 webapps without copying them.
As long as your webapps are not dependent on bugs or quirks
in Tomcat 3.1.1, it shouldn't be a lot of work getting them
to run successfully in Tomcat 3.3.1.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Tomsic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 7:23 PM
> Subject: upgrading from v.3.1.1 to v.3.3 ?
> What's involved w/ an upgrade of Tomcat from 3.1.1
> to 3.3?
> Is this a fairly straight forward task, or is it quite
> involved?
> We're experiencing some "odd" behaviour from 3.1.1,
> and can't help but wonder if it's got something to do
> w/ the old version.
> Unfortunately, we're in the middle of a crunch
> deadline, so if it's as simple as say, swapping out a
> jar file or something, that would be great.
> Thoughts, or can someone point me to a FAQ on
> upgrading like this?
> Thanks,
> Paul Tomsic
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