SMP-Support of Tomcat

2001-03-14 Thread Peissig, Uwe


im looking for any information redarding TOMCAT.
Is the Tomcat supporting Multiprocessor environments ?
We want to use Tomcat on 4 processor Sun Hardware and want to know whether
Tomcat can use all ressources or not ( always uses only 1 proc. )

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Réf. : SMP-Support of Tomcat

2001-03-14 Thread JULE, Nicolas - DSIA

Hi uwe,

Tomcat  is multithreaded, but is a single process (the JVM)
The question is then to know  how  your JVM  is scalable on the
machine you work.
Generally JVM are not able to profit of all the ressources of SMP
On my opinion, this is rather a JVM implementation question, than a
question for tomcat.


De :[EMAIL PROTECTED] le 14/03/2001 14:06
Pour :  tomcat-user@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@SMTP@Hays Hub
cc : 
Faxer :
Objet : SMP-Support of Tomcat


im looking for any information redarding TOMCAT.
Is the Tomcat supporting Multiprocessor environments ?
We want to use Tomcat on 4 processor Sun Hardware and want to know
Tomcat can use all ressources or not ( always uses only 1 proc. )

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