I can't get SimpleRealm to work with Tomcat 3.2.3, IIS5 using the redirector

login dialog pops up but auth fails.
after setting debug to 99, log output is as follows

> 2001-10-01 01:41:04 - ContextManager: SimpleRealm: Verify user=null
> 2001-10-01 01:41:04 - ContextManager: Controled access for <box>\<user>
( /javamail + /index.jsp + null) Ct
(jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null) )
> 2001-10-01 01:41:04 - ContextManager: SimpleRealm: UnAuthorized javamail

looks like the auth interface is not working?

here are the config files...

> C:\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml
> ...
> <tomcat-users>
>   <user name="blah" password="blah" roles="blah" />
> </tomcat-users>
> ...
> C:\tomcat\webapps\javamail\WEB-INF\web.xml
> ...
> <web-app>
>       <display-name>JavaMail Test</display-name>
>       <security-constraint>
>               <web-resource-collection>
>                       <web-resource-name>JavaMail</web-resource-name>
>                       <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>                       <http-method>GET</http-method>
>               </web-resource-collection>
>               <auth-constraint>
>                       <role-name>blah</role-name>
>               </auth-constraint>
>       </security-constraint>
> </web-app>
> ...



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