

I have a jsp page that I am trying to run on Tomcat that works in Weblogic.
It appears Tomcat is generating code when compiling the JSP that isn't aware
of the type of class the org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem is -
it looks like at run time it thinks it is a String.  


my JSP looks like this (jstl tags - partial):

<core:forEach var="menuItem" varStatus="status" items="${topnav}">


 <core:when test="${menuItem.tooltip=='help'}">


my tiles def looks like this (partial):

<putList name="topnav">

      <item value="nav.item1" tooltip="impersonationItem"

and the generated servlet code looks like this - Is Jasper not compiling
this correctly??? 

oltip=='help'}", java.lang.String.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context,
null, false));


And when the page runs I get this serlet exception:

ServletException in:/menu.do?menu=topnav] Unable to find a value for
"tooltip" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."' 


Help please :>


Jerry Rodgers

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